Overcoming Intense Trauma

“Every event that happens in our lives serves a purpose for us to understand that we are the constant creators of the energetic patterns that become our life experiences. Based on how well we can open our awareness to the radiance of our heart and align with it, we can know how our lives will play out.

Trauma instills self-destructive, negative, subconscious alignment, and an intensely traumatic experience leaves a deep emotional wound in our psyche. At some point, we must face and resolve it. The path to resolution is through acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and love.

If we completely miss this connection, our heart will still continue to love us and fill us with conscious life-force, regardless of our vibratory level or polarity. If we ignore our inner guidance, it becomes outer guidance, asking for our attention and diverting energy that is misaligned. If we continue to be intentionally ignorant, our life starts to hurt, and we diminish our life force by contracting in fear.

To heal ourselves, we must go beyond the body in our perspective. If we can follow this path in our imagination, we can practice imagining and envisioning ourselves meditating within the realm beyond our current reality, and we can recognize our presence of awareness beyond space and time. If we allow ourselves to follow this thread in a meditative state, we may be able to find our inner light.

Our awareness can expand beyond our negative trance of trauma crisis and transform into a higher-dimensional state of being, leading to the dissolution of fear in the presence of joy. This is where healing occurs, and we have a new perspective that is more in alignment with the life-enhancing intent of our conscious life force.

As we expand our internal sensitivity, we become more aware of the loving qualities of all the energies around us. In our understanding, we can imagine the consequences of our personal vibratory patterns, and we can choose the ones we want to experience.

This is how we can create a new world of positive polarity and beauty.”


In The Peace And In The Storms

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In the peace and in the storms, we are there with you. In calm and in chaos, the Divine is within,
 waiting for you to breathe and allow its magnificent love to bubble up from within, guide, and comfort you. Never are you without direction. Never are you without help. Never are you without love.

Even when you don’t have cell service, you have soul service. When you don’t have electricity, you still have inner power.  When you feel disconnected, sit for a moment and breathe into the inner world in which you are connected with all things, all beings, and all that you require.  The dear creatures on your planet do not have devices, electricity, or even written words, yet they live in complete harmony with nature and one another. They surrender to life as life presents itself and receive guidance at all times to help them satisfy their own intentions of being comfortable, sustained, and loved. You can live in this harmony and connection as well.

When it looks like your world is in chaos, the inner world is always a temple of refuge and a place of peace.  Beneath the choppy waves on the surface of the sea, there exists a calm ocean. Beneath the choppy and turbulent situations on your earth, there exists a calm Presence. God is with you. The Presence of love that lives within never leaves you. The help you require is there for you. If you can truly believe, you will receive. From the Divine, there is a constant outflow of love, guidance, support, and well-being. You can tap in at any time.

We know that life can be a struggle, but if you can stop struggling with life and accept it as it comes, while simultaneously reaching for more, then your challenges become simply adventures that give way to kinder adventures. Your problems become launching pads for solutions.  Your concerns become the fertilizer for your desires.

You say this often, ‘Life happens.’ How you respond to the external is an inside job. Try to respond with this mindset – I am having an adventure. If I like it, I’d like more, please. If I don’t, then I’d like a kinder adventure. I know that my desire in this moment for better is strong. I know I have already set the universal wheels in motion.

Dear ones, we love you. We are with you. In calm and in storms, sickness and health, good times and bad. We never leave you. The Presence and power within is always there. Sit with us. Breathe. Receive our love.  We want to help your lives become greater adventures in love, serenity, joy, and all that you wish.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


For Good Emotional Health

“One of the ways to practice deep shadow work is to first be aware of the ‘story’ you are telling yourself. (whether it’s true or not).

For example, ‘My father liked my sister better than me.’ One time he…. (fill in the blank). You can use the same formula for Mom, siblings, spouses, friends, etc.
FEEL the feelings this thought brings up in you. Where in your body do you feel it?
Now…give some breath to that feeling and release the pain with your breath.
Next…here’s an exercise that is so helpful in reframing a story that you’ve told for years.
I’m sorry, I don’t know what book this is from..(perhaps someone knows). However, I find it to be a truly effective way to reframe and introduce another perspective.
*Someone just wrote and said it’s from Medicine Woman Guidebook by Carol Bridges*.
I also recommend an amazing movie titled, ‘My Life’ with Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman…it truly gives a whole new perspective on what we believe as children and shows the other side of things…
We are NOT responsible for what happened to us and how we felt as children…and yet we ARE RESPONSIBLE to heal it within us and get out of the story to Parent ourselves now.
I will be offering more tips on Shadow work, Compassion, and Forgiveness in the coming months…
In good emotional health,
Faith Spina”

The Five A’s Build Love In Ourselves

“We know deep down, and have always known, that “need fulfillment” and good parenting mean the five A’s: attention, acceptance, appreciation, affection, and allowing.  As children, we noticed how our parents did and did not fit the bill.  We then looked for someone who could fit the bill better or more consistently.

Our self-esteem emerges from contact with others who provide us with the five A’s.  The five A’s are not extras.  They are the components of the healthy, individualized ego:  Attention from others leads to self-respect.  Acceptance engenders a sense of being inherently a good person.  Appreciation generates a sense of self-worth. Affection makes us feel loveable.  Allowing gives us the freedom to pursue our own deepest needs, values, and wishes.

When the five A’s were not forthcoming we might have felt we were to blame.  That may leave us with a gnawing need to make reparation all our lives.

(Reparation is to seek help or payment from someone for the damage, loss, or suffering that they have caused you.)

Such reparation is futile and misleading, since the true task is a journey out into the world to find some of what was missing … and then to discover it in ourselves, too.

As adults, we look for the partner who will be just right.  At first, that means a replica of our parents with some of the better — or missing — features added.  So we find the man who controls but is also loyal.

As we mature we no longer seek the negative traits, only the positive ones.  So we no longer look for controlling men but for loyal men who let us be ourselves.

In full maturity, we do not demand perfection at all, only notice reality.  We access our resources within. A partner who cooperates in that is a gift but no longer a necessity.

The five A’s begin as needs to be fulfilled by our parents, then become needs to be fulfilled by our partners, and someday become gifts we give to others and to the world.”

How To Be An Adult In Relationships – The Five Keys To Mindful Loving, David Richo, pgs. 26-27.