Bless Them All

“See this world as a free world, and see everyone in it as trying—through their individual experiences—to find their way back to that calling, back to that Source Energy. And even though there are billions of them going about it in a way that is different than you would choose, there’s no right or wrong way. In other words, bless them all, and get on with the only thing you have any power about, which is opening or closing your vortex to your natural state of Well-Being.”

—Abraham, February 28, 2004


Mirrors by Sanaya

“What you judge in another, if you are honest, you often do yourself.  Why is this?  It is far easier for the human to find fault outside of themselves than to deal with fears, doubts, and uncomfortable feelings within.  We are not telling you to cease doing what you do.  That is how you learn—by trial and error, but you will learn far more quickly and err less frequently if you notice that which you criticize in others.”

What Is The Wisdom Of The Heart? – Osho

“Common sense carries fragments of knowledge. It knows that the people who are compassionate, people of heart, have a certain wisdom which is not knowledge, a certain insight, a certain intuitiveness which cannot be taught. They can see things, feel things. They are sensitive to things which are not available to the mind. So people start thinking that there are possibilities of the heart having wisdom.

But they don’t know that the heart is your emptiness. And out of your emptiness a clarity, a transparency arises which can see things which you cannot intellectually infer. This is wisdom.

To make it complete, it has to be said, ‘the wisdom of the empty heart.’ The heart, as the physiologist knows it, is just a blood-pumping system. Out of your heartbeats no wisdom can arise. Have you ever felt any wisdom arising from your heartbeats? Has any doctor ever heard some wisdom while checking your heartbeats through his stethoscope? This heart is not the one we mean when we are talking about the emptiness of the heart.

Actually, we are talking about throwing away all the contents of the mind. Then, the no-mind itself becomes your heart. It is not a physiological thing. It is your no-mind – no prejudice, no knowledge, no content. Just purity, simple silence, and the no-mind can be called the empty heart. It is only a question of expression. What you want to choose, you can choose: the wisdom of the empty heart, or the wisdom of no-mind – they are equivalent.

When you are in deep meditation, you feel a great serenity, a joy that is unknown to you, a watchfulness that is a new guest. Soon this watchfulness will become the host. The day the watchfulness becomes the host, it remains twenty-four hours with you. And out of this watchfulness, whatever you do has a wisdom in it. Whatever you do shows a clarity, a purity, a spontaneity, a grace.”

Osho, The Buddha: The Emptiness of the Heart, Talk #2

Sanaya says, “Beneath and Beyond”

“Who are you without your story?  Do you really know?  Have you set your story aside long enough to truly get to know this light-being who is far more than a human being?  You as a soul, as light, do not care about labels, achievements, possessions.  You as light simply are.  What are you?  Glowing, pulsating, being.  In that pulsating and radiating and merging with all that is you truly know yourself.

To put a word to the essence of this light is nigh unto impossible, but there is no need for words, for the soul already knows itself.  The closest word you have to your true essence is love, but this is far from the human kind that comes and goes.  Your light never comes and goes.  You simply are.  Be that which you are without the labels, the story, the drama.  Why would you want to practice this state of simply being?  Peace, Joy, Love without a story lie within your reach, for they live within you, beneath and beyond the story.”

Unconditional Love & Soulmates ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There is something that needs to be experienced firsthand in order to be truly understood by all of you. There is a moment that you will always grant yourselves in every lifetime, and that moment is an opportunity for you to know yourselves as unconditional love. It’s not a test. No one outside of you is administering the test, and it is not something that you pass or fail.

It is simply that moment where you are given the option to love someone anyway, to love someone in spite of something that you find to be unlovable. Now, in countless past lives, you have been given the opportunity to love someone unconditionally, and you have chosen to hold a grudge. You have chosen to not forgive, to hold resentment and anger within you, and those lifetimes create for karmic relationships with others because you need to give yourself the opportunity again and again and again until you give yourself the experience.

The experience of loving unconditionally is truly liberating. It is a magnificent experience. It is about freedom and joy, and it connects you so deeply to the person that you are offering it to that everything else that has ever existed between you melts away. That is when you know you are face to face with a soulmate.

Your soulmate is usually the one who continues to give you the opportunity to love unconditionally, and you will do the same, just by being yourself, just by doing and saying the things that come quite naturally to you. You will trigger that soulmate, and you will give the other person the opportunity to love you unconditionally. Now what happens in that moment is also beautiful, because when someone else loves you unconditionally, you are able to see yourself differently. You are able to see yourself through the eyes of Source. You are able to love yourself unconditionally, and that is also very liberating.

You feel free, as you let yourself off the hook for having to live up to your own standards for love. You open yourself up to receiving more love, and of course, you are more open to giving it. Knowing yourself as unconditional love is an experience that you will most certainly want to have, and we certainly wish for all of you that you give yourselves this experience many, many times.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wayne Dyer’s Definition of Love

“My definition of love goes beyond the admittedly delicious lust and excitement that you experience when you first become infatuated. Ultimately these inflamed passions fade away, and what remains is authentic love, or the balance you’re seeking. And what is a prime example of this? It is to love as God does—to extend the caring that defines your very creation outward, whenever and wherever possible.

Love of this nature leads you to forget about your own ego, and want what you desire for yourself even more for another. This is how the act of creation seems to work. Your Creator doesn’t ask anything from you in exchange for giving you life— it’s given freely and abundantly, and no one is excluded. You don’t have to repay God for giving you this life or the air you need in order to live or the water you drink for your very existence or the sun that sustains you. Without any of those freely given ingredients, you wouldn’t continue to live. This is the love that God offers you.

To balance your life with more lovingness, you need to match your thoughts and behaviors with those of your Source, being love in the way that God is. This means noticing when you’re inclined to judge yourself or others as though you or they are unworthy of love. This means suspending your need to be right in favor of being kind toward yourself and others, and deliberately extending kindness everywhere. This means giving love to yourself and others rather than demanding love. This means your loving gesture of kindness is heartfelt because you feel love flowing from within—not because you want something in return. A tall order? Not really, unless you believe that it’s going to be difficult.

Lovingness is a feature of your natural state, and your ego isn’t part of that state. Ego dominates because you’ve separated yourself from your God-self, the loving self that came here from a place of perfectly Divine unconditional love. You’ve carried this ego idea of your own self-importance, your need to be right, for so long that you’ve deluded yourself into believing that the ego-self is who you are. Talk about being out of balance—you’ve opted for a belief in pure illusion! By allowing this illusion to be the dominant force, you’ve created, through your ego-centered self, a heavy imbalance in your life.

The result is that you want to feel love—the real thing, the love that is the very essence of your being, the love that you are—but you feel emptiness instead of lovingness. Why is this so? Because the emptiness can only be filled with love by opening your heart connection to the spirit of love that originates you know not where, but can be felt within you. It’s your empty space; no one else’s. Therefore, only you can fill it. Your objective is to ask love within you to make its presence known, to have an awareness of being so full of love that this is what you have to give away. That’s all you have to do—ask and receive. By doing just that, you’ll attract more of what you’re giving away.

What Love Looks Like Through the Eyes of a Child

Here are some jewels describing what love is, from the perspective of a group of four- to eight-year-olds. As you work to reset the “love balance beam” of your life, consider these refreshing thoughts on what love is.

  • When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know your name is safe in their mouth.
  • Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs.
  • Love is when my daddy makes coffee for my mommy, and he takes a sip before giving it to her to make sure the taste is okay.
  • Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken.
  • During my piano recital, I was onstage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one. I wasn’t scared anymore.

And my favorite:

  • Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.

There you have it. Look within and around. Listen. Love is what’s left over when falling in love fades away because love is an endless source. Give it away. Share your French fries. Give someone the best piece of chicken. Wave and smile to the Universe, and you’ll soon know what Victor Hugo meant when he observed, “Love is the reduction of the Universe to a single being.” Not only is love what’s left over when falling in love fades away, but love defines the Source from which we came. Elizabeth Barrett Browning poetically describes the end of life as a return to pure love:


Guess now who holds thee?—
“Death,” I said. But there
The silver answer rang—
“Not Death, but Love.”


And so it seems that love is truly all that’s left over when this body falls away as well.

Being In Balance – 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires by Dr. Wayne Dyer

A Quote from “Deeper Dating” by Ken Page

     “We can measure the quality of our lives by the relationships of mutual inspiration we’ve cultivated.  These are the relationships that allow us to trust life.  They are the foundation of joy.  Without such inspiration, any love will wither.

     And without these relationships, we too will wither, reverting to smaller, more defensive and wounded versions of ourselves.  Humans are a lot like rubber bands: we shrink to a small, comfortable size unless we’re held to greater expansion by forces outside ourselves.  Relationships of inspiration expand us to a size we could never achieve alone.
     These relationships are not only the path to love; they are the path to our own greatness.  Through them we can find a way past the fears and wounds that dwarf us.  Popular psychology tells us that we can only love others if we love ourselves first.  But the real truth is often the other way around: until we feel seen and loved in the places we’re most vulnerable (usually the places of our deepest gifts), few of us will ever be able to fully love ourselves.
     That’s the great boon of relationships of inspiration.  We experience our loved one seeing into our very core–and valuing what he sees.  In the wake of this experience comes a sense of bravery, an innate desire to share our gifts– not out of obligation but from a sense of joyful overflow.  And that makes us into just the kind of person we are looking for– one who inspires others simply by who she is.”