Rise Above The Present Situation

“You Can Help So Much By Radiating More And More Light

Do not allow the world situation to depress you or drag you down.

I tell you to see all that is taking place as a cleansing process, a very necessary process. When you have poison in your system and a boil develops, that poison has to be removed or dispersed before healing takes place. So with the world situation there is much poison, much darkness and evil, which has to be transmuted. That is why this time in the world’s evolution is such a very painful and distressing time.

You can help so much by radiating more and more Light, by being able to rise above the present situation and not allowing yourselves to become part of it. Remember you are in this world, but you are not of it, for when you become of it, you cannot be fully used to help, and I need hands and feet to help at this specific time.

Never forget you are all My hands and feet, so rededicate yourselves to Me and to My service this day, so I can use you as I will and feel My blessings being poured down on you.”

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy, guidance@findhorn.org

One of the co-founders of the Findhorn Community, Eileen Caddy, received guidance from the “still, small voice within” and shared it with the community for more than 40 years until she passed away in 2006. We continue this tradition as her guidance is as relevant today as it was when she received it.



“Oh, you must read this book!” says one seeker to another.  And yet, it does not have the same effect on you as it did on them.  Why is this?

For each soul is here to experience life from a different angle.  In so doing, it sees and experiences and perceives lessons and information differently than others.  That is the whole point.

Ultimately, the goal is Self-Realization, to remember that you are all One.  At that point, there is no more need for experience and perception.  All has been experienced.  All have returned to Unconditioned Love.

In the meantime, share your stories, share your books, share your teachers, your teaching, and your learning.  Some will resonate, others will not, and that is exactly as it is designed to play out.  En-Joy every moment of this adventure called Human Being.

You are so very loved.”

The post Angles appeared first on Suzanne Giesemann.

The Dissolving Of Fear

“The dissolving of fear occurs when you allow yourself to jump. The fear remains powerful when you don’t acknowledge an opportunity as being a form of abundance.
Just jump already and know that everything will work out. Of course it will be uncomfortable for a second. But the healing that occurs following is tremendous.

When you jump, you honor yourself as much as the angels honor you.”         🦋
Danny Picard