Sanaya Says, “Full Circle”

“Continuing with a theme, we, your guides, will give you what you ask if it serves the greater good, if it is in alignment with the whole, so ask if you will, but within your world there are always two sides.  What if you were to not ask, trusting that something even greater might come your way if you were to say to your unseen helpers instead, “I AM here for you.  Do with me, share with me, use me as you will, for the greater good.”  Is this not the same as saying, “Thy will be done,” and trusting a Power greater than your human awareness?  That is what we do as well, for your guides are not all knowing, simply knowing how to trust and flow, and helping you to do the same.  And so, we have come full circle.  You are so very loved.”

The Rest of the Journey to the 5th Dimension ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have placed yourselves in the position that you wanted to be in at this time. You knew before you incarnated that after December 21st, 2012, you would have a window of opportunity in front of you to make decisions as a collective that would either guide you to the fifth dimension or to the destruction of your planet.

You made the decision to ascend. The potential was always there, but what was needed in order for the journey to continue to the fifth dimension was enough awakened beings to hold the vibration for the rest of planet Earth and the rest of humanity.

You are not overpopulated. Your planet can handle the billions of you that are currently incarnate, and there is power, of course, in numbers. As we have said, the star children volunteered to come forth to be that final piece of the puzzle to hold space for the collective.

And those of you who have been awake and living through these past several years have also been doing the work that was necessary to continue the journey. Now, at this time, you can relax. You can celebrate the knowing that you are making the journey, and you can feel the significance of this accomplishment. You can also let yourselves off the hook.

Many of you who came forth with the knowing that you had a mission did not realize that the mission would be something much bigger than writing a book or opening a healing center. It would be much bigger than delivering channeled messages. Your mission has been to hold the vibration for the rest of humanity, and you have done so.

And for many of you it has been a very tumultuous ride, but there is no turning back now. Now you can hold space for yourself. You can shift into creation mode, and you can create the remainder of the journey to be exactly as you want it to be. You will take the rest of humanity, those who choose to come, with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

How to Bring Money


“The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money. Often people assume that because they are speaking the words “I want more money,” they are speaking positively about money. When you are feeling fear or discomfort as you speak, you are not speaking of the subject of money, you are speaking of the subject of not enough money. And the difference is very important, because the first statement brings money and the second holds it away.”

Excerpted from the book “Money and the Law of Attraction,” Esther Hicks

Wayne Dyer on Flexibility

“Whether you are waiting to return a serve on the tennis court or listening for your name to be called for a job interview, your instinct is to stay loose. Be ready, be flexible, be poised to respond when the time is right. Staying loose is part of living in the present moment. Your readiness to move is part of your wisdom and gives you the power you need to live your best life.  In the 76th verse of the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu describes the flexibility that living things possess: “All things, including the grass and trees, are soft and pliable in life.”  He contrasts that living pliability with the dry and brittle quality of death and that for us, to remain flexible is choosing life.

This is often in conflict with our society’s sensibilities. You may have been taught that strength is measured by how “hard” you are in your thinking or how inflexible you are in your opinions. You may have been told that weakness is associated with those who bend. But when confronted with any stressful situation, keep in mind that being stiff won’t get you very far, whereas being flexible will carry you through. Lao-tzu wrote, “A tree that cannot bend will crack in the wind.

Change the way you think about strength. Aren’t the physically and mentally strong those who can bend and adapt to life—especially as we age? The more you think in rigid ways and refraining from considering other points of view, the more you’re liable to break. Our minds and our bodies need flexibility to thrive. When we see ourselves as flexible and supple, we are able to bend in harmony with our Divine source. By listening, yielding, and being gentle, we all become disciples of life.

Although just 81 short verses, the Tao encourages you to change your life by literally changing the way you think. The Tao Te Ching offers you Divine guidance on virtually every area of human existence. It is a new way of thinking in a world that needs to recapture its ancient teachings. I suggest working with the verses and affirmations regularly and you will come to know the truth behind the ancient Tao observation: When you change the way you look at things; the things you look at change.”

Guidance from Eileen Caddy of Findhorn Foundation


Be Still, Be Very, Very Still

“Be very, very still; the more chaos and confusion there is all around you the stiller you become. Let nothing cloud your vision of the perfection of our Oneness. In that stillness you can see the reflection of it and there is absolutely nothing to mar It, so Be Still, be still. Cease pointing your finger at the other fellow and turn within and see what you can do to improve relations. Cease criticizing one another and really love each other with My divine Love no matter what happens outwardly. You know all this in theory. Now is the time to put it into practice in your daily living. Truth is not truth to you until it is lived and becomes a part of you. You must live and move and have your being in My Truths. This is Reality; this is the only way to live a full and glorious life, which is your true destiny.

Learn to rise above all pettiness, all things of the personality, for until you can do this you remain like a piece of mercury affected by everything that is around you. One moment you are walking on air and the next you are in the very depths of despair, and every wind of change throws you completely off balance. Let your faith and security rest in Me. Seek that which is within and be not affected by that which is without. Listen only to My still small voice and find perfect peace of heart and mind. Be still, be very, very still. Come often into the silence and there you will always find Me for I AM in the very midst of you, and let My peace and Love infill and enfold each one of you. Let your lives be a song of praise, joy, glory and thanksgiving.”

Understanding “Loving Kindness Meditations” from The Cosmic Dolphin

 “Practicing Loving Kindness Meditations activate and strengthen areas of the brain and nervous system that are responsible for empathy and increased emotional intelligence. The practice always begins with developing a loving acceptance of yourself. If resistance is experienced then it indicates that feelings of unworthiness are present. The practice of loving kindness is designed to overcome any feelings of self-doubt or negativity. Once you have developed this loving kindness for yourself, then you are ready to systematically develop loving-kindness towards others.

  • Visualization – Bring to mind a mental picture that exudes loving kindness and brings warmth to your heart. Visualize yourself or the person the feeling is directed towards, returning the loving feeling to you or just the shared feeling of being joyous.
  • Through Reflection – Reflect on the highest and most positive qualities of a person you know and the acts of kindness you are aware of. Make an affirmation towards generating more of these positive qualities in yourself, more goodness and strong virtues. Reflect upon making positive statements of kindness directed to yourself, using your own words.
  • Verbally- When we speak inspiring words or phrases which contain meaning of loving kindness, they are the most effective because the subconscious mind hears your voice. Focus on an internalized mantra or meaningful phrase such as loving-kindness and God-Sovereign-Free.

When the positive feelings arise, switch from the mental focus of the exercise onto the actual emotional feeling, as it is the emotional feeling that is the primary goal. If you lose the sensation of the loving kindness, the feeling and warmth opening in your heart, return to the exercise, to bring back or strengthen the emotional feeling. When you have the loving kindness feeling in your heart, you can project that quality of frequency in all directions, north, south, east and west and 360 degrees. Connecting that emotional feeling of loving kindness into loved ones, spiritual communities, towns and countries around the world.

When we are emotionally developed with heart based intelligence, we can access very high quality of higher sensory perception to guide us through these very difficult times. This guidance cannot happen through harnessing the power of the mind.  This higher consciousness access only happens through the developed heart and emotional complex, which is the key to accessing higher spiritual power and higher consciousness. Do not forget that our spiritual power is infinitely connected through our human heart consciousness, and connects Omniversally.”, the