How My Life Became Blessed

“Grace is the love of God soothing me as I am going through a challenge.  From this sacred love, I can and do draw on unlimited strength and understanding.

God loves and blesses me in ways far greater than I could ever hope to receive or even imagine. If I make a choice that isn’t in my best interest, God’s grace protects me from experiencing the worst possible outcome.

I am grateful for the ease of God’s grace.  There are no feats I must accomplish or levels of wisdom I must attain to gain it.  Grace is showered upon me simply because I am God’s child.  Grace smooths the way to new opportunities and reveals a path to overcome challenges.”

“And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up.” — Acts 20:32,


Healing Past Life Trauma ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are facing traumatic situations from past lives that you are working through in this lifetime, and you do so most of the time without having any awareness of what that trauma was. So then how do you do it? You create situations for yourselves in this lifetime that trigger the emotions that are associated with those traumatic events from past lives.

The situation in your current lifetime may have nothing to do with what you experienced in the past life, or it may be a watered down version. It may be symbolic. Whatever it is, you are going to get triggered, and it’s going to feel very irrational to you that you would experience as much fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, or even hatred in this lifetime, given what the circumstances are.

We want to help you make sense of all of it, but you don’t necessarily need to know what that traumatic experience was in your previous lifetime or lifetimes. You just need to know that you get triggered, and those emotions flow because of what you are carrying with you. You also help the collective, and your genetic line, every time you face one of these challenging situations where you feel irrationally emotional, even overly emotional from some perspectives.

That is why it is so important for all of you to honor your emotions and honor the emotions of others as well. Because if you cannot understand why you get triggered as profoundly as you do, you certainly are not going to be able to understand why someone else in your life is getting triggered by something that seems rather small in comparison to the emotions they are feeling. Be compassionate, not to the situation, but to the emotional response.

Be compassionate for yourselves and others, and you will all make it through this shift in consciousness with all of your past life selves coming along for the ride. They will be reintegrated into your Oversoul, as you do the processing of those emotions for them, and you heal those traumatic circumstances, without even knowing at times what they were.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Your Point Of Attraction

“Have you accomplished your point of attraction deliberately or by default? Have you prepared the climate or atmosphere around you by deliberately meditating; by quieting your mind; by looking for thoughts that feel good; by making lists of things that please you? Or is your point of attraction a knee-jerk response to something someone else said; or to something you are observing around you? What is the reason for your point of attraction? Why are you thinking the thoughts that you are thinking? Are you doing it on purpose? Or are you doing it by default?”

Abraham-Hicks, 2/22/14

I Am A Miracle Of Life

“Incredible occurrences are recognized as miracles.  Life itself, in all forms, is a miracle. The unfathomable allness of God is eternally fulfilling a divine plan in ways that defy explanation.  We are each a miracle, created and sustained by God.                                                                   Despite how impossible a challenge may seem, I remind myself that I live in partnership with God. I raise my expectations to the divine realm in which all things are possible.                                                                                                                                                       There is no separation between the created and the Creator. Jesus spoke of this when he said, “… the Father is in me and I am in the Father.”  I am eager to contribute to whatever comes my way.  I am a miracle of life.

“Believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” — John 10:38 —

Sanaya Asks, “Have You Become Stagnant?”

“Stagnation.  Have you fallen into that trap?  Do you do the same things over and over, half afraid to change your ways?  This is different than being in a rut.  This is lacking the motivation to do anything differently.  “What is the point?” you might ask.

To stir things up a bit, my friend.  To bring in fresh air.  Complacency does indeed breed discontent, and stagnation does even worse.  It stifles growth, enthusiasm, and joy.  Push yourself to do something differently today, something new.  We dare say you will feel a flurry of excitement, a ruffle of delight as you ruffle some feathers that were a bit matted down.  Release stagnation and prepare to soar.”

Alignment With Source

“Your emotions indicate the degree of your alignment with Source, and although you can never disconnect from it altogether, the thoughts you choose to give your attention to… do give you a substantial range in alignment or misalignment with the Non-Physical Energy that is truly who-you-are.  And so, with time and practice, you will come to know, in every moment, your degree of alignment with who-you-really-are, for when you are in full allowance of the Energy of your Source, you thrive; and to the degree that you do not allow this alignment, you do not thrive.”

Abraham – Hicks, “Ask And It Is Given”

2018 Is The Year Of The Master 11 Energies

1/1/2018 = 11:11 Year of the Master 11 Energies.  Welcome to the New Paradigm Beautiful Souls!

“This year is about powerful manifesting and clarity/vision.  There is a Divine Spark of creation within each of us.  In essence, the power to create the reality we so choose.  Everything we will ever need is to be found and realized within.
Breathe in this Awareness, Breathe out your creative Fire and make 2018 our best year yet! 🔥 ” Ministry of Lights

Inner Peace

“Anytime you feel anxious or worried, you can turn to the words of Jesus for inspiration: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25)

God is the source of the air I breathe, the food that nourishes my body, and the spirit that comforts my soul.  I breathe in this truth.  I exhale, releasing any thoughts of scarcity or lack.  I feel a return to that deep, abiding inner peace that permeates my being.

With God as my constant source, I am infused with peace, strength, joy and gratitude.

2018 Feng Shui Outlook for the Year of the Dog

“In 2018, The Year of the Dog brings so many wonderful new changes and opportunities. Women and men will really enjoy the Year of the Dog because there is so much GREAT ENERGY coming your way. This is a year that will be ruled by the number 9 — the number of completion and finality — as well as happiness, optimism and joy. Nice, right? You’ll see old matters come to a resolution, things that seemed open ended will now finalize and that will mean you can truly move forward in the dog year!”