Message From Ann And The Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Your life upon the earth, whether it is only a few years or a hundred, is so very short in the span of eternity. It is a precious gift and an experience that each and every one of you desired before you were born. You wanted to shift your awareness from the world of spirit into the physical because you saw it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to love, and to expand in your awareness of the love that lives within all things.

There is and never has been anything small or insignificant about you. In every moment you choose to love yourself, another, or even the ground beneath your feet, the entire fabric of creation knows more love. In every moment you overcome a challenge, the entirety of the human race will have easier opportunities to overcome similar challenges. In every desperate moment, when you think one loving thought, the entire collective human consciousness is infused with greater love.

You are not separate. You never were, and you never will be. The energy that abides in you connects all of you in the invisible realms. It is in only in moments of deep Presence, or when you take your leave of this physical existence that you will see the subtle, loving, fabric of creation that unites you as One.

Your life in this physical existence, no matter how challenging is precious. Can you imagine that the Infinite has taken form within you, and allowed you to direct it in any way you choose? Through your choices, you give God experiences in the physical world. Through your actions, you allow the Divine to witness and experience itself. As you gaze upon a rose, the Divine looks through your eyes and sees its own beauty. As you gaze in the mirror, the Divine sees one of its own beautiful faces.

Your life is a gift. Treasure it dear ones. Don’t worry so much about the state of the world. Be more concerned with the state of your inner being. Don’t worry so much if others can’t love you or one another. Be more concerned with loving yourself, loving others, and allowing yourself the most amazing experience you can here upon your earth. Savor your moments. Savor your interactions. Savor the challenges because they lead to love’s ultimate victories. Be an example of God’s love for one another for this is how you will uplift and educate those for whom you care.

When you eventually leave your bodies you will look back and see that every moment of your human life was rich with potential to experience and expand love. Make use of your time here on earth. Enjoy your life to the fullest, and look for the love you can receive or contribute to each moment, for in doing so you embrace heaven, right here, right now.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels,

Meditation is Powerful ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

When you are sitting quietly and paying attention to your breath, that is when you are at your most powerful. That is when you are the most connected, the most aligned, and the most aware. Many individuals believe that if they are thinking during meditation, then they are not doing it right, and it somehow doesn’t count. Many people give up on meditation because they believe they are not good at it, and therefore have no business doing it.

But thinking during your meditation time can also bring you great insights. You can become aware of what is important to you. You can determine your vibration by paying attention to your thoughts, and you certainly can become more aware of your emotions by first noticing your thoughts. So let go of any sense of perfectionism you have when it comes to meditation, and instead focus on the benefits.

When you are in a state of meditation, you are rejuvenating yourself, you are accessing more of the Source Energy that you truly are, and you are in a state of receiving. When you meditate, you are not technically doing anything, but you are accomplishing so much. It is in your non-action that you allow everything that you have already done to take effect.

You affect this universe more in your attention to your vibration than all of your actions, words, and thoughts put together. Give yourselves the gift of as many minutes of meditation as you can possibly grant yourselves in a day, because it will always be time well spent.

You are masters, each and every one of you, and in a meditative state, if you allow yourselves to, you can feel how masterful and powerful you are. You can feel yourself expanding, becoming, and accessing. It is a gift, and the more you receive the gift of meditation, the more you will receive from the universe.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

We Are Not Our Thoughts – Michael Singer


“As Michael Singer points out in his excellent book, The Untethered Soul, “True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection.”

When we learn to step back from our thoughts and feelings to the point of recognizing that we are not our thoughts and feelings, but rather the observer who is experiencing those thoughts and feelings, a magical “Aha!” moment of epiphany occurs.

Since learning to identify with the “observer” awareness can be the single biggest change any of us can make in our lives, we can make room in our daily schedule for a few minutes of meditation time. Take a look at your daily patterns, and see where you might be able to dedicate a few minutes on a regular basis purely to noting whatever you are thinking and whatever you are feeling—and simply observing that you are not those thoughts and feelings, but rather you are the one observing those thoughts and feelings. From such a vantage point, you can thus choose from a vast assortment of possible responses what kind of persona, character, words and actions you’ll adopt.”


A Journey Through Frequency States

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.

It is a matter of frequency. It is a placing of attention upon a particular frequency that is the answer to most questions. That is your journey now. This is an energetic journey through frequency states, you see. Everything else that plays out in your reality is a reflection of the frequency that you hold. It really is not any more complicated than that. Therefore, give more of your attention to the frequency that you are holding.

How do you that, you might wonder. Well, the more in tune you are with your feeling state, the easier it is for you then to measure the frequency that you are holding. The higher frequencies feel better in your physical bodies than the lower ones, and there is no reason for you to fear or judge the lower frequency states. There is no reason for you to judge yourselves for having activated those lower frequency states. That is the first place for you to start.

Let go of any notion that you have that a frequency you are holding is somehow inappropriate, that you should fear it, or that you should feel bad about yourself for accessing it. It’s just there to be experienced and also to give you a point of relativity. You cannot really know that you have moved from a lower frequency to a higher frequency without first becoming aware of the lower frequency and what it feels like in your body.

So start by celebrating that you are aware of the frequency that you are holding. And if you are holding a higher frequency, then simply amplify it, ride the wave of it, enjoy the feeling to the greatest extent possible. Let go of your desires to understand where the frequencies come from, how you got to where you are, and just embrace it all.

Activating a frequency is as easy as modifying your breath. You know that when you pay attention to your breathing, you can shift how deeply, how slowly or quickly you are breathing, and the same is true of your frequency state. If you put your attention on it, with the intention of raising it, it does not have to be more complicated than modifying your breath. In fact, you could say that the two go hand-in-hand.

So utilize your breath and your ability to consciously breathe in order to tune yourself to your frequency state, in order to amplify your frequency state, and in order to enjoy those higher frequency states to the greatest extent possible. And then, it is our recommendation that you do not look around your world for immediate results.

Instead, continue to enjoy your ability to modify your frequency, because in doing so you change the way you feel. And then the reality around you doesn’t have to change in order for you to feel good.

We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Daily Meditation

‘”If you make your relationship with your Inner Being your top priority, and you deliberately choose thoughts that allow your alignment, you will consistently offer the greatest advantage to the others with whom you interact. Only when you are aligned with your Source do you have anything to offer another.

If your behavior is influenced by your desire to keep another person happy, you will lose your Connection to your Source. And it is not possible for you to be happy unless you are in alignment with your Source. Without that alignment, you have nothing to offer another.

Our daily meditation process will help you to consistently release resistance and to come into alignment with the power and clarity and love that is really who-you-are—and then anyone who you hold as your object of attention will benefit.

Rather than attempting the impossible task of trying to behave in ways that please others, show them the ease of finding your consistent alignment. You will always find happiness inside your Vortex. And the happiness that they are seeking is inside their Vortex.”

Abraham–Hicks, Exerpted from Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10

Come Into Alignment With Money

“You are right when you think, Money isn’t everything. You certainly do not need money to have joy in your experience. But in your society—where so much of what you live is tied to money in some way—most of you associate money with freedom. And since freedom is a basic tenet of your being, then coming into alignment with money will help you establish a balanced footing that will be of value to you in all other aspects of your experience.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08

Osho on What Is the Criterion of Beauty?

“Studies have shown that beautiful people, those seen as being attractive, are more successful, so can beauty also be empirical? What is the criterion of beauty, and is the appearance of outer beauty always just a reflection of the inner?

“The outer beauty comes from a different source than the inner. The outer beauty comes from your father and mother: their bodies create your body. But the inner beauty comes from your own growth of consciousness that you are carrying from many lives.

“In your individuality both are joined, the physical heritage from your father and mother and the spiritual heritage of your own past lives, its consciousness, its bliss, its joy.

“So it is not absolutely necessary that the outer will be a reflection of the inner, nor will vice versa be true, that the inner will correspond with the outer.

“But sometimes it happens that your inner beauty is so much, your inner light is so much that it starts radiating from your outer body. Your outer body may not be beautiful, but the light that comes from your sources, your innermost sources of eternal life, will make even a body which is not beautiful in the ordinary sense appear beautiful, radiant.

“But vice versa it is never true. Your outer beauty is only skin-deep. It cannot affect your inner beauty. On the contrary the outer beauty becomes a hindrance in search of the inner: you become too identified with the outer. Who is going to look for the inner sources? Most often it happens that the people who are outwardly very beautiful, are inwardly very ugly. Their outer beauty becomes a cover-up to hide themselves behind, and it is experienced by millions of people every day. You fall in love with a woman or a man, because you can see only the outer. And just within a few days you start discovering his inner state; it doesn’t correspond to his outer beauty. On the contrary it is very ugly.

“For example, Alexander the Great had a very beautiful body but he killed millions of people, just to fulfill his ego that he is the world conqueror. He met one man, Diogenes, when he was on his way to India, who lived naked, the only man in Greece who did, unique in a way. His beauty was tremendous, not just the outer, but the inner radiance was so much and so dazzling that even Alexander had to stop his armies when he was close by in a forest near a river. He stopped the armies and went to see Diogenes alone; alone, because he did not want anybody to know that there exists a man who is far more beautiful than Alexander himself.

“It was early morning and Diogenes was taking a sunbath, naked on the riverbank. Alexander could not believe that a beggar…. He had nothing, no possessions – even Buddha used to have a begging bowl, but that too Diogenes had thrown away. He was absolutely without any possessions, exactly as he was born, naked.

“Alexander could not believe his eyes. He had never seen such a beautiful personality and he could see that this beauty was not just on the outer side. Something infiltrated from the inner; a subtle radiation, a subtle aura surrounded him. All around him there was a fragrance, a silence.

“If the inner becomes beautiful – which is in your hands – the outer will have to mold itself according to the inner. The outer is not essential, it will have to reflect the inner in some way.

“But the converse is not true at all. You can have plastic surgery, you can have a beautiful face, beautiful eyes, a beautiful nose; you can change your skin; you can change your shape. That is not going to change your being. Inside you will still remain greedy, full of lust, violence, anger, rage, jealousy, with a tremendous will to power. All these things the plastic surgeon can do nothing about.

“For that you will need a different kind of surgery. It is happening here: you are on the table. As you become more and more meditative, peaceful, a deep at-onement with existence happens. You fall into the rhythm of the universe. The universe also has its own heartbeat. Your heartbeat, once it starts in rhythm with the universal heartbeat, will have transformed your being from that ugly stage of animality, into authentic humanity.

“And even the human is not the end. You can go on searching deeper and there is a place where you transcend humanity and something of the divine enters in you. Once the divine is there, it is almost like a light in a dark house. The windows will start showing the light; even the cracks in the wall or the roof or the doors will start showing the inner light.

“The inner is tremendously powerful, the outer is very weak. The inner is eternal, the outer is very temporary. How many years do you remain young? And as youth fades away you start feeling that you are becoming ugly, unless your inner being is also growing with your age. Then even in your old age you will have a beauty that the youth may feel jealous of.”, Sat Chit Anand, Talk #27


Using A Pendulum For Divination

“The pendulum is a humble, but powerful, tool of self-insight.

I have used the pendulum on and off for years and it’s a wonderful way of gaining quick, straight-forward, and often surprising answers!

However, while the dowsing pendulum is an inexpensive and effective form of divination, there are some things you need to know before starting.


There are many different definitions of divination, and often they describe the practice of fortune telling. But I want to be clear here. I neither believe in nor support fortune telling. I believe that we have the power to shape our own futures. No path is set in stone until we decide to shape it.

Instead, divination to me is a form of gaining insight into a question or situation. Divination can also help the seeker to foresee the potential outcome of a choice or decision. Therefore, I personally approach any form of divination as a method of gaining higher knowledge, mental clarity, and spiritual/material guidance.


Do we receive answers by magic? By spirits? By psychic powers? My preferred answer is that the dowsing pendulum works by connecting us to the unconscious mind, also known as the Akashic Records.

When we ask a question, our unconscious mind responds by influencing the nerve endings in our fingers causing the pendulum to swing in response. In other words, our body outwardly expresses our inner knowing.


Building a relationship with your pendulum is quite straight-forward, however like anything worth pursuing, it takes a bit of time and commitment.

In order to learn your pendulum’s ‘language’ and attune it to your unconscious mind, you will need to ask it a few questions.

Take the following steps:

1. Take a few deep breaths. This will help to ground and centre you.

2. Ask for guidance and support. I like to say a prayer to my Soul (Higher Self) and Spirit Guides to ensure that I receive the clearest, most objective answers possible. I encourage you to do the same if this resonates with you.

3. Next, ask your pendulum some questions in order to determine what means “yes,” “no,” and “maybe.” Your pendulum may swing backwards, forwards, side to side, clockwise or counterclockwise. In order to understand what the directions mean, try the following two approaches and see which one you like better:

  • The first approach is to simply say to the pendulum, “show me a yes” and wait for it to swing. Then say, “show me a no” and wait for it to swing. Finally, ask it “show me maybe” and wait for its response. Thank you pendulum, note the directions and proceed with your question.
  • The second approach is to ask the pendulum questions that will establish objective responses. For example, if you want to know in what direction your dowsing pendulum will swing “yes,” ask it affirmative questions such as “Am I male/female?” “Am I __ years old?” “Are my eyes blue?” Notice which direction your pendulum swings. Then ask it questions that signal “no.” For example, “Is my dog still alive?” “Are my parents together?” “Do I love swimming?” Make sure you ask questions that have clear and definitive answers.

Repeat this step every time you use your pendulum because it doesn’t always choose the same directional responses!


Now your pendulum is ready to use! Ensure that you are comfortably seated. To begin your practice, you will want to make sure that your arm is stable. So try to put your elbow on the table for added support. Hold your pendulum loosely and gently between your thumb and index finger – with just enough pressure to prevent it from falling.

Next, call to mind a question you’re seeking a clear response for. You can ask your pendulum virtually anything (within reason, please see the next section). Topics can range from locating a missing object, deciding what to wear on a date, and choosing a field of study, to uncovering your hidden feelings, motives, desires, gifts, and dreams. Your dowsing pendulum can be used to answer everyday questions and those relating to money and relationships, all the way to profound spiritual/existential issues.


Like any spiritual tool, pendulums can be misused. Here are some words of caution:

  • Please don’t use your pendulum when you’re feeling emotionally or mentally imbalanced (e.g. if you’re stressed, angry, tired, etc.) as this will give you inaccurate responses. To ensure that you’re in the right frame of mind, you can ask your pendulum before beginning, “Is now a good time to dowse?”
  • Please don’t use your pendulum as a replacement for medical expertise. Don’t endanger yourself. If you have a serious health concern, please seek medical assistance.
  • Please ensure that you are dowsing only for yourself, not another (unless they give you explicit permission). Even if you’re dowsing for another, please assess whether you’re skilled enough to proceed.
  • Please approach your pendulum dowsing with an open and unbiased mindset. If you have already made up your mind regarding something, it’s likely that this will be reflected in your dowsing.
  • Please understand the limited nature of pendulum dowsing. Sometimes, it is much better to consult other forms of divination (such as tarot, runes, I Ching, etc.) which give you multi-layered answers to consider. Personally, I always try to supplement dowsing with another form of divination which gives me more information than a “yes,” “no” or “maybe” response.
  • Please don’t become overly reliant on pendulum dowsing. This is a form of divination to help you make decisions, but it shouldn’t be the sole way you make decisions. Please don’t use it as a crutch. It is important that you take self-responsibility and consciously make decisions.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~by