Source Energy Responds

“Source Energy is intimately, infinitely, always responding to your requests, no matter how great or small they may be deemed by you or anyone else who is observing them. There is nothing so big that Source Energy can’t get its thoughts around it—and there is nothing so small that Source Energy isn’t willing to get its thoughts around it.”

Abraham-Hicks, 8/4/01

Giving and Receiving

“For it is in giving that we receive” ~ Francis De Assis
“A beautiful thing to remember is that when you give to another, you actually give to yourself.  We are all one and the same, droplets in the same ocean of life.  Each person is really a part of you.  We are not separate beings.  This is just an illusion that all of us have been living with for many thousands of years.  When you give love to another, you are in essence giving love to yourself and this self just happens to have an apparent ‘separate’ physical form than yours.  So when you hesitant to give to another, remember that you are in essence giving to a part of yourself, and benefiting all of humanity including yourself.”

Forgiveness Affirmation by Louise Hay

“I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.”

“Louise Hay highly recommended doing one forgiveness affirmation a day for your mental health and spiritual well-being. If you only ever do one affirmation a day, make it a forgiveness affirmation. At the highest level, forgiveness affirms that the essence of who you are is whole, blessed, innocent, and untarnished by your biography.

‘We do not have to know how to forgive,’ says Louise in Heart Thoughts, ‘All we have to do is be willing to forgive. The Universe will take care of the how.’ Just for today (and then everyday after that), forgive the world for everyone, and set yourself free.”

Revel in the power of now!

“Rather than wanting to hold to the past longer and slow things down and stop the aging process — just revel in the power of now! You can’t stop time, and you won’t stop the recycling process that is taking place upon this planet, nor would you want to — but you do not have to suffer the moving through time. Every moment can be more wonderful than the moment before.”

Abraham-Hicks, 1/5/02

Life Becomes A Celebration

“Celebration is without any cause. Celebration is simply because we are. We are made out of the stuff called celebration. That’s our natural state – to celebrate – as natural as it is for the trees to bloom, for birds to sing, for rivers to flow to the ocean. Celebration is a natural state.”                           Osho, The Secret of Secrets, Talk #8

Guidance from Eileen Caddy of Findhorn


The Christ Is Within Every Soul

“See beyond the immediate, see deep within and find the divine spark within every soul and fan that spark into a mighty flame. Draw the very best out of everyone, and never be content until you have done this, and again you say ‘yes, yes’, but when you are faced with a very difficult person or situation, what do you do? Do you really take time to seek within that soul and find the best, or do you become impatient, critical and intolerant? Only you can answer this truthfully yourselves.

Remember you may not always recognize the Christ even though he may be walking in the very midst of you. The Christ is within every soul, seek and you shall find. Many an angel walks amongst you unrecognized, because you are so blinded by your own self-concern and selfishness. All who seek diligently will surely find. All who ask will be given the answer, and all who knock will gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, for it is within you.”

Choosing Thoughts That Strengthen You

Wisdom From Dr. Wayne Dyer 
Once you realize that what you think about is the source of your experience of reality, then you’ll begin to pay more attention to what you’re  thinking in any given moment.

“When you shift from a thought that’s a very low energy vibration to one of a higher frequency, you go from weak to strong. When your thought is on blaming others, you’re weakened. But when you shift to loving and trusting others, you become strong. Your thoughts come with an accompanying energy, so you might as well shift to those that empower you. Once you realize that what you think about is the source of your experience of reality, then you’ll begin to pay more attention to what you’re thinking in any given moment. 

Many years ago, in a tremendously popular audio program calledThe Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale taught many of us that we become what we think about all day long. Your thoughts determine whether you’re being empowered or weakened—whether you’re happy or sad, successful or not. Everything is a thought that you carry around with you. Happy thoughts create happy molecules. Your health is determined largely by the thoughts you have. Passionately think that you won’t get a cold, and your body will react to your thoughts. Refuse to entertain thoughts of fatigue, jet lag, or headaches, and your body responds to your thoughts.

Your mind tells your body to produce the drugs it needs to keep you healthy. Give someone a sugar pill and convince them that it’s an anti-arthritic drug, and that person’s body will react to the placebo with the increased production of anti-arthritic energies. The mind is a powerful tool in creating health. It also creates divine relationships, abundance, harmony in business—and even parking places! If your thoughts are focused on what you want to attract in your life, and you maintain that thought with the passion of an absolute intention, you’ll eventually act upon that intention, because the ancestor to every single action is a thought.

The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of peace, joy, love, acceptance, and willingness. These thoughts don’t create a counter-force. Powerful, joyful, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is. Then you’re in a state of inner bliss where serenity replaces fighting, reverence for all of life substitutes for craving and anxiety, and understanding supplants scorn. You become an optimist. Rather than seeing the glass as half empty, it’s always half full.

All of this is nothing more than a conscious decision on your part to be in charge of your thinking. Be aware at any given moment in your life that you always have a choice about the thoughts you allow in your mind. No one else can put a thought there. Regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, it is your choice. Choose to replace disempowering, weakening thoughts with thoughts of a higher spiritual frequency.

Don’t convince yourself that it can’t be done or it’s easier said than done. Your mind is yours to control. You are the creator and selector of your thoughts. You can change them at will. It is your God-given inheritance; your corner of freedom that no one can take away. No one can have control of your thoughts without your consent. So choose to avoid thoughts that weaken you, and you will know true wisdom. It is your choice!”  by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Our Current Progression – The Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited to share with you our findings on the current condition of the human collective consciousness, and now we are ready to express those findings to you. This is going to come as a shock to many of you, but it is our perspective that you are evolving at a quickened pace since the beginning of the new calendar year.

You are able to assimilate energy at a much faster pace. You are downloading information and receiving upgrades at a faster rate than you have ever been able to previously. And perhaps most importantly, we see the evolution of your consciousness in the compassion that you are feeling for one another.

That is one of the reasons why you still have as much darkness on your world as you do. It is necessary in order to give all of you the opportunity to experience that compassion. You are being given a choice, and the choice is clear – you can choose fear or you can choose compassion. You can choose survival, or you can choose ascension.

And we see the majority of you making the choice that results in the evolution of your consciousness. We see you making peace, also, with that which you don’t want to see any more of on your world, and this is also a necessary step in your evolution. You must be willing to accept that which exists but does not please you, that which exists and you find downright abhorrent. It all must be accepted and allowed by all of you before you can move past it.

Now, for those individuals that you can see lagging behind, remember that miracles happen. Look at your journey and how much you have changed and evolved, and know that it can happen at a much faster pace now. It is not going to take decades, or lifetimes, to see the evolution in consciousness in those who are still asleep. It can happen in an instant, and it will for many. And those of you who have been at the head of this march forward are going to be the ones who help, so just remember that the next time you wonder what your purpose is in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”