The Truth About Grief and How to Move Through it

“Another way to say that you are grieving is that a part of you is stuck in a moment in time. Sometimes the cause of the stuckness isn’t the grief itself, but the fact that you don’t even recognize that you’ve lost something and that you need to grieve.

Grief is a word that is used interchangeably with bereavement, but grief is not exclusively about the physical death of a person.

Grief doesn’t fit in a box, either. Some forms of grief take years to work through, other types take a few solid months, some take a single moment of deep acknowledgement. Everyone grieves differently and for different reasons, but one thing remains constant in the process. It’s the one thing no one has ever said about grieving: “I did it right on time.”

Grieving is marked by a lag, a delay, a freezing, “Wait. What just happened?”

Grieving is also not a linear process. One moment you feel you’ve fully moved past something, the next moment it’s right back in front of your face. That’s because grief is insidious, imposing and demands to be felt. Even if you’re able to somehow avoid it all day long, grief comes back to you in your sleep. It’s laying right on your heart as you wake up.

Grief doesn’t say, “I’ve been here long enough, I think it’s time for me to leave.” No. Grief crowds the heart, eats up all your energy and chronically compromises your peace. But grief isn’t some evil force that’s only there to cause pain, grief is escorting an even deeper feeling; a truth about your life, what you value and what you need. Perhaps how much you wanted something, how deeply you care about someone, how far you’ve come from where you were.

As Mark Nepo so beautifully puts it, “The pain was necessary to know the truth, but we don’t have to keep the pain alive to keep the truth alive.
Still, grief isn’t necessarily a depression. People can be grieving and heartbroken about something and not even know it.”

Here are some examples of events that cause grieving:

A break up
The selling of your childhood home
What you always wanted but never got
A person who died
A person who is still alive but is electively absent in your life
The loss of a dream
Loving someone who is self-destructive
The loss of a pet
The end of a friendship
Job loss or the end of a career

The Process of Grieving

The typical route for grieving begins with denial, and that’s actually a good thing.

Ultimately, your defense mechanisms are there to protect you. Denial kicks in when it would otherwise be too overwhelming to feel it all at once. Ideally, denial slowly fades away and the grief is felt. (Ideally.)

More typically, you swallow your grief. It comes up in small spurts when you’re not paying attention, then you numb yourself to it somehow, then it jumps up more forcefully, then you numb yourself more heavily.

That is the path of staying stuck in grief. The path loops. And people lose themselves on that path.

Is There a Better Path?

The answer is yes. But you don’t have to walk it unless you choose to. Some losses are so exquisitely painful, in a way that no one else could ever fully understand, that no one would fault you for staying in the loop.

If you do choose to get out of the disorienting, dizzying loop of grief, here are four ways to begin:

1. Understand

That your heart is broken, even if it’s not visible to others. Keep in mind that there’s no ‘right way’ to grieve and that grieving is not a linear process.

Just because its been 6 months, 4 years, 15 years, whatever–none of that means anything to your grief. The clock starts when you begin to recognize your grief. In other words, when you genuinely begin to address what happened (or perhaps what never happened).

2. Recognize

Before you can grieve, you have to recognize that you need to grieve.

Something happened, or didn’t happen, that burdened you.

Ironically, when you’re burdened, something is given to you and taken away from you at the same time. What do you feel was taken from you? What do you feel you are burdened with? The answers to those questions help you recognize what you need to grieve.

3. Touch

You have to touch the loss (as well as all the anger, sadness, bitterness, resilience, compassion and any other feelings you encountered during your loss).

You’re in touch with your grief when you make space for the feelings your loss brought into your life. It may feel counter-intuitive to go back to the feelings that you want so desperately to let go of, but there’s simply no way to move through grief without making contact with it; without fully touching it, without fully feeling it.

You have to pick it up, hold it, feel the weight of it in your hands, on your heart and within your life. You have to feel the whole loss. Grief demands to be felt with an insistence that needs no sleep. You either allow yourself to encounter the feelings or you remain encased in a shell of yourself under a misguided sense of self-protection.

 4. Move

The feeling of grief can linger for so long that you almost befriend the grief.

The grief becomes oddly soothing in its familiarity and its predictability. Dealing with the grief means letting go of this familiarity and moving towards something less predictable and less familiar, which is scary.

Still, if you want to genuinely address the grief, you have to continue to move through the peripheral, familiar parts of your grief and go right into the epicenter of your grief. As the classic hero’s journey goes, you have to get inside the belly of the whale. There (and only there) you will find the door to the unpredictable pieces of life that are patiently waiting for you on the other side of your pain.


Understand your heart is broken.

Recognize why it’s broken.

Touch the grief.

Move towards the epicenter of your grief, as it’s the only path to other side of your pain.

Please remember, the grief you’re experiencing is yours, and you can carry it with you for as long as you like. Let go of it only when you feel ready-enough, and if you never feel ready, that’s okay. If you do feel ready to move through it, recruit professional support here, or here, or here. Navigating through grief is unpredictable, dangerous terrain. You don’t have to do it alone.

Michael Beckwith’s Prayer

Michael Bernard Beckwith’s Prayer for When You’re Feeling Stuck

Do you feel trapped in your life with no way out? Do you believe you’re a victim of your circumstances? Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith says many people dwell in a stage he calls victim consciousness, where they tend to blame bad luck, fate, other people or even God for their lot in life.

‘Every victim has a victim story,’ he says. ‘You ask somebody—a victim—what’s going on; they’ll give you a list of complaints about what’s wrong and who did it.’ Fannie Lou Hamer once said, ‘I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.’

There comes a time, though, Dr. Beckwith says, after you’ve hit your spiritual low point, when you can see a sliver of possibility and redirect the course of your life. To achieve this, he says, you need to dig deep within yourself, reflect and pray for divine guidance. ‘That’s where prayer comes in,’ he says. ‘That’s where meditation comes in. That’s where life-visioning comes in. So, you just said, ‘Help. I’m open. I’m available to something new.’ Now, you’re on your way.

Sometimes, Dr. Beckwith says, the simplest prayer has the power to help you transcend your suffering. ‘Help is a prayer,’ he says.’ When I use the word ‘help,’ I say, ‘Hello, eternal loving presence, I need Your help.’

That’s what help means to me.”

From a Season 7 Episode 718, Aired on 10/09/2016 on

The Story That You Tell

“Each and every component that makes up your life experience is drawn to you by the powerful Law of Attraction’s response to the thoughts you think and the story you tell about your life. Your money and financial assets; your body’s state of wellness, clarity, flexibility, size, and shape; your work environment, how you are treated, work satisfaction, and rewards—indeed, the very happiness of your life experience in general—is all happening because of the story that you tell.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Money and the Law of Attraction on 8/31/08

Which One Will Win?

A young shaman had completed his first vision quest. He told the elder, “Grandfather I saw in my vision the spirit of a white wolf and a black wolf. The two wolves were fighting. The dark wolf said I will never succeed and the white one said I will have great victory.  Which one will win?”

After a long pause, the Elder replied, “My son, the wolf that wins will be the one you feed.”

Becoming Your Higher Self ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

If you have any doubt whatsoever about your ability to become your higher self, then please recognize that you already have been your higher self. You already are your Oversoul. You already are Source Energy. There is no question as to whether you can become that which you already are.

This is not something that you can fail at. You determine in every moment of every day how you perceive yourselves. You can decide in this moment that you are your higher self, and you can begin to operate as your higher self, or you can tell yourself the story that says your higher self is out there somewhere and you must scratch and claw your way to it.

You can sell yourself on any idea at all, even the idea that your higher self is somehow separate from you. You get to live whatever truth you cling to and whatever version of reality you want to experience. That is entirely up to you.

You are actualizing the experience of becoming something that you already are. Wrap your heads around that. It’s not about a need for you to get to where you’re going out of some sort of desperation or out of some sort of realm of possibility that you might not get there.

This lifetime for you is about creating the experience of shifting. It is not about earning your way there, proving yourself worthy, or taking all of the necessary steps to get to that ultimate place. You also determine your own value, and you do so by how much you value yourself.

You get to decide which aspect of you that you activate. You can activate your higher self energy just as easily as you can activate a vibration within you, a memory, or a thought. But if you are attached to the story that your higher self is out there somewhere, trying to get your attention and guide you to a better life, then that will be the version of reality that you experience.

We invite you to know yourselves as the highest version of yourself that you can. Do so by deciding that you already are that which you are becoming, and know that this journey that you are on is about feeling yourself shifting into something more. You are already that which you are shifting into, and so your success is guaranteed.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Even Babies Are Creating Experiences

“Babies Are Thinking and Attracting Before They Are Speaking… Even though you are only months old in your physical body, you are a very old and wise creator focused in that baby’s body. And you came with powerful intentions to experience contrast and to launch clear rockets of desire into your Vibrational Reality for the purpose of expansion. People often assume that because a child is not yet offering words, the child could not be the creator of its own experience, but it is our promise to you that no one else is creating your experience. Children emanate Vibrations which are the reason for what they attract – even from their time of birth.”

—Abraham, Excerpted from the book: The Vortex on August 31, 2009


A Stream Of Well-Being

“There is no source of evil. There is only a Stream of Well-Being, which you are allowing, or not. But under the name of righteousness and goodness and religion, you drop bombs on innocent children. And then you say, “It’s for the good of all of us.” And we say: we don’t see that. And you don’t see it from your Non-physical perspective, either. It’s only in your disconnection that those things make sense.”

Abraham-Hicks, 2/26/05

Be An Advantage to Others

“You cannot get sick enough to help sick people get better. You cannot get poor enough to help poor people thrive. It is only in your thriving that you have anything to offer anyone. If you’re wanting to be of an advantage to others, be as tapped in, turned in, turned on as you can possibly be.”

Abraham – Excerpted from San Diego, CA on 2/15/03


Use Your Internal “Remote Control”

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are powerful beyond your capacity to comprehend. The Love of the Creator lives and breathes within you. With your free will, using, faith, focus and your feeling, you aim the creative powers of the universe!

If you could see reality as we see it, it looks like a vast network of possible “programs” for your life. In much the same way as your television is receptive to a vast network of possible programs – all being broadcast all at once – you are receptive to a vast network of possible realities, all offered to you, all at once.

When you want to select a program on your television, you hold the remote control, press a button and the program appears. What is really happening? You press a button and your remote control sends out an energetic signal. That signal is interpreted by your television, and it tells your television to tune into a certain station. Out of all the stations your TV could receive, now it is focused on only one. Its is tuned into the energetic signal of that one station. A picture appears.

Your faith, focus, and feeling are your internal “remote control.” All possibilities for your future exist right here and right now in the “mind of God.” Through your faith, focus, and feeling you suddenly tune into one! To the degree you have faith, focus, and feeling, you are strongly tuned in. By virtue of the laws of the universe, your picture is going to appear in perfect grace and timing.

To the degree you doubt, you create “static.” Your picture will not appear as clearly in your life. To the degree that you vacillate between faith and fear, you are “flipping channels” on your inner remote and may see nothing changing whatsoever.

So take control over your God-given inner “remote control.” Choose the reality you want to focus on. How does it feel? That is the feeling component. Continue to ask that question, and allow your soul to answer. That is the focus. Now trust that the universe will operate according to its original design! That is faith.

Dear ones, what you experience has nothing at all to do with earning it, being worthy of it, or being “granted it” by a capricious God. It has nothing to do with your past mistakes or successes. Right here, right now, you have the opportunity to “grab the remote” and change the events that play out in your life. You have choice!

You can start creating an entirely different reality right here and right now.
Why not start creating the one you want? You all deserve each and every dream, if not exactly as you dream it, perhaps better. We, by our very nature, support every loving intention you have for your lives.

God Bless You! We love you so very much. ”
— The Angels, Ann Albers at