Wayne Dyer on Openmindedness

“Having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing sounds easy until you think about how much conditioning has taken place in your life, and how many of your current thoughts were influenced by geography, the religious beliefs of your ancestors, the color of your skin, the shape of your eyes, the political orientation of your parents, your size, your gender, the schools that were selected for you, and the vocation of your great-grandparents, to list only some possibilities. You showed up here as a tiny infant capable of an infinite number of potentialities. Many of your choices remain unexplored because of a hopefully well-intentioned conditioning program designed to make you fit the culture of your caretakers. You probably had next to no opportunity to disagree with the cultural and societal arrangements made for your life.

There may have been some adults who encouraged you to have an open mind, but if you’re honest with yourself, you know that your philosophy of life, your religious beliefs, your manner of dress, and your language are a function of what your tribe (and its heritage) determined was right for you. If you made any fuss about going against this preordained conditioning, you probably heard even stronger voices insisting that you get back in line and do things the way they have “always been done.” Fitting in superseded having a mind that was open to new ideas.

Whatever the reasons our ancestors may have had for not having open minds, it’s true that they inhabited a much less populated world than we do. In today’s overpopulated world, we simply cannot continue to live with those old styles of closed-mindedness. I urge you to open your mind to all possibilities, to resist any efforts to be pigeonholed, and to refuse to allow pessimism into your consciousness. Having a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing seems to me to be one of the most basic principles that you can adopt to contribute to individual and world peace.” dyerwisdom@email-hayhouse.com


“It is very difficult to understand what anybody else’s experience is. There aren’t enough words to really understand what anybody else is living. Physical beings want things to be the same. They want people to think the same. You work rather hard at sameness, but you will never win that battle because, from Nonphysical, diversity is known to be the most beneficial part of the game.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from Maui, HI on 12/14/97

God’s Healing Power

“I believe in the healing power of God.”

I affirm this truth daily through my thoughts, words, and actions.  My faith in God’s healing energy allows this energy to move in and through me.  I open myself up to receive and I am restored to wholeness.

If I am experiencing illness, I continue to affirm that I am one with God. In truth, my spirit is always whole, but as a human being I may experience dis-ease.  I use affirmative prayer and meditation to help bring me back into balance with God.  I focus my mind on the healing power of God and envision each cell of my body vibrant with light and life.

I trust in the healing power of God. I speak and act in ways that demonstrate my faith, and I open myself up to experience wholeness.”

“Oh Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me.” – Psalm 30:2, dailyword.com

Meditation Stops Resistant Thought

“That’s why so many of us teach meditation. Because when you stop thought, you stop resistant thought. When you stop resistant thought, then you let it in. That’s why we teach appreciation, because when you’re in appreciation, you are not in the mode of resistance, and you are letting it in.”
Excerpted from the workshop: North Los Angeles, CA on August 13, 2001


You Decide Your Journey

16508773_10212001769668188_4581659871072975689_n“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving a bit of a map to all of you. It is a map that is filled with options for you to take. You are the ones who are deciding which journeys you are going to take, how you are going to take them, and how long you are going to take in getting to where you are going. We simply provide the map.

When you have an agenda and a very specific destination, you often look for very precise ways of getting to where you are going. You want the fastest way. You want the easiest way. You want the way that is filled with the most certainty along your path. But when you cling too tightly to your agendas, you do not allow for the detours to take you to even more marvelous places than you could possibly imagine.

Your hearts are like a compass, and your minds provide blinders, blinders that only allow you to see in one particular direction at a time. We have given you a type of framework that you can use to take yourselves beyond where the map indicates. Your journeys are not set in stone, and the more flexible you are the better. The more able you are to bring yourselves to the understanding that this is not a race, the more fun you will have along your way.

Your attitude is much more important than how quickly you get to where you are going. You believe in certain routes more than others, and you often put all of your faith into the known, into the well-traveled roads. But you have the ability to create brand new routes, and you are also capable of going off of all known paths to blaze the trails for others.

We can only nudge you in a direction, but we are not interested in controlling anything about your journey. See if you can say the same thing about yourselves. And if you cannot, then it is time for you to open yourselves to more than what you can see in front of you, more than what you can determine is possible, and more than what we can even guide you towards.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”  danielscranton.com

Deeper Spiritual Understanding.


“Faith is the voice inside me posing questions that nudge me into new areas of growth. Do I find myself challenging old beliefs about myself or my life?  How can I, as a divinely created being, ever be less than enough or limited?

In Truth, I am created with divine wisdom and strength and love and beauty.  Rather than making decisions based on the advice of those around me, I choose that which aligns with my passion and purpose in this world.

Faith reminds me to seek God first and then all my worldly needs will be met abundantly through my relationship to Source.  I find answers to the questions of my heart as faith leads me to deeper spiritual understanding.”

“I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and power, and have now revealed to me what we asked of you.” – Daniel 2:23




7 Signs Your Guardian Angel Is With You

Angels are spiritual beings, which guide us. Although they have a much different frequency compared to humans, their guidance comes in the form of channeled messages, dreams, and directly receiving insight. Therefore, there are many signs which show us that the angels are around us and they are trying to contact us. These signs may seem small and meaningless at the beginning, but over time they may increase in frequency and size.

These spiritual beings send us signs, which are a symbolic reminder of their love and support. Therefore, we present you some of the most common signs from the angels. You may start noticing these signs because you need some validation or answer to a question you may have asked, or they may serve to simply remind you your angels are with you.

7 Common Angel Signs


If you find feathers on your path, it is one of the signs of the angels. This is an amazing reminder that angels are near, loving and supporting you. If you experience this situation, then enjoy in this powerful angelic sign.


If you notice a cloud which looks like an angel, it means that your angel is near to you and in this way it is showing its presence.


If you feel a lovely sweet scent and you are unable to identify the source, it indicates that your angel is near you.

Babies and Pets

If you notice a baby looking up smiling at the ceiling, or excitedly gazing into the air, it means that the guardian angel is present. When an angel is present, babies and pets seem to be at ease.


If you hear angelic singing or a nice sound that you cannot explain, it may be a clear sign from your angel.


If you keep on finding coins, it is a sign fro your angel and a symbol of support. So, if you find coins, you should know that you’re loved, supported and guided.

Sparkles of Light

If you start noticing orbs, unexplained shimmers of light, or flashes of color, it means that your guardian angel is near. If you experience this, you should close your eyes, relax, and breathe because your angel is trying to bring you healing, upliftment, and rejuvenation.

Source: stayonthehealthypath.com