Enchanted Love

“In every bank there is a door to a vault.  Inside the vault lies gold.  In each of us there is such a door, and an enchanted love is the key to unlock it.  When someone truly makes the journey with you, when they try to understand your dreams, when someone truly respects your goals, when they truly hear your feelings, when someone truly stands at your side, when someone can laugh and cry with you with equal ease, when someone invites you to surrender all inhibitions and you know the invitation is safe, when someone honestly thinks you’re gorgeous, when someone recognizes your bravery and salutes you for it, when someone has compassion for your wounds, when someone forgives you regularly while indulging you rarely, your molecules transform.

And therein lies the mystery of love.

Yet even then, when such a miracle happens, its light will diminish if we do not commit to its continued shining.  Lightening strikes, but we are at choice whether or not to harness the power of its electricity.  We will meet who we are supposed to meet, as the meeting itself is ordained by God.  But what we do with the relationship is entirely up to us.  Enchanted love, under the direction of God’s spirit, is both a path to and an example of divine illumination.”

Marianne Williamson, Enchanted Love, The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships, p. 211-212.

Choose Happiness

“A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a ‘career’ of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do ‘for a living’ makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.”

—Abraham-Hicks, 2008

A New Earth Reality

“Never before has an evolutionary process required so much from humanity.  The ceaseless movement of evolving energies is pushing us towards a genuine, authentic evolution of consciousness.  An evolution in consciousness where we recognize that our soul’s evolution and the evolution of the Earth are intertwined.  That the condition of the world is dependent on the condition of humanity’s consciousness.  And that evolution must happen for new life to emerge and flourish.  More than ever it is important that we stand in the truth of who we authentically are to harness the energy of our souls and bring forth a new Earth reality.”


Who Are You?


“Who are you?  This is the most important question you can ask, followed by “Why am I here?”  The answer to the first question provides the answer to the second.  You are spirit experiencing itself through a temporary role.  Why would you choose to do so?  For the experience and the growth of the whole … to bring into experience a world of possibilities aligned … to let your light shine.  When it does not shine, you do not feel so good, do you?  That is mis-alignment.  What does feel good?  Loving, caring, connecting.  This is alignment, harmony, and that is why you are here.   Model these attributes and see what happens.  You will then know precisely who you are, Love.” suzannegiesemann.com

The Death Experience – James Tyberonn

“So we wish to speak on the death experience.  And Masters, as you read the words of this channeled message you are offered the reception of subtle intuitive catalysts, intuitive activating codes that are part of the frequency of this sharing, frequencies that are meant to assist you in expanding your own intuitive abilities.

Your current patriarchal religions tell you that at death there is either heaven or hell.  We would tell you otherwise.  Dear Ones, there is no fatalistic end, with a final judgement resulting in eternal reward or eternal punishment. In fact there is ‘no end.’  Life is ever expanding.

Death is not a fearful experience to dread.  What you term as ‘Death’ is a rebirth into your greater reality and in many ways is quite an exquisite beautiful awakening.  In truth, birth into the physical realm is far more traumatic than the return to the ‘angelic realm.’  Indeed the passing from physical may be appropriately described as ‘coming home.’ Certain extraordinary expansions of reality are innate to being in a far wider horizon, one that offers much greater sensitivity and understandings.”

James Tyberonn, 2038 The Next Quantum Leap, P. 6-7.

Your Feeling Vibration

“There’s an expression in the physical environment that you use to entertain each other. (it doesn’t serve you very well) that says, ‘I worry that I’ll go down to the dock, and that my ship will have already come and gone. I’ll miss my boat.’

And we say, another boat, another boat, another boat. You have no idea how many boats are coming to your dock. It’s a steady stream, and it doesn’t matter how many of them you’ve missed. The only thing that matters is what are you doing right now in your vibration? And you can tell what you’re doing right now in your vibration by the way you feel.”

Abraham-Hicks on 8/4/01

Self-Care Is Self-Love ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have established a connection with all of your guides, and we can report to all of you that your spirit guides are very excited about what they see humanity moving towards. They are optimistic, and they also have a message that hasn’t been getting through to most individuals. And that message is that you need to take care of yourselves first.

So many of you are looking for a purpose and wanting to be of service, and you are forgetting that in order for you to have something to give to another, you first must find a certain amount of balance, a certain amount of vitality, and a certain amount of joy in your own life.

You have everything that you need to achieve all three. As awakened beings you know how to balance your energy, you know how to meditate, and you know how to follow the path of joy. You need not worry about overdoing it when it comes to self-care, which is really self-love in action. And the reason why you needn’t worry about overdoing it is that any time you are in a state of joy, you are allowing more energy to flow to you and through you.

You ground that high frequency energy into your bodies and into the planet. You are more likely to spread joy around to others when you are taking care of yourselves. You are more likely to smile. You are more likely to be kind and courteous. You are more likely to not let things get to you that have a tendency to get to you when you’re overdoing it in terms of your physical action and in terms of the amount of stress you are taking on.

Now is not the time to be adding things to your plate. Now is the time to be relaxing and receiving, and then you can think about how much more you can contribute. But holding a high vibration has to be of paramount importance to those of you who are awakened. The rest of the collective is counting on you. They need leaders, and you need to lead by example. You need to lead by empowering yourselves and then showing others how they can do it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”  danielscranton.com

Wayne Dyer on Inner Peace

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. When you watch children playing, notice how totally involved they are in what they’re doing, how they run everywhere they go. Notice how they are oblivious to future problems almost as if they have given themselves permission to be free and they show it by becoming totally absorbed in their play. To be more childlike, you don’t have to give up being an adult. The fully integrated person is capable of being both an adult and a child simultaneously. Recapture the childlike feelings of wide-eyed excitement, spontaneous appreciation, cutting loose, and being full of awe and wonder at this magnificent universe. Here’s what kids know how to do best:


The child in you, like all children, loves to laugh, to be around people who can laugh at themselves and life. Children instinctively know that the more laughter we have in our lives, the better. They will go out of their way to linger with anyone who makes them laugh, who can go along with their jokes.

Keep Fantasy Alive

Children love to dream, to make up stories, use their imaginations—and so would you if you’d let yourself. Remember how you loved to draw, make up verses, or songs, hear stories, make up your own games, wander aimlessly into your fantasy excursions with anyone who was willing to listen or participate? That rich fantasy life was not only great fun but also one of the healthiest aspects of your life as a whole. All of life’s best realities start with “childlike” fantasies.

Be Spontaneous

Notice how children are willing to try anything on a moment’s notice. The child inside you wants to be impulsive and adventuresome, without always having to plan things in advance. Spontaneity is in many ways the key to all childlike behavior. That ability to stop suddenly by the roadside when something interesting catches your eye leads directly to childlike immediacy and “wonder in the face of the world.”

Accept the World as It Is (Be Trusting)

When the infant comes into the world, it has no thought that the world can or should be any different from what it is. The infant just opens its eyes in wonder and fascination at what is out there and makes its way in that world as best it can. The child inside of you knows how to take things as they come, how to deal most effectively and happily with everything and everyone it encounters on this planet. If you can recapture that childlike essence of your being, you can stay “forever young at heart.”

These glorious childlike qualities that can help you enjoy your life each and every day are no further from you than your fingers are from your hands. They are an inalienable part of you. If you really love that child within you, and really care to be a child again in

the ways I’m talking about, you cannot help but be at peace with yourself.

When you have inner peace, you can do just about anything. Give yourself more of that childlike inner peace today, by letting yourself be that spontaneous, in-the-moment, fun-loving child again. Or, as Friedrich Schiller put it, “Keep true to the dreams of thy youth.”

Forever Wisdom of Wayne Dyer c/o Hay House, Inc.
PO Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA, 92018
(800) 654-5126, www.DrWayneDyer.com