“The ones who are in the most pain are the ones who bark the loudest. Pain has many causes and it manifests in many ways, not always with crying. It shows up as impatience, frustration, and of course anger. Be patient with yourself and others when they display pain in its many guises. Do not condone hurtful behavior, but in understanding its cause, perhaps you can help transmute it to love with your loving compassion.” www.suzannegiesemann.com
Category: Spiritual Writings
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You take many steps forward in your evolutionary journey every time you face something that you fear. You are taking these steps forward in spite of the fear response. The emotion of fear is not a bad thing by your definitions of what is good and what is bad.
It is, however, important to note here that what you do, and what you think, and what you say while feeling that fear, these things are important. And you certainly can make better choices. Some choices will be fueled by that fear. You will feel controlled by it, powerless over it, and yet there are other choices that exist that will take full advantage of the opportunity to expand and grow from the situation you are facing.
And that is what we want to encourage you to do. If you see fear as an opportunity for you to grow, to integrate, and to become more of who you are, then it is serving its purpose and it is serving you. What most people do, however, is run away. They run away from the feeling and that which causes the feeling, and you know this because you see it. You see it in front of you in the actions of others, and you see it in yourselves as well. You see how a person shrinks down, literally, in the face of what they fear.
When you stand tall and recognize that you are more powerful than that which you fear, that is when you have the growth experience that you want. That is when you take what life has handed to you and you use it. Everything, now, that you encounter can be seen as another opportunity to take a step forward, moving you closer and closer to the fifth dimension.
When the fear comes up within you, feel it, acknowledge it, acknowledge what it is that you are afraid of, and don’t back down. Demonstrate to yourselves that in your ability to face that which you fear, you automatically receive the full benefit of what you have created.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
Osho on Giving
“Love is innocent when there is no motive in it. Love is innocent when it is nothing but a sharing of your energy. You have too much, so you share… you want to share.
And whosoever shares with you, you feel grateful to him or her, because you were like a cloud – too full of rainwater – and somebody helped you to unburden. Or you were like a flower, full of fragrance, and the wind came and unloaded you. Or you had a song to sing, and somebody listened attentively… so attentively that he allowed you space to sing it. So to whomsoever helps you to overflow in love, feel grateful.
Imbibe that spirit of sharing, let that become your very style of life: to be capable of giving without any idea of getting, to be capable of giving without any conditions attached to it, to be capable of giving just out of your abundance.”
Osho, The 99 Names of Nothingness, Talk #8
Forgiveness, Freedom and Creating
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
It is the primary purpose of offering your forgiveness to free yourself from the burden of what you are carrying with you. It is not for the benefit of the other person, even though the other person will benefit from your forgiveness. It is the releasing of the resentment, the anger, and the victimhood that will serve you the most in offering your forgiveness.
Your forgiveness is not saying to another person that you are okay with that person doing or saying what they did or said again, but you are letting go of the need to relive it within yourself. Before you forgive someone, you often relive the experience as if thinking about it over and over again is going to change the outcome. It is not. It has a greater likelihood of reoccurring in your experience however, if you continue to give it your attention.
If you want to get obsessed with something, get obsessed with something that you want to occur in your life, not something that you wish had never occurred in the first place. Being the one who offers forgiveness is being proactive. It puts you back in the driver’s seat as the creator of your reality. It gives you an opportunity to express your feelings, and ultimately to clear away the trauma of the experience that you had.
Often you humans like to play the role of the victim because you understand that you are likely to get sympathy from those who can identify with that perspective. And every single one of you on planet Earth can identify with feeling as though you have been victimized. However, not every single one of you can relate to the idea of yourselves as the creator of your reality.
The world needs more creator beings. The world is going to benefit from your willingness to see whatever has occurred in your life as a co-creation, to see your part in it, and to forgive yourself as well as all other people involved in that creation so that you can step into the power of knowing yourself as the wonderful creator being that you truly are. Feel the freedom of forgiveness as it flows through you, and see what you can make room for when you let go of all of that baggage.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com
Suzanne Giesemann Channels Sanaya
“When another slings words that hurt you, they are doing so out of ignorance. “Oh no,” you say, “they knew exactly what they were saying.” Hear us well: Any time one human hurts another, they do so out of ignorance that they are also hurting themselves. How can one finger on the same hand hurt another … one leaf on the same tree hurt another? It would not happen if each realized the same Source unites them as one.
In your ignorance of this fact, humans say and do hurtful things. Remember this the next time you are the one who comes from that place of forgetting. We forgive you, for this is how you learn. Learning can be painful, and some people may never learn, but the soul knows and is ever patient with humans in the process of learning.” suzannegiesemann.com
You Are In This World To Bring Joy To Those Around You
“It is the right vibrations that matter, not false and empty words. When you have something to say, let it be loving and positive. Learn to count to ten before allowing an unkind or critical word to escape your lips. You are in this world to bring joy to those around you, not to hurt or criticize them. Look for the very best in everyone and you will see it, then build on it and watch how they flower and flourish when cared for by love and appreciation. Never take anyone for granted. Always remember a little appreciation goes a long way and a kind and loving word is so easily given, so open your heart and give freely.” Eileen Caddy – findhorn.org
“The Four Agreements” by Miguel Ruiz
You Are A Creator
Osho on Meditation
Meditation Is a Quality of Being
“Meditation is a quality of being that you bring to the act. It is not a particular act, it is not that you do this then it is meditation – that you sit in a certain posture,siddhasana, and you keep your spine erect, and you keep your eyes closed or you look at the tip of your nose or you watch your breath, then it is meditation – no, these are just devices for the beginners….
“Do you know that the words meditation and medicine come from the same root? Meditation is a kind of medicine; its use is only for the time being. Once you have learned the quality, then you need not do any particular meditation, then the meditation has to spread all over your life. Only when you are meditative twenty-four hours a day then can you attain, then you have attained. Even sleeping is meditation.”
Clear Out the Negative Thoughts
“How do you feel about those things that you are giving most of your attention to? If there is something in your life that gives you negative emotion almost every time you think about it, we would do anything that we could do to get that negative thing out of our awareness.”
—Abraham, April 05, 1998