
“Do not go backwards.  When you have a disagreement with another, do not continue to replay it in your mind.  Do not dissect every little cause, every word said or action taken in anger.  You know very well what happened.  Going back digs up the emotions.  Move forward knowing you can do better.

Yes, learn from your mistakes.  In an argument, there are two involved, so yes, you are responsible as well.  Vow to do better next time and perhaps there will not be a next time.  In the meantime, be present as the presence of Love.  It was presence that was missing, or you would not have had the argument in the first place.  When you are present there are three of you present, not two.  Listen for the still small Voice in every moment that begins to heat up and you will avoid escalation.  You are so loved.”  suzannegiesemann.com

From Excuses to Awareness – Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Lifelong, set-in-stone thinking keeps you stuck… often without your even realizing that you’re stuck! Since this type of mental activity can’t lead you in a new direction, becoming aware must be the first step to getting rid of your excuses forever.

Cultivating awareness is indeed the preliminary activity in the “I-opening” experience of meeting your authentic self. Living your life oblivious to your thinking patterns and beliefs, day after day, year after year, is a habit that encourages and elevates your ego or false self. Eckhart Tolle states that “awareness and ego cannot coexist” because awareness encourages and elevates your authentic self to be the center of your life experience. Although the false and authentic selves are mutually exclusive, I believe that knowledge of both is valuable. The way I see it, if you’re going to practice an Excuses Begone! life, your primary relationship needs to be 100 percent with your authentic self.

Who you truly are originated in a formless, invisible world. Scientists acknowledge that all particles (including you) emerge from an energy field of no-thing-ness. It’s Spirit that gives life, and it’s to Spirit that all life returns. There’s very little room for ego here, since it clings to the false belief that you are your possessions and achievements. Becoming mindful of your true essence leads to awareness of your magnificence, your Divinity, and your unique power to create for yourself whatever you feel is your destiny here on this planet, beyond any and all excuses.

When awareness is your reality, you don’t need to explain your shortcomings or missed opportunities. Instead, you transcend the pull of ego and move into a totally new dimension of higher consciousness. To put it simply and bluntly: if you don’t realize that you no longer have to be stuck in your old thinking habits, then the habits will prevail and persist.

From Excuses to Awareness

Breaking old habits requires noticing that you’re creating impediments in your life, and that these impediments have become excuses for so-called limitations. For example, if you’re averse to risk taking and tend to choose the safe or easy path, this has caused you to erect mental barriers. Such barriers are what I’m calling “excuses,” and they give you a way out. So when it’s time to try something new—or to take a step that might result in failing, becoming the butt of criticism, losing a contest or competition, or anything at all that puts you on the path toward becoming a stronger and more self-reliant person—you come up with the same old excuse and avoid the risk. This is all an exercise that starts and ends in your mind: it’s habituated thinking you rationalize by saying that it was inherited, or foisted on you by well-meaning (albeit cautious) parents.

Simply being cognizant of your excuse making will open you up to vast arenas of new possibilities. You can begin this process by paying attention to the false part of yourself that believes in limitations. Simply observe the thoughts in your mind and the feelings in your body and note when they don’t resonate with your authentic self. Yet you don’t have to change or fix those thoughts and feelings. By becoming aware of your true being, you only need to pay uncritical attention to the ego self, and it will recede gradually and naturally in the light of your awareness. Remember, you’re not just the temporary shell that you call your “body”— you’re a Divine essence who is limitless, formless, and infinite.

When you notice your ego’s chatter, you discover the ability to overcome long-established habits, and you begin to see all that you’ve been blinded to by excuse making. Awareness leads to your highest self; ego leads to your earthbound self. When you let the Divine grow within you, awareness will be what you bring to all aspects of your life.

As a Hindu devotee was once told: “The blossom vanishes of itself as the fruit grows, so will your lower self vanish as the Divine grows in you.” Letting the Divine grow within you involves sincerity, service to others, kindness, and reverence for all of life. Endeavoring to become aware encourages authentic thoughts to grow and appear in your inner world, and so will your lower self vanish as the Divine grows within you.”  www.drwaynedyer.com

Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong – Kryon

QUESTION (53) Dear Kryon: Does traditional Chinese medicine such as Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong still have an effect on the new energy, or should we not take it into account anymore as part of the old energy?

ANSWER This is energy work at its best, and now should be enhanced. It’s part of what we told you would be some very powerful ancient techniques that have been sequestered to only certain cultures, which now needs to be part of them all. Look for new techniques within the established ones in both of these disciplines.  kryon.com

Below is an inspiring interview with Anne Young, a certified Qigong Instructor! Anne Young shares her story with chronic back pain & depression and how she overcame these health challenges with a holistic approach.  You can find out more about her classes and schedule on her Facebook page, Heart Centered Qigong.


Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Reality

“The Law of Attraction is responding to your thought, not to your current reality. When you change the thought, your reality must follow suit. If things are going well for you, then focusing upon what is happening now will cause the well-being to continue, but if there are things happening now that are not pleasing, you must find a way of taking your attention away from those unwanted things.

You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually… your life experience.

Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the “lackful” side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts.”

Abraham-Hicks,  “Money and the Law of Attraction

Today’s Culture – Kryon

“An excerpt from Kryon Book 6, page 306 – 

Question from the book: Dear Kryon, I am gay, and an enlightened man. I live in an American society that barely tolerates me, and actually has some laws against my way of life. The church I used to belong to cast me out as being evil and anti-God. I don’t feel that I am violating some Human ethic. My love is as true as any heterosexual, and I am a light worker. Tell me what I should know.

Answer from the book: Dear one, less than two generations from now, there will be those who find this book and laugh at the quaintness of this very question. Before I answer, let me ask you and those reading this to examine a phenomenon about Human society and ‘God.’

Thirty years ago, interracial marriage was considered to be wrong by the laws of God. Now your society finds it common. The spiritual objections around it were either dropped or “rewritten” by those divinely inspired and authorized to do so. Therefore, your actual interpretations of the instructions from God changed with your society’s tolerance level–an interesting thing, indeed, how the interpretations of God seem to change regularly to match a changing culture!

The truth, of course, is that you find yourself in a situation that is known to create a test for you. Right now, in this time, you have agreed to come into your culture with an attribute that may alienate you from friends and religious followers. You have faced fear of rejection and have had to “swim upstream,” so to speak, just as an everyday life occurrence. Your contract, therefore, has been set up well, and you are in the middle of it. Additionally, like so many like you, you have a divine interest in yourselves! You feel part of the spiritual family. What a dichotomy indeed, to be judged as evil by those who are the high spiritual leaders–interpreting God for today’s culture.

Now I say this: What is your intent? Is it to walk with love for all those around you and become an enlightened Human Being in this New Age? Is it to forgive those who see you as a spiritual blight on society? Can you have the kind of tolerance for them that they seem not to have for you? Can you overlook the fact that they freely quote their scriptures in order to condemn you, yet they don’t seem to have the love tolerance that is the cornerstone of their own message?

If the answer is yes, then there is nothing else you must do. Your INTENT is everything, and your life will be honored with peace over those who would cause unrest, and tolerance for the intolerable. Your sexual attributes are simply chemistry and setups within your DNA. They are given by agreement as gifts for you to experience in this life. Look on them in this fashion, and be comfortable with that fact that you are a perfect spiritual creation under God–loved beyond measure–just like all humans. But then you know that, don’t you?”  kryon.com

Till The Soil Of Your Soul – Ann Albers’ Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Think of your life like a garden. There are seasons of planting your dreams, seasons of tending and weeding them, and seasons of harvest. There are seasons of rest, and seasons of growth.

There are seasons of allowing yourself to dream. There are seasons of tending to your dreams and weeding out the thoughts and obstacles that prevent their growth. There are seasons of enjoying the fruits of your labors and seasons of rest before you begin anew.

There are long seasons of your life such as going to school, being in a marriage, healing from a serious illness, or raising a child, and there are quick seasons, such as dreaming up, cooking, and eating your dinner.

Each thought is a seed that you plant in the garden of your life. You water your thoughts when you think of them with love. You deny them water and allow the weeds to grow when you think of them with fear. The sun of Divine love is always there to shine upon the and coax them to grow, whether you see it or not.

Play with us now. Think of a dream you have – a thought that gives you great joy to imagine! It may be a future vacation, a relationship, a home, your ideal career (even if you don’t know what that is), or simply peace of mind.

Now imagine you hold a tiny seed in your hand. Take moment and imagine what it would feel like to have this dream in your life, right here and now. Imagine you can put all those feelings of love into this seed.

Next, imagine you are going outside to plant this seed in moist, fertile, and nourishing soil. Carefully dig a hole for the seed. Place it in the ground with reverence, and cover it gently. Place your palms upon the earth and bless your seed. Imagine all those good feelings you just had running as energy into the ground. Fertilize the earth around your little seed with loving anticipation.

Imagine that you can see this tiny seed growing. Every day imagine you go out and check on it’s progress. As you imagine looking at the little patch of soil, sit and dream. Feel the feelings of having this dream come to fruition. As you dream your dream and think about it with love, your love becomes the water that nourishes the soil. The tiny plant bursts forth reaching for the light of love. It wants to ripen and come to fruition. You have planted it. You are watering it with love. The sunshine light of Divine love beckons it to grow.

Every day, in your imagination, look around. Do you see any weeds?Those are your fears and doubts. Imagine you pull them. You don’t even have to know what they represent. Simply pluck there from the soil of your soul.

If you continue this process daily, in your imagination, you will witness your little plant growing and eventually blossoming or bearing fruit. Water it with love. Weed it daily. Watch as your little plant grows into maturity – blossoming or bearing fruit.

Notice what is happening in your mind, heart, the soil of your soul and your daily life.

This little game is a wonderful way to keep the energies within you watering and weeding your dreams. Plant the seeds of love at every moment in your life dear ones. Water you dreams with your loving attention to them when they arise in your minds. Weed out your doubts and fears.

Then, like the greatest of gardeners, your life, your dreams, and your heart will blossom in a glorious expression of beautiful love!

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels


Total Relaxation is the Ultimate

“Total relaxation is the ultimate. That’s the moment when one becomes a buddha. That is the moment of realization, enlightenment, Christ-Consciousness. You cannot be totally relaxed right now. At the innermost core, a tension will persist.

“But start relaxing. Start from the circumference – that’s where we are, and we can start only from where we are. Relax the circumference of your being – relax your body, relax your behavior, relax your acts. Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. Slow down every process. Don’t be in a hurry and don’t be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you – in fact, it is available to you. We are here from the beginning and we are going to be here to the very end, if there is a beginning and there is an end. In fact, there is no beginning and no end. We have always been here and we will be here always. Forms go on changing, but not the substance; garments go on changing, but not the soul.

“Tension means hurry, fear, doubt. Tension means a constant effort to protect, to be secure, to be safe. Tension means preparing for the tomorrow now, or for the afterlife – afraid tomorrow you will not be able to face the reality, so be prepared. Tension means the past that you have not lived really but only somehow bypassed; it hangs, it is a hangover, it surrounds you.

“If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily.”

“You will have to relax from the circumference. The first step in relaxing is the body. Remember as many times as possible to look in the body, whether you are carrying some tension in the body somewhere – at the neck, in the head, in the legs. Relax it consciously. Just go to that part of the body, and persuade that part, say to it lovingly ‘Relax!’

“And you will be surprised that if you approach any part of your body, it listens, it follows you – it is your body! With closed eyes, go inside the body from the toe to the head searching for any place where there is a tension. And then talk to that part as you talk to a friend; let there be a dialogue between you and your body. Tell it to relax, and tell it, ‘There is nothing to fear. Don’t be afraid. I am here to take care – you can relax.’ Slowly slowly, you will learn the knack of it. Then the body becomes relaxed.

“Then take another step, a little deeper; tell the mind to relax. And if the body listens, mind also listens, but you cannot start with the mind – you have to start from the beginning. You cannot start from the middle. Many people start with the mind and they fail; they fail because they start from a wrong place. Everything should be done in the right order.

“When the mind is relaxed, then start relaxing your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions—which is even more complex, more subtle.”

If you become capable of relaxing the body voluntarily, then you will be able to help your mind relax voluntarily. The mind is a more complex phenomenon. Once you have become confident that the body listens to you, you will have a new trust in yourself. Now even the mind can listen to you. It will take a little longer with the mind, but it happens.

“When the mind is relaxed, then start relaxing your heart, the world of your feelings, emotions – which is even more complex, more subtle. But now you will be moving with trust, with great trust in yourself. Now you will know it is possible. If it is possible with the body and possible with the mind, it is possible with the heart too. And then only, when you have gone through these three steps, can you take the fourth. Now you can go to the innermost core of your being, which is beyond body, mind, heart: the very center of your existence. And you will be able to relax it too.

“And that relaxation certainly brings the greatest joy possible, the ultimate in ecstasy, acceptance. You will be full of bliss and rejoicing. Your life will have the quality of dance to it.”

Osho, The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 1, Talk #8 , www.osho.com

You Get What You Expect

“The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don’t want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they’re going to get what they expect. It’s not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect.”

Abraham-Hicks,  5/7/03


“I am healed and renewed.”

“Today I express my gratitude to God for healing.  Thank You for the divine blueprint of wholeness and perfection within me and for my natural state of health, vitality, and strength.

Thank You for Your presence in me, renewing, restoring, and sustaining me.  Every organ, cell, and function of my body is being restored to wholeness through the healing power of Divine Life in me.

I behold my true nature as Your child and I see myself as a picture of health — moving, speaking, working, playing, and functioning with ease, confidence, and purpose.

I love and care for my body, for it houses the sacred being I am.  I am healed and renewed, and I am grateful.”

“The Lord, your God, is in your midst… he will renew you in his love.” — Zephaniah 3:17, dailyword.com