Enjoy The Journey

“Sometimes we take life too seriously. We over think things and worry about situations that actually never happen. Why do we obsess about the future, thinking we can actually control things? We can’t. We can put effort and have goals, but we need to surrender the attachment to the outcomes. So in the meantime, just RELAX! Take deep breaths and know that in the end, things will workout as they need to be. Don’t let the detours and rocky patches steal your joy.

Enjoy the journey. ”

🙏 Waleuska Lazo‎ 

Express Love

“We often hear it said that the greatest thing in the world is love, and yet we overlook the fact that love is also the most needed factor in personal and international relationships. God is love, and as God’s child, you are a channel through which the limitless and dynamic energy of love can flow—if you let it.

Affirm: I am a channel for the expression of the infinite love of God.

I am a channel for the expression of the infinite love of God.

Reflect: The love in me is God in me. I do not generate love; I simply express it. I do not need to make myself love certain people. I need only to get myself out of the way and let the divine energy of love flow through me, as it is its nature to do …”

By Eric Butterworth

The Higher Self

“As you detach from the tumultuous sea of emotion, and allow yourself to live from the higher truth within, what do you think might be one great result?

It frees you to truly live and love in peace, because all of your thoughts, words, and actions will naturally be based in unconditional love.

It’s a great feeling, the glimpse of eternal peace within.”

~Path Of The Lightworker by Aldys

The Light Will Always Prevail

“I do not know the answer to the violence, evil and darkness in the world but I do know the response.

It is your warm, unexpected smile as you pass a stranger on the street. It is speaking up and standing up for those who are being discriminated against and letting them know we are much more alike than we are different. And it’s offering not only a kind word but a warm hand to those struggling to find their way, earn a living, feed their children and make a better life.

The response to darkness is your compassion, your kindness, your love and the very light of your heart and soul. As dark as it may get, always remember that you are of the light and the light will always, always prevail.”

– Paul Begin with Yes

Doing Dishes

“To my mind, the idea that doing dishes is unpleasant can occur only when you aren’t doing them. Once you are standing in front of the sink with your sleeves rolled up and your hands in the warm water, it is really quite pleasant. I enjoy taking my time with each dish, being fully aware of the dish, the water, and each movement of my hands. I know that if I hurry in order to eat dessert sooner, the time of washing dishes will be unpleasant and not worth living. That would be a pity,  for each minute, each second of life is a miracle. The dishes themselves and that fact that I am here washing them are miracles!”

~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Transforming Our Corner Of The Universe – Marianne Williamson

“The Course In Miracles tells us: “The Bible says that a deep sleep fell upon Adam, and nowhere is there reference to his waking up.”  So far, there has been no ‘comprehensive reawakening or rebirth.’  We can all contribute to a global rebirth to the extent that we allow ourselves to be awakened from our own personal dream of separation and guilt, to release our own past and accept a new life in the present. It is only through our own personal awakening that the world can be awakened. We cannot give what we don’t have.

We’re all assigned a piece of the garden, a corner of the universe that is ours to transform.  Our corner of the universe is our own life – our relationships, our homes, our work, our current circumstances – exactly as they are.  Every situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity, perfectly planned by the Holy Spirit, to teach love instead of fear.  Whatever energy system we find ourselves a part of, it’s our job to heal it – to purify the thought forms by purifying our own.  It’s never really a circumstance that needs to change – it’s we who need to change.  The prayer isn’t for God to change our lives, but rather for Him to change us.

That’s the greatest miracle, and ultimately the only one: that you awaken from the dream of separation and become a different kind of person.  People are constantly concerning themselves with what they do: have I achieved enough, written the greatest screenplay, formed the most powerful company?  But the world will not be saved by another great novel, great movie, or great business venture.  It will be saved by the appearance of great people.”

Marianne Williamson, “A Return to Love – Reflections on the Principles of A Course In Miracles,” pg.75-76.