Angel Message from Ann Albers

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In the midst of the darkness, many centuries ago, there came a great light. A humble child was born in a manger embodied a love so pure and surrendered to a light so bright that it forever changed and elevated the vibration of humanity.

Each of you remembers this light. Each of you longs for this light. Each one of you is birthed from this light, and each of you celebrates this light when you find it birthed within your own lives.

You feel this light in every kind word and ever thoughtful gesture. You see this light in the eyes of every baby who looks upon the world with wonder. You feel this light in your own hearts when you extend compassion to a fellow human being. You channel this light when you feel the currents of love and appreciation running through you, and every time you share a loving word or gesture with one another.

This light lives in you. You, are the manger in which the light is born over and over again. You are the lamps that never extinguish. You are spirit of the season and your light is present all year long.

So as you embark on your holiday season, be the lights of the world. When you shop for presents, shop with love. When you make a gift, hold it to your heart and fill it with love. When you bake, bake with love. When you share with a charity, do so with love. When you leave your milk and cookies for Santa, know that you are leaving an offering of love for the spirit of love and generosity itself. When you can sit for a moment, ask to be filed with heavenly peace, and to feel find the presence of the silent night within your own quietly beating heart.

We wish you a season filled with peace, joy, wonder, and most of all, the beautiful light birthed within you, shining forth into a world in need.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”

Mastering Thought Forms


“When you master a virtue, you are also mastering a high-vibrational thought-form. Once your thoughts are of a high enough vibration, they connect to a Law and work in unison with it. Virtues can bend time and space and they move faster than the speed of light. Negative thought forms and the vices attached to them never leave the Earth’s magnetic pull. Nothing shows the fundamental truth of duality of the Third Plane of Existence better than virtues and vices.

Most virtues come with learning experiences that include vices, or negative thoughts to overcome in order to attain the virtues. Vices are used as motivation to go forward. Vices are not our enemy, they are actually designed to make us feel safe and secure. They ‘create’ a comfort zone for use. Our subconscious is trying to keep us protected. It keeps us feeling negative thought forms, but often they are connected to positive lessons.

One of the reasons why some people do not master virtues is because of their attachment to this plane and the relationships that they have with family and friends. They are afraid that if they progress too far spiritually, they may move beyond the third dimension and leave the people behind. On an intrinsic level, the soul already knows that it must develop virtues. It creates situations so that we can develop virtues for whatever goal it is seeking to attain. We create every negative (or positive) situation in order to raise our level of vibration. It is how we react to these situations that dictate the depth of pain and misery, or joy and happiness, that we experience in our daily life. When we focus our thoughts, we can be aware of what it is creating.

Our challenge is to live in a state of pure love, unaffected by all the negativity of this existence. One way to do this is to find out what we are creating in our life. It is true that our soul is always creating something for us to learn. When we focus our thoughts, we can be aware of what it is creating. In this way, we can focus on what we are supposed to do through our divine timing. Our divine timing is the reason that we are here – our mission in this life.

As important as it is to have virtues, it is also important to be able to direct our thoughts and send them with kindness, love, harmony, and humility. These energies are created by having enough virtues to influence a Law. The thought must be pure- a light thought – and precisely directed into the atomic structure of the beginning of all creation. Virtues give us the desire to do this by holding a pure frequency of vibration.

How do you know when you have learned enough to have mastered a virtue? By acknowledging that you have mastered it, practicing it, and feeling the change within you. You will feel the change, especially when you realize what the universe is trying to teach you. This is part of the awakening; the realization that you are a fifth plane being living in this illusion who wants to progress through the levels of the Fifth Plane.

By Viana at ThetaHealing 

Being A Pollyanna

“We would demonstrate to everyone that we are cheerful, that we are optimistic, that we are happy, that we are looking for the best-feeling thought that we can find — and that we’ve practiced it so much that we often find it. And then, as people say to you, in accusing tones, ‘Oh, you are a Pollyanna,’ announce to them, ‘Pollyanna lived a very happy life.’ “

—Abraham,  April 28, 2005

The Desire of the Masses ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have the place in history that many other beings have sought. You are at the heart of something that is so gigantic, and yet most of the people on planet Earth are unaware that anything at all is happening. This is as it needs to be at this time. To make history, it is still necessary for most humans to remain asleep.

The reason why it is necessary is because you need the intensity of the polarity that you are experiencing on planet Earth right now to fuel you. You need the desire for change to be great enough amongst the vast majority of you in order to make the shift. It is very appropriate that there is so much discontent among the masses. It is creating the ideal conditions for the shift that you have been waiting for.

Extreme polarities create a need for balance. If you were all content, awake, peaceful, harmonious beings, you would still be shifting and evolving, but you wouldn’t do it as quickly as you are doing it now. The desire simply would not be there. Desire can be a wonderful tool. It can be such a powerful catalyst.

Now, there is also the truth that more and more people are waking up every day, and the newly awakened have the propensity to feel empowered and to have the ability to sense that their desires will be fulfilled. Some of you who have been awake for quite some time have become jaded, some have lost hope, but all are holding more light within them.

And those of you who have awakened first on planet Earth are lighting the way for the newly awakened, and you are all capitalizing on the huge desire for change that is among the collective.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

A Renewed Desire For Life

“There will be a time, not so far from now, that you will look back on this phase of your life and instead of condemning it or beating up on it… Instead of blaming or guilting, you will feel appreciation for it, because you will understand that a renewed desire for life was born out of this time period that will bring you to physical heights that you could not have achieved without the contrast that gave birth to this desire.”

—Abraham-Hicks, October 04, 1997

Your Spiritual Gift Checks from Ann Albers

“Happy Holidays no matter how you celebrate!  During this busy season don’t forget to connect with heaven every day. Just sit, breathe, and receive the love of God and your angels who love to give you the Present of their Presence and Love every day!
Love you all!
Ann & the Angels”

Click here for your Spiritual Gift Checks!     

Life Is Supposed To Be Fun

“If you know that all is well, you know all you need to know. And if you know life is supposed to be fun, you know more than almost anybody else knows. And if you know that the way you feel is your indicator of how connected you are to Source, then you know that which only a handful of Deliberate Creators, respective to the total population, really know. The beasts all know it.

Your animals know that all is well. Your animals live in the moment. They understand the power of their now. They expect the Universe to yield to them. They don’t worry or fret or conjure or make laws or rules or try to regulate. They are Pure Positive Energy. Your beasts vibrate more on the Energy scale of contentment than of passion. Their desire was set forth from Nonphysical, and continues to be set forth by those, like you, who want Energy balance, who want sustenance.

The difference between the beast and the human is that the beast is more general in its intent. The human is usually less blended, usually less allowing of the Energy to flow, but is more specific. And that is why the human is seen to be the Creator while the beast is more the balancer of Energy.”

Abraham-Hicks, 10/15/98