Attract Health, Wealth And Happiness

“You will notice that those who speak most of prosperity, have it. Those who speak most of health, have it. Those who speak most of sickness, have it. Those who speak most of poverty, have it. It is Law. It can be no other way… The way you feel is your point of attraction, and so, the Law of Attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel. When you feel lonely, you attract more loneliness. When you feel poor, you attract more poverty. When you feel sick, you attract more sickness. When you feel unhappy, you attract more unhappiness. When you feel healthy and vital and alive and prosperous—you attract more of all of those things.”

Excerpted from The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on 7/1/06

Beyond What Is

“Many around you want to point out “reality” to you. They say, ‘Face the facts. Look at what-is.’ And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, by Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is… You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more.

Excerpted from The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham on 7/1/06, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Copyright © 2018 Abraham-Hicks Publications

It Will All Turn Out All Right

“Potatoes.  You peel them, slice and dice them, and yet they are still potatoes.  So many things you can do with a potato:  smash it, mash it, roast it, fry it, and in the end, you simply eat it.  Where are we going with this, you ask?

Life is like a potato.  You start with something simple and basic … pure be-ing … and then you do with it what you wish.  Some like it plain, some like it scattered and, alas, smothered.  What difference does it make?  It is here for the taking—life—for the enjoyment, for the variety, for the experience.

Why are you taking it so seriously?  It is life being dished up for you.  Eat it any way you wish:  skin on or skin off.  It is still life.  Relax, please.  It will all turn out all right in the end.”

Home Blessing From The Daily Word

“Entering my home gives me a sense of peace.  My home is more than a shelter.  It is a place where I feel comfortable and secure, where I think and plan, where I rest and relax. I want it to be a place that welcomes others and makes them feel comfortable.

I give my home a Blessing!  With each thought and prayer, I create an environment that nourishes love, peace, and respect.  I bless my home with these thoughts.

‘These walls are built with love.  The windows allow the sun’s light to shine in and remind me that I, too, let light shine through me.  Into each corner of every room, I send peace.  Love resides here, creating warmth and inviting camaraderie and goodwill.  All who enter its doors are welcome.”

‘Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’ – Luke 10:5″


Letting in the Energies You’ve Summoned ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You will always be facing challenges in your lives, and these challenges will be the primary way in which you summon forth more energy. You have taken yourselves to a place where the challenges have brought you enough turmoil in your lives to let go and let in the resources and the energies that you’ve been summoning. You are all ready to do some letting go, because as you do, you let in that which you’ve been asking for.

The purpose of the challenge is to get you to admit to yourself that you don’t have to do it all alone. You, as a human being, with a physical mind, who can take certain actions to solve problems, don’t have to face all of your challenges with nothing more than your intellect and your ability to take action. You are giving yourselves insurmountable challenges because on some level you want to get to that point where you throw your hands in the air and say, ‘I give up.’

Now many of you are very familiar with asking for help. You’ve asked your guides, Source Energy, archangels, ascended masters, and all sorts of other beings to help you with a particular situation in your lives. But once you ask for that help, you also need to bring yourself into alignment with the energy that you’ve asked for. To let it in means that you have to let go of the problem that you are facing long enough to let your vibration raise.

Now, one of the best actions that you can take is to go do something fun. Do something that you love to do, and do it for no other reason than that you love to do it. And you will let down your guard. You will let go of your resistance, and you will let in the energy that you will use to co-create the perfect solution, or the perfect solutions, to all of your problems.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Stop Limiting Your Creations ∞The Creators

“We tell you that you can create whatever experience you would like to create, and many of you think that you would like to live within the same framework that you have been living and simply have more of the things you have ever wanted, experienced, and so on. But if you were to give yourselves the opportunity to take it just a little bit further, you would realize that there is so much more to be experienced than what you have been exposed to so far in your lives.

So that is why it is necessary for you to let go of any attachment that you have to the ideas of the perfect life that you may have dreamt of. Because in order to access what is beyond what you have experienced, you must let go of the attachments that you have to the physical, to the world that you know so that you can open up to a much bigger world, a much broader experience than you have ever had.

You will find that it is so much more satisfying to let the details of your life be a surprise to you. It is much more fun when you do not know what your presents will be. That is why you have the wrapping paper and the box, so that you can have the experience of opening your gifts.

So please do decide what your new world will feel like to you, and erase from your mind any ideas of what it might look like, who might be there, what you will be doing. Because all of those trappings are just that. They can only limit you in the same way that your minds have limited you from the truth of who it is you really are, how it is you really operate in this world, and what it is you are capable of becoming.”

Practice the Art of Allowing

“We practice the Art of Allowing. Which means reaching for the thought that feels best, not the thought that is the real thought, not the thought that is telling it like it is. Telling it like it is only holds you where it is: ‘Damn it, I’m going to tell it like it is. I’m going to tell it like it is, because everybody wants me to tell it like it is.’

Tell it like it is if you like it like it is. But if you don’t like it like it is, then don’t tell it like it is—tell it like you want it to be. If you tell it like you want it to be long enough, you will begin to feel it like you want it to be. And when you feel it like you want it to be, it be’s like you want it to be.”

Abraham Hicks, 2000