Gaia’s Message – channeled by Suzanne Ward

“I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth.  Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted.  For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.

I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you,  You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate.  This level of light service never before has been undertaken.  We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe.  I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done–in the continuum or totality, our job is completed.

As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours.  You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know?  I cannot imagine such a vast audience!  All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause.  I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing.”

“Earth’s Golden Age,” pages 27-28.

Affirming That What You Want Is Already Here – Wayne Dyer

“One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is choosing the kind of universe you exist in. Is it helpful and supportive or hostile and unsupportive? Your answer to this question will make all the difference in terms of how you live your life and what kind of Divine assistance you attract.

Remember that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not. So if you’re sure that this is an unfriendly universe, you’ll look for examples to support this point of view. You’ll anticipate people attempting to cheat, judge, take advantage of, and otherwise harm you. You’ll blame the antagonistic, inhospitable cosmos for not cooperating with you in the fulfillment of your desires. You’ll point the finger at belligerent folks and bad luck for the kind of world we all live in. Since this worldview trickles down into every thought you have, you become a person persistently looking for occasions to be offended, and therefore in possession of a whole slew of excuses.

But we can change all that by shifting our focus.

My favorite affirmation when I feel stuck or out of sorts is: Whatever I need is already here, and it is all for my highest good. Jot this down and post it conspicuously throughout your home, on the dashboard of your car, at your office, on your microwave oven, and even in front of your toilet! Remind yourself: I live in a friendly universe that will support anything or desire that is aligned with the universal Source of all. Such a stance will be a giant step toward living an Excuses Begone! life.

Thus, you are affirming that what you want is already here and all you have to do is connect to it. This reminds you that what you attract is for your highest good, so you can then let go of the timing issue altogether. Just know that it is here and will arrive on God’s schedule—as does everything that makes the journey from nonbeing to being.

When I pray, I do so in the spirit of Saint Francis. Rather than ask God to grant him peace, this inspiring man beseeched God to “make me an instrument of Thy peace.” In other words, “Let me be like the Source from which I originated, and then I will rest in the knowing that it must be here, on its way, and for my highest good.”

As you can see, there’s no room for excuses when you apply this model to your everyday life.”

From “Excuses Begone!,”

Free Live Streaming of Braco’s Gaze This Week

Free Live Streaming of Braco’s Gaze on January 16, 17 & 18, 2018

Jan 15, 2018 01:22 pm

braco index2
January 16, 17 & 18, 2018

Braco is here for everyone to offer fresh happiness, hope and help through his live streamed gaze. This experience is defined by people in many countries as one of loyal goodness, distinctively natural and simple, yet profound in its enriching and loving effects on lives.

Encounters with Braco’s Gaze are distinguished by restoring people’s hope and peace, enabling the needed help to come effortlessly and generously.

Enlightenment ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have enlightened you to a certain extent, but enlightenment will always be an inside job. It’s not something that you learn. It’s something that you experience. It’s something that you bestow upon yourself when you feel that it is time for you to make a shift in the way that you are relating to yourself, to others, and to your world.

Enlightenment is a rite of passage. In many ways, it is unique to the individual who experiences it. Enlightenment is that moment when all aspects of you are awakened to the truth of who you are, and in that moment the light that is inside of you, the light that is at the heart of you, is able to shine more brightly and is able to shine more brightly and be expressed through you and by you in your unique way.

In many ways, it is a beginning. It is the beginning of your journey as a fully conscious and awake being who then seeks to know him or herself in the most authentic way. The most authentic way to know yourself is to experience yourself through your connections to others. When you see everyone else as a projection of you and an aspect of the totality of who you are, that’s when you know you have reached that state of enlightenment.

You see no separation. You see no need to judge anything, and you are completely present in the moment with your current experience. Now, as wonderful as all of that sounds, if it were the only valid experience for humanity, then you would just go right there. But it isn’t. It is one experience, and it is not the purpose of your lives.

The purpose of your lives is not to reach some enlightened state of being. The purpose of your lives is to move through everything that is along that path of enlightenment and to experience all of it. There is so much that you are experiencing that you might not consider to be positive or spiritual, but it is a part of your journey and it is a part of who you are.

The more you embrace all that life has to offer, the quicker your path is to enlightenment. And once you reach that knowing, that experience, and that projection, you will be ready for your next journey. You can always go deeper. There is always more to explore, and nothing, no state of being will ever be the ultimate or the end of your experiences and your journey.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with  you.”


Find An Improved Thought

“Whenever you are feeling less than good, if you will stop and say, Nothing is more important than that I feel good—I want to find a reason now to feel good, you will find an improved thought.

Anytime you feel negative emotion, you are in the mode of resisting something that you want, and that resistance takes its toll on you. It takes its toll on your physical body, and it takes its toll on the amount of wonderful things that you are allowing to come into your experience.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08

Suzanne Giesmann’s Channeling on “The Higher Ground”

“There is a difference between having an opinion and making a judgment.  There is a very specific difference in tone twixt the two.  You can take a stand based on your beliefs and understanding, but understand that this opinion will always be based upon your perspective.  Which side of the number are you looking at?  Is it a 6 or a 9?  If you change your perspective, the view may change.  This is why we remind you to remember to be fluid and to be cautious of judgments.  Allow others their perspectives without denouncing or deriding them, for this lowers your vibration.  Feel the difference between, ‘They are (fill in the blank with a low-vibratory term)’ vs. ‘I do not agree with that at this time.’

Casting stones is tricky business, as you may have heard.  When you feel the need to judge, it is far healthier to smile and say, ‘Isn’t that interesting?!’  In so doing, you truly have taken the higher ground, for neutrality is far more positive than judgment, and love, dear friend, trumps all.”

Always Expect The Best And Draw It To You

“There is always something more and something new to learn in this life. You never reach the stage when you can say you have learnt everything; that you have been through every experience. You are ever on the threshold of something new and exciting, you never know what is waiting for you just around the next corner – but always expect the best and draw it to you. Never be fearful of the unknown or of the future. Remember what I have said to you may times, that this is a glorious life and the future is full to overflowing with these glories and wonders and they are all yours.”                                                                 Guidance from Eileen Caddy –

The Most Important Relationship

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source… There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

Abraham-Hicks, 8/31/09

Ascending into 5D ∞ Quan Yin

“It is I, Quan Yin.

Because you are ascending into higher frequencies, you are undergoing a process of relinquishing. You cannot bring that which is not vibrating at a high frequency into the fifth dimension. It is simply not possible. So you will relinquish some things, whether you want to or not.

The pain that you feel of letting go is coming to you from that part of you that wants to remain third dimensional, separate, and egoic. These are not bad things, by the way. They are simply different ways of experiencing reality. And as you shift into a new way of experiencing reality, the process of letting go can seem like a death or a mourning process.

The pain itself is a natural experience. What you will find, however, is that you have control over how much pain, how long you feel it, and how intense it is. So from now on, when you feel pain, just remind yourself that it is telling you that you are ascending. With pain comes relief. The two go hand in hand.

The experience of relief allows you the opportunity to appreciate the pain. You cannot get to the relief, however, until you let go. Every day make it your intention to let go of something that no longer serves you. Make it your intention to allow the process of ascension to occur as easily, and with as little pain and suffering, as possible.

And do your best to enjoy the process of letting go, because in your letting go you open yourself up to something new and wonderful.

I am Quan Yin, and I hold you in my heart.”

3 Short Zen Stories

1. Nothing is permanent, everything changes.

“Suzuki Roshi, I’ve been listening to your lectures for years,” a student said during the question and answer time following a lecture, “but I just don’t understand. Could you just please put it in a nutshell? Can you reduce Buddhism to one phrase?”

Everyone laughed. Suzuki laughed.

“Everything changes,” he said. Then he asked for another question.

Life Lesson:

The growing plant, the dying tree, the changing seasons, the growing infant, the aging man, everything is changing with each ticking of the clock.

Our naked eye couldn’t see it, but everything around us is always changing.

Suffering comes when we fail to grasp this reality, especially when we attach to one particular thing or idea.

To live a peaceful life means we have to accept everything as it is, in an infinite state of becoming.

Continue reading 3 Short Zen Stories