“But it does take the determination that you’re going to put your thoughts upon something that does feel good. And so, here we’re going to make a very bold statement: any disease could be healed in a matter of days, any disease, if distraction from it could occur and a different vibration dominate—and the healing time is about how much mix-up there is in all of that.” Abraham-Hicks, 7/20/02
Category: Spiritual Writings
A Prosperity Affirmation
You are Offering a Signal and the Universe Responds
“When you begin to understand Law of Attraction, and you understand that which is like unto itself is drawn, then it is easier and easier to understand that you are offering a signal, and the entire Universe responds. And when you finally get that, and you begin to exercise some deliberate control about the signal that you offer, then it really begins to be fun, because then you recognize that nothing happens outside of your creative control. There are no things that happen by chance or by circumstance. There is nothing that is happening because of something you vibrated a long time ago or in a past life. It is not about what you were born into. It is only about what you are, right now, in this red hot fresh moment emitting.”
— Abraham – June 20th, 1998
Osho on Wealth
“All the religions have been against wealth because wealth can give you all that can be purchased in life. And almost everything can be purchased except those spiritual values – love, compassion, enlightenment, freedom. But these few things are exceptions, and exceptions always prove the rule. Everything else you can purchase with money. Because all the religions have been against life, they were bound to be against money. That is a natural corollary. Life needs money because life needs comforts, life needs good food, life needs good clothes, good houses. Life needs beautiful literature, music, art, poetry. Life is vast!”
Osho, From Death to Deathlessness, Talk #22,
(Rajneesh (born Chandra Mohan Jain, 11 December 1931 – 19 January 1990), also known as Osho orAcharya Rajneesh, or simply Rajneesh, was the Indian leader of the Rajneesh Movement.)
The Surprising Side of Honoring Yourself
As I’ve really started learning how to honor myself and my needs, there’s been something incredibly awful and painful about it.
Literally. It physically hurt in my body. My heart ached, my nervous system got blown out, and all I wanted to do was crawl out of my skin or take a nap. Basically anything other than being inside my own experience.
There was one afternoon where I actually tried walking away from myself several times… funny thing, though, I just kept following me around.
I’ve been doing all these things that are good lately. SO incredibly good. I’m showing up, saying what’s true, setting boundaries, and no longer tolerating the old patterns and ways of being. I’m claiming my desires in a very big way. I’m letting go, clearing out, and making space. I’m owning my worth, my value, my influence, and my expertise.
And let me tell you, all this good stuff?
It hurt like hell at first.
I thought the part that would hurt would be the fallout. The repercussions of not giving others exactly what they wanted. Not showing up in the ways that were expected, that are no longer aligned with who I am and who I’m becoming. People punishing me, getting angry, or leaving.
But what actually hurt was when they stayed.
When they heard me, had new conversations with me, kept loving me anyways. When they stepped up and into new ways of relating to me, being with me, and growing with me. When they were supportive and began holding the vision of what I want to create with me — believing in me and reflecting my value back to me.
I know. I couldn’t understand why it hurt like it did either.
It’s all so incredibly beautiful, amazing, and loving.
Until I realized… it’s grief.
Truly claiming your worth, your value, and your right to be treated with consideration and respect — it involves acknowledging the levels at which you didn’t in the past. The ways you betrayed yourself, didn’t have your own back, and weren’t your own advocate.
For me, it was pure heartache for the girl who allowed and tolerated some pretty horrible behaviors. The girl who disappeared completely, time and time again, because she believed the lie that she was “too much.” That she was wrong and bad and broken. That she had to sacrifice herself for the sake of other people’s comfort.
Feeling the grief and experiencing the “ouch” is NOT about blame. It’s not about dwelling on the past or spinning out and beating ourselves up. It’s simply recognition. It’s about looking at it all and realizing, “oh… that wasn’t okay and I deserve better. That’s not something I should ever tolerate for any reason.”
Because the other side of truly claiming your worth, your value, and your right to be treated with consideration and respect — it involves learning how to operate from that space ALL THE TIME.
Demanding better. Creating different experiences. Engaging with the world around you from a more centered and empowered space.
It hurts to grieve what was. All the things that were hard and horrible, along with the relationships, experiences, and heartache that never should have been…
It also hurts to realize that you can no longer settle for less than you desire or deserve. Because that realization rips you right out of the familiar space you’ve grown so comfortable with. There’s nothing left to do but show up, go after what you want, and focus on the relationships and experiences that are aligned… which can honestly leave you feeling like a raw, exposed nerve.
And WOW. Because on the other side of feeling your way through the grief and into this new way of honoring yourself… there’s a lightness like you’ve never experienced. A level of peace and focus and feeling fully grounded in who you are and who you’re becoming.
There’s just you, what you want, and what you’re working towards.
This work is deep and hard and painful at times… but it’s worth the ouch. It’s worth what’s waiting for you on the other side. It’s worth creating the space for the right people, experiences, and opportunities to show up (and for people to surprise you by continuing to love and support you through this growth). It’s worth it to finally start stepping into who you’re here to be because you’re finally honoring your worth and your value.
You just have to keep feeling your way through it.
You have to keep facing forward and doing the work.
Even when it hurts, especially when it’s hard.
Originally published at www.callofthevoid.tv.
We Are What We Believe
“When you were raised in your particular family, you were told what to believe; you were expected to believe as your family did. Because your brain works as a computer, you either took what they told you as a program, or you rejected it. From the time you were a small baby, you were told that if you touched a hot plate, it would burn you. As a child you agreed this was a truth and so believed it, and took it as a program.
So in the act of creating programs, the mind acts like a computer accepting data. How we respond depends on the information that we receive and how we interpret it and determines whether it becomes a belief system. When a belief has been accepted as real by the body, mind, or soul, it becomes a program. Programs can be to our benefit or detriment, depending on what they are and how we are reacting to them. In their negative form, they can have adverse effects on our heart, mind, body, and soul.
We are manifestations of what we believe and how we are programmed. Everything we are makes us in our body, in the now. What we believe we are, we are. If you have too many negative beliefs, if causes an energy fracture in who and what you are. If you are dealing with too much guilt, you will attract bad bacteria. If you have too much resentment, you will draw fungi into the body. If you feel unworthy, you will draw viruses. Belief work can clear these emotions and vibrations.
When you remove, replace, or instill belief and feeling programs, you work with all the planes that you are currently connected to and exist in. As these “programs” are removed, it permits you to use all the planes at once instead of being trapped on one or two. All the manifestations of power can be used simultaneously. As your negative programs are removed and replaced with programs without limits, we may start to manifest for important changes.
Once these programs are changed, you can live in the present moment of the absolute love to see clearly what is really going on with the people around you. Even though you are in a Third Plane of Existence “body,” you can still tap into absolute truth. Releasing those negative belief programs will free your mind to accept the law of truth. Belief work empowers people with the ability to remove these negative programs and belief systems and replace them with positive ones from the Creator of All That Is. It is a changing of behavior. This behavior may be physical, mental, or spiritual in nature. This also enables healing to happen. Allowing more of the Creator’s energy to affect change, which is creation, will bring about instant healings. ThetaHealing.com
The Gift
“Don’t try to recreate peak experiences. Instead, just accept them as the gift that they are, and don’t beat up on yourself for not being able to stay there. Because if you stayed there, they wouldn’t be peak experiences. They would be normal, every day in time hum drum boring, experiences. So, savor the peak experiences and compliment yourself upon your achieving of them, and expect more of them, and leave everything else out of the equation.”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/20/01
Uncorked – Sanaya
“Love bottled up. Have you ever felt this? It bubbles up inside of you and needs to be released, needs to be shared. This is how you were in the beginning—one big potential of Love . . . a great, bottomless well of love with seemingly nowhere to go. And so you created, and suddenly Love could be seen and mirrored back at itself. And it was good. Look around you, Love. The well never runs dry. It simply finds new ways and forms of expression.” www.suzannegiesemann.com
– Suzanne Giesemann channels Sanaya
Happy New Year!
A Progress Report for the Volunteers ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are pleased to give you this progress report. It has been quite a ride for those of you who have volunteered to be here at this time, to help with the shift in consciousness, for humanity and planet Earth. You have endured so much, and yet it seems as though there is no end to how much life can throw at you.
The progress that we can see from where we sit is that all of you who have been struggling are gaining some momentum in your responses to what your lives have thrown at you. You have identifiable traction that we can see and feel. It is the energetic support that you have been calling upon and have begun receiving.
You are able to stand a bit taller, hold your vibrations a bit longer, and you are turning the traumas, tragedies, and frustrations of your lives into the fodder that you will use to create the new Earth of the fifth dimension. Those of you who have felt alone for quite some time are beginning to find each other, and you are sharing your stories.
More and more of you are realizing that you’re not alone, that there is power in your numbers, and it is not just the asking that you have been doing that is paying off. But because you are connecting and recognizing yourselves as a collective, you are benefitting from the asking of those other volunteers, like yourselves, who have come to help.
Now some of you often feel like you’re not doing enough, or you sense that there’s a purpose for you being here on planet Earth, but you cannot determine what that is. And that is because there are no actions necessary for you to take. Your presence here and your willingness to endure is your gift to the rest of humanity. It is your gift to the entire galaxy and the entire universe, as you summon forth so much more of that high frequency energy because of what you’ve endured, because of the struggles that you’ve faced.
Everything now is pointing you towards the ascension of humanity, and it is up to you to feel for the support that you’re getting, the connections that you’re making, and to remember the bigger picture here of what you are accomplishing. This is an historic time for the planet and all of her inhabitants, and you who are awakened are the ones who are leading the movement forward.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” danielscranton.com