Meditation For Busy People – The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening


“Your mind is continuously bombarded from all sides by all kinds of thoughts. To protect itself, each mind has created a subtle wall of buffers so those thoughts are turned back, they don’t enter your mind. It is basically good, but then slowly those buffers have grown so much that now they don’t allow anything in. Even if you want, they are no longer in your control. And the only way to break them is the same way as breaking your own thoughts.

“Just become a witness of your thoughts. And as your thoughts start disappearing, the need for the buffers to protect those thoughts will not be there; those buffers will start falling. These are all abstract phenomena, so you cannot see them, but their effects are there.

“Only the man who knows how to meditate knows how to listen, or vice-versa. The man who knows how to listen knows how to meditate, because it is the same thing.”

Step 1: Sit by the side of a tree, on your bed, anywhere — just try to listen to the traffic noise, but intensely and totally, with no judgment that it is good or bad.

“Your thoughts will drop, and with that your buffers will drop, and suddenly a gap opens up which leads you into silence and peace.

“For centuries this has been the only way for anyone to come close to the reality of his own being and the mystery of existence. And as you come closer, you start feeling cooler, you start feeling happier; you start feeling fulfilled, contented, blissful. A point comes where you are so full of bliss that you can share with the whole world; still your blissfulness will remain the same. You can go on giving, but there is no way to exhaust it.

“Here you can only learn the method; then you have to use that method whenever you can, wherever you can. And you have so much time — standing in a bus, sitting in a train, lying down on the bed….”

Osho, The Osho Upanishad, Talk #16

Your Personalities Are Expanding ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You will discover new depths to your own personalities as you begin to integrate more of the aspects of who you have been in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. You are multifaceted and multidimensional, and the parts of your personality that have yet to reveal themselves are the parts that you have been denying for one reason or another.

It doesn’t really matter how these parts of your personality have been suppressed. All that matters is that they are reemerging, and you are going to find that you are much more than you ever thought you were previously. If there was a trait that you always admired in others but didn’t feel that you had yourself, you can expect that trait to reveal itself to you in the coming weeks, months, and years.

You are actualizing these aspects of yourself because you have come to a time where the integration process is being accelerated. This acceleration is due to a variety of factors, including your readiness to handle more of the energy that you are. You are energetic beings, and you are vast beings. Parts of your personality correspond to parts of that energy that you are. So turning on those parts of your personality is activating more of the energy that you are, which gives you more of a complete version of yourself.

You are becoming your higher self. You are actualizing different aspects of you that have been hidden, locked away, or even suppressed. Again, this has occurred for a variety of reasons, some of which are due to socialization, some are due to upbringing, and others are due to the past life experiences that the aspect of you had.

So you can see why you would suppress an aspect of your personality if it reminded you of, even on a subconscious level, a past life experience that you would not like to relive in this one. But you are here now facing everything, and hopefully embracing it as well, because it serves you very much to allow all of these parts of your personalities to come forward, to be acknowledged, and to be options that you can activate and experience.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer – From “Wishes Fulfilled”

The Role of Your Feelings in Fulfilling Your Wishes

The strange and wonderful thing about your subconscious mind is that it always accepts as true what you feel to be true. The key words here are feel to be true. Your feelings allow your subconscious mind to spring into action. The way to understand something spiritually is through experiencing it. Your feelings are the tools you have for experiencing your subconscious mind and making it your material world reality.

Your mission is to get to that place of assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, even if the wish has yet to materialize in your physical reality.

Impacting Your Subconscious Mind

1. The subconscious mind responds to suggestions.
You can reprogram your subconscious mind so that it goes on its accustomed role of autopilot with mental and feeling images from yourself. Talk to this automatically receptive component of yourself, telling it that you are unlimited, and that you believe all things are possible. Fill it with images of you being all that you dare to become. Go to a quiet place and feel in your body what it would feel like were those thoughts in your imagination your present reality.

2. The subconscious mind possesses the power to manifest physical reality from thought.
Every object and circumstance in this world is representative of a mental thought. All that now exists was once imagined—such is the power of the subconscious mind. But in order to partake of this incredible powerhouse of creation that you are, you must be able and willing to experience within yourself—in your mind—that which you wish to manifest. Thoughts become things when you feel them, and are able to impress them upon the subconscious mind, which will then take over.

3. Love is the feeling you must learn to assume.
Subconscious mind is really a piece of the one mind, and you and I are living in that mind. This universal subconscious mind is the first cause, and the stuff from which all things are made. This thinglessthing is really love. When you feel it, truly feel it within as your private inner awareness regarding what you would like to manifest, you gain the power of creation.

When you experience anger, frustration, fear, doubt, worry, stress, and so on, ramp up your love and immerse those negative feelings in a container of pure love. Simply choose to feel good because every moment of offering love brings your little sliver of subconscious mind into harmony with the all-creating one universal subconscious mind that is defined as love.

I trust I’ve awakened within you the awareness that your feelings play a huge role in your becoming a God-realized manifesting being. And remember that picturing the future without assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled is nothing but futile daydreaming.

Three Suggestions

— Practice feeling a thought that you have inserted into your imagination. Remember that a feeling is what you feel in your body as you contemplate what it is you wish to manifest or who you would like to become. Close your eyes and experience what that feels like in your body. Work with sensations that are not only your experience of what you are imagining in your body but are triggers that assist you in moving from a thought to a hardened physical reality.

— Whatever feeling you are attempting to notice in your body regarding your wishes or desire, bathe it in love—the synonym for God. Imagine what you want. Imagine and feel that love as if you were now in possession of it. Continue doing this using love, until your desire actually belongs to you. During this process remind yourself that the more love (God) you offer, the sooner desire becomes reality. Look into your mirror fearlessly, saying, I not only love you—I am love.

— Acquaint yourself with the subconscious mind. Your piece of subconscious mind acts on what you program into it so that it becomes your automatic mind acting habitually. Decide on a habit that you would like to be automatic—being generous, for example. Tell yourself, I am a generous person. Give something away in a spirit of generosity, even if it’s only a small coin or a word of encouragement.

The more thoughts and actions you practice around your new I am, the more the subconscious mind will react in kind until eventually it will act in generous ways out of a new habit that you’ve created. You have the power to impress upon the subconscious mind any I am of your choosing.”

Dr. Wayne Dyer,

Give Praise to Others

 You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” 

~ Kahlil Gibran”

“One powerful way of giving to your world is through the gift of loving words.  The most powerful words to give away are words of praise and appreciation.  Each time you praise another or appreciate them in some way, you send out positive energy to the people around you which in turn creates the kind of world you want to live in.  The beautiful thing about giving loving words is that it is contagious.   When you praise or appreciate someone, you create good feelings in the recipient of your kind words which they in turn tend to pass on to others in their world.  The more you praise and thank others, the more praise and appreciation comes back to you.  So from this day forward,  consciously practice praising and thanking all that you come in contact with from the store clerk to your beloved partner.”  

Osho Speaks On Dealing With Anxiety

Feeling Anxious? Be Alert!


“When you feel anxious, anxiety-ridden, what is one to do? What do you ordinarily do when anxiety is there? You try to solve it. You try alternatives, and you get more and more into it. You will create a bigger mess because anxiety cannot be solved through thinking. It cannot be dissolved through thinking because thinking itself is a sort of anxiety.

This technique says don’t do anything with anxiety.  Just be alert!

I will tell you one old anecdote about Bokuju, another Zen master. He lived alone in a cave, but during the day, or even in the night, he would sometimes say loudly, ‘Bokuju’ – his own name, and then he would say, “Yes, I am here.” And no one else was there.

Then his disciples used to ask him, ‘Why are you calling ‘Bokuju’, your own name, and then saying, ‘Yes sir, I am here’?’

He said, ‘Whenever I get into thinking, I have to remember to be alert, and so I call my own name, ‘Bokuju.’ The moment I call ‘Bokuju’ and I say, ‘Yes sir, I am here,’ the thinking, the anxiety disappears.’

Then, in his last days, for two or three years, he never called ‘Bokuju,’ his name, and never had to reply, ‘Yes sir, I am here.’ The disciples asked, ‘Master, now you never do this.’

So he said, ‘But now Bokuju is always there. He is always there, and there is no need. Before I used to miss him. Sometimes the anxiety would take me, cloud me all over, and Bokuju was not there. So I had to remember ‘Bokuju,’ and the anxiety would disappear….’

Try your name. When you feel deep anxiety, just call your name – not ‘Bokuju’ or any name, but your name – and then reply to it, ‘Yes sir, I am here,’ and feel the difference. Anxiety will not be there. At least for a single moment you will have a glimpse beyond the clouds, and that glimpse can be deepened. Once you know that if you become alert anxiety is not there, it disappears; you have come to a deep knowing of your own self and the mechanism of inner working.”

Excerpted from Osho, The Book of Secrets, Talk #41

Stay Present And Fearless


“What if, what if, what if …”  These are two words you would be wise to avoid if they engender feelings of fear and dread.  The human mind is programmed to build stories after words such as these, for what are words but building blocks which strung together which create scenarios that may or may not be based on Truth.

“What if” denotes a future not yet arrived, yet all you are ever sure of is here and now.  What if you stay present?  What if you notice the peace that comes as you do not fear the future?  What if you love yourself enough to focus on the love and peace that are right here right now? What if, indeed.”

Your Body Temple

“I am a spiritual being, living in a physical body.  My body is a temple, a sacred vehicle through which I live and breathe and create experiences for my spiritual growth.

As an expression of divine life, I strive to keep myself whole and strong.  I bless my body by eating wholesome foods and participating in regular physical activity.  I am a spiritual being and my thoughts affect my body.  I take time to meditate, pray, and affirm well-being.

In prayer, I bless my body from head to toe.  I speak words of life to every organ and system, and affirm the perfect function of each one.  I give thanks for the ability to experience my physical world.  Each experience is one of spiritual growth.”

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God?” – 1 Corinthians 6:19.

Activating Your Divinity Codes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

There is no doubt that you are making the transition to the fifth dimension. There is only speculation on your part, and on the parts of all of us, as to when that will occur. You are facing the challenges that you have placed before yourselves with a strength that few of us who are watching you could have imagined, and we are very pleased with your progress. However, we have noticed that you have a tendency to be very hard on yourselves.

You have a tendency to believe that you should be further along than you are, that you should be able to manifest everything that you desire in your reality by now. You have a tendency to wonder whether you are going to make it, whether you are going to complete your ascension process in this lifetime.

We understand where these doubts come from. You are programmed to believe in something outside of yourselves, more than you are encouraged to seek out the strength within you and the knowing within you of how wonderful you are, how perfect you are, and how adept you are at handling the challenges you face.

We see you from the perspective of very loving teachers and helpers, and therefore we see your successes more clearly than you do, and we are aware of how much progress you make every time you face one of the challenges in your life. We want you to know how sacred you are, how valuable you are, and we want to help you to activate within you the codes for your experience of the Divinity within you.

There are Divinity codes that exist inside each and every one of you, and they are waiting to be activated so that you may understand fully and embrace fully your Divine nature, your Divine origins, and the truth that you are Source Energy Beings. Once you begin to feel that and live it, your Divinity will be undeniable. You will not be able to ignore the Divinity within you. You will not be able to suppress it. And to the contrary, you will embrace yourselves as Divine Beings.

You will see every obstacle that has ever been placed in front of you as a means to an end. The end, the very important end, is to arrive at the place where you are able to recognize yourselves as the Divine Beings who were able to access everything that you needed in order to move you forward on your journey.

Most importantly, however, you are meant to recognize the Divinity that exists within you, even when you are faced with your challenges, the ones that cause you the most pain and suffering. When you can see the Divinity within you in your darkest moments, that’s when you know that you have achieved what you came here to achieve. Ascension will just be an afterthought.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”