Category: Spiritual Writings
Well-being Surrounds You
The Reasons For The Emotions You Feel
“A belief that the behavior of others must be controlled—so that your observation of that good behavior will make you feel good—leaves you feeling vulnerable to their behavior.
We would like to help you to understand that neither the good feeling you find when you observe wanted behavior, nor the bad feeling you find when you observe unwanted behavior, is actually the reason that you feel good or bad. The way you feel is only ever about your alignment, or misalignment, with the Source within you. It is only your relationship with the Source within you (with your own Inner Being) that is the reason for the emotions that you feel.
While it is nice to find things in your physical environment that enhance your good-feeling alignment with your Inner Being, your understanding of why you feel good will make it possible for you to feel good regardless of the behavior of others.
Understanding that the way you feel is really about your Vibrational relationship with your Inner Being—with the Source within you, with the expanded version of you who resides inside your Vortex—gives you complete empowerment and absolute freedom.
Abraham-Hicks, Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide on 11/1/10
Wayne Dyer on “Letting Go”
Perhaps the greatest lessons of my life have revolved around the slogan of the recovery movement: “Let Go and Let God”—a notion that involves relinquishing ego’s attachment to, or fear of, something. The single most pronounced attachment for most of us during our lives is the attachment to being right! There’s nothing ego loves more than to be right, which makes it an important and satisfying attachment to practice letting go.
I seriously doubt that there’s anyone reading this who hasn’t engaged in arguing about trivial matters that turned into disagreements, which had a net effect of following a road of self-righteous anger. And all of it probably seemed to be for no reason other than the need, the desire, to be right! Eventually, we may look back with wistful amusement, realizing now that our fear of actually being wrong was so strong then that another person’s opinion could energize this unwanted feeling. Ego’s strategy is to be right no matter what, a highly successful maneuver that effectively distracts us from genuine purpose. The good thing is, letting go of an attachment to being right can be a fairly simple exercise.
So how can you choose to let go and let God in the quest to eliminate an attachment to being right? You can handle it with these simple words spoken to another—You’re right about that. It stems from a soulful decision you make that when given the choice between being right and being kind—you’ll always choose to be kind. Saying “you’re right about that” will gradually open the entry point to a road that leads through letting go and letting God to experiencing a more significant life.
Part of the meaning we gain by letting go is a movement toward real contentment. Most stress in our lives results from hanging on to beliefs that keep us striving for more because ego stubbornly believes we need it. When we make the shift away from attachment, the influence of our ego fades. We replace attachment with contentment. Chasing and striving—and then becoming attached to what we chased after—is a source of anxiety that feeds Ambition, but it won’t satisfy the need for Meaning at our soul level.”
–Wayne Dyer’s Blog Post,
Which One Will Win?
A young shaman had completed his first vision quest. He told the elder, “Grandfather I saw in my vision the spirit of a white wolf and a black wolf. The two wolves were fighting. The dark wolf said I will never succeed and the white one said I will have great victory. Which one will win?”
The Leading Edge
“When you are exploring contrast, we want you to remind yourself: I am not doing something wrong standing in this contrasting place. I am doing something leading edge. I am doing something more refining. I am doing something more specific. I am not standing in a wrong place. I am standing in a right place.”
—Abraham-Hicks, 2014
“In The Forest” by Sanaya
“Help those with eyes to see and ears to hear your message that comes from the heart, from experience, and not simply from books and belief. Do not worry about those who cannot hear or see due to their beliefs.
Read our words again: Do not worry about them. They are loved. They are love, but their path is still unfolding, as is yours. Send them love if you wish, but at the same time, do not allow the sending of love to cause you to feel separate from those who think and act differently from you, all trees who share the same root Source. Eventually you will all come together again in awareness as love, which you are now at a soul level, but cannot see through the forest.”
Your True Spontaneous Nature ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You all crave consistency. You love predictability, and you are fascinated by the sequence of events that unfold in your lives in a logical way that you can understand and depend upon. Therefore, it is very often problematic for you to be faced by something from out of the blue, something unexpected. But we can recognize that the unpredictable is the true essence of who you are.
You are inherently spontaneous, and you have a tremendous amount of trust in this universe at your core. So why do you need structure, and consistency, and predictability? Usually these desires come from a place of fear. They come from a feeling of lack of security and stability, and they give you comfort where it is more preferable for you to be experiencing adventure. Adventure is what brings you new experiences, and new experiences add to your overall growth.
Comfort will eventually lead to boredom and boredom to stagnation, and then you find yourselves wondering where the years went. So we recommend that you have a new relationship with your reality and that you let your reality show you how much fun can be had through living in a state of inconsistency, and even a state of instability.
Often what you seek is insurance. You seek the assurance that you are going to survive, at least until your death. But living means moving forward. It means seeking out that which is unknown, and it is the easiest way for you to accelerate your ascension experience. Just do something new or do something differently than you’ve ever done it before.
Let yourself be inspired in every moment to a new perspective, a new approach, a new way, and see how reality will give you even more to get excited about. See how many adventures can come your way. See how much life has to offer you when you let go of control and you let in your true spontaneous nature. Let that take over and enjoy the ride.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”