Surrender from the Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

When you encounter a situation in your lives where you don’t know what to do, you don’t know how to proceed, or you don’t have a clue as to how you are going to get out of it, that is the perfect opportunity for you to experience surrender. There is something quite beautiful about the act of surrendering. It is ultimately a willingness to concede to the circumstances as they are.

You sometimes put a tremendous amount of pressure on yourselves, and that pressure is designed to get you to find a way out, to come up with a solution to the problem, or to eliminate the situation altogether. This is the way that your minds work. Your minds love a problem because it gives them meaning, purpose. It gives them something to do. But your minds are not privy to all of the information available, and therefore, they are not the most effective tool that you could employ to an impossible-seeming situation in your lives.

Surrender, however, is a wonderful tool. It is like saying to the universe that you don’t know how you are going to make something work. You don’t know how it’s all going to work out, but at the same time you are surrendering you are not giving up on your desire for the situation to play out in the way that you would prefer. You are just letting go of taking on all of that responsibility, placing it all on your shoulders, and thinking that you have to come up with the solution.

That type of pressure doesn’t bring you results very often. Oftentimes it keeps possibilities from coming to light for you. Pressure keeps you in the dark. Surrender, which is signified by a white flag, lets in more light. It is the way of letting go of struggle, letting go of the need to be the one who finds the solution, and letting in the light that will ultimately illuminate the path for you.

You have access to so much more when you are not trying so hard, because in your trying you are narrowing your focus. You are placing your attention only on that which you are able to conceive of, and you are blocking other possibilities from coming to you.

So we like surrender because we know how much help you really have, we know how much grace there is all around you, and we know that in surrender you allow the downloads to come to you. You allow for the unseen solution to come to light. And most of all, you release the pressure from yourselves.

When you do that, you have a momentary feeling of relief, and that feeling is why you create the problem in the first place. It’s the reason why you have the other end of the spectrum available to you. The pressure gives way to relief, and relief allows solutions to flow.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Feeling Really Good As You Get There


“The reason you want every single thing that you want, is because you think you will feel really good when you get there. But, if you don’t feel really good on your way to there, you can’t get there. You have to be satisfied with what-is while you’re reaching for more.”

Abraham-Hicks, 10/5/02

Come Out Of Your Shell

“Come out of your shell.  Do one thing today—at least one thing—that causes you to go out of your way to extend the love within the soul to another soul.  Go overboard.  Do it in a way that causes another a bit of pleasant shock.

Only by showing others what love is will you awaken some to the truth of who all of you are and that loving each other is the main reason you came here, the only reason you breathe.  Until you come out of your shell and give what has always been yours to give, you remain trapped.  Be free and soar.”

Your Beliefs Affect Your Body’s Health


“Your beliefs reflect the current relative state of health that your body is in, just as much as your diet and exercise regimen do. If you desire a gloriously healthy body but behave in unwholesome ways, you’re obviously going to be out of balance. But even more telling are the kinds of thoughts and beliefs that you have about your health.

Obviously, just like everyone else, you want to have perfect health. So let’s put this idealistic wish at the top rung of an imaginary ten-step ladder. There, at the apex of your desires regarding your health, is this longing for a body that’s healthy and feels great. Now, visualize this ten-rung ladder with these two questions in mind.

  1. At what rung of the ladder are your behaviors in relation to your tenth-rung desire?
  2. At what rung of the ladder are your beliefs about your behaviors in relation to your tenth-rung desire?

I’d make a calculated guess that anyone who’s overweight, and so out of shape that walking up a few flights of stairs leaves them breathless, is contributing second-rung energies to tenth-rung desires. In other words, they’re way out of balance. The same is true for people with any number of physical maladies attributable to lifestyle, such as ulcers, high blood pressure, indigestion, palpitations of the heart, and so on.

To create a balance where you can honestly say that your body is enjoying its optimal level of health and that you’re grateful to live in such a glorious House of God means making some new decisions around the two questions I’ve posed. It may be surprising to read that I’m not suggesting a radical change in diet or advocating that you embark on an exercise program designed for a bodybuilder or a marathon runner (although these are distinct possibilities). No, I’m suggesting a radical realignment in the energy of the beliefs you give to the tenth-rung desire.

If you’re overweight, out of shape, and suffering unnecessarily from physical maladies that are related to your lifestyle, this radical idea may require a lot of determination to overcome your disbelief. Isn’t it strange to think that your diet or lack of exercise aren’t completely responsible for the state of your health? Maybe it has to do with what you believe.

Your tenth-rung desire to enjoy living in a healthy body will manifest when you sufficiently desire it. And this is precisely how you can correct the imbalance that has one end weighted down to the ground by behaviors and beliefs that are diametrically opposed to what you desire.”

Taken from “Being In Balance” by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Do Angels Have Wings?

“Angels are non-physical Divine messengers, connecting Heaven with Earth, Divinity with Human Experience. Angels have been around us for millennia, and their interactions and encounters with us humans have been recorded in ancient as well as contemporary texts.

These Divine Angelic Beings exist mainly in the non-physical realms, higher dimensions which vibrate at higher frequencies unseen to our human physical eyes. These higher dimensional planes where Angels reside are pure energy and completely non-physical, devoid of any material things like here on Earth. Therefore, Angels do not have physical bodies like ours. Angels do not need wings to move around those higher planes! Energy at those level has very different qualities to the type of energy laws we are familiar with here on Earth. Angels can move from ‘place to place’ by just wishing it, without the need of wings.

In the early days, when our human knowledge of physics and energy was more primitive, people who would sense Angels moving around them could only explain this phenomenon by comparing Angels to birds flying in the sky. Therefore, Angels had to have wings if they were able to fly! Also, Angels were often referred to ‘as Divine messengers coming down from the Heavens’, further emphasizing the notion of flying and the use of wings.

Since then, Angels have been portrayed in pictures and in texts as winged beings. This image of winged Angels has been imprinted in the ‘global consciousness’ as the stereotype image of Angels. This has led many people nowadays to describe Angels as having wings. However, others describe Angels as an energy Being without wings.  Angels will also choose to appear to us in ways and shapes that will help us recognize them as Angelic Beings.

So… Do Angels have wings? It all comes down to your own expectations, but most importantly, to your own experience with them.

Angel Blessings!”

Diego Berman of


The Power of Your Thoughts

“The Thoughts I Think Determine the Relationship I Attract… You are the thinking, Vibrating attractor of your experience; and the thoughts you think determine everything about the life that you live. As you turn your attention toward the positive aspects of the personalities and behaviors of others with whom you share your planet, you will train your point of attraction in the direction of only what you desire. Not only does the power of your thought determine which people make their way into your life, but the power of your thought determines how they behave once they get there.”

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from The Vortex on 8/31/09