We Are Like Nested Dolls With One Center

Have you ever seen Russian nesting dolls?  There is a large container doll that has other similar dolls of smaller sizes with each one fitting inside the other. 

A long time ago, Russian children learned to count with Russian nesting dolls, also known as matryoshkas.  They’re dolls that hide inside each other. That’s where the name comes from — each one “nests” inside a larger doll.

Thinking of nesting dolls may be the key to understanding the hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of the three-dimensional world.

Billy Carson, an ancient history expert known for creating documentaries that help people look at the world in a different light, believes “we are living in a nested reality.” He continues, “This universe is just one of many in a multi-verse. And even within the multi-verse, universes can be nested!”

Suzanne Giesemann channeled, “Nested dolls.  There can be no better analogy for your true nature than this.

You find yourself now in a very dense world, feeling quite separate from others.  But what if the center of you is also the center of a soul, which is the center of an even higher being still?  And what if the center of that Be-ing, which is not a person once you have gone higher beyond the dense physical world, is also the center of all others?

If you all share the same center, then you also share the same attributes of the field of creative intelligence from which all these nested dolls arise.

If you are feeling a bit closed in, cut off, or off balance, expand your awareness beyond your current viewpoint as ‘only human.’  Ask the question ‘What if I am …?’ of something beyond your greatest imagining.

Ask this often as you peel back the layers of dolls and find the center that is always and already here.

You are so very loved.”  suzannegiesemann.com


What Would You Say?

I thought about what I’d say for a bit.. but words are hard to hear for most, so I thought… if it were the Buddha, he wouldn’t say a thing, he would sit there with a knowing grin on his face and fill his heart with all the Love in the world and he would radiate it out to every single living soul like a lighthouse shining for them to see the radiance of love and compassion embodied in human form emanating forth divine light and they would see in their hearts who they truly were and why we need to love each other.

Words couldn’t come close to that. So that’s what I would do too, I would meditate and love the world, every single soul. No words needed.

James Brady

All Of Our Experiences

“All of our experiences operate by the law of attraction. By focusing on our problems, we continue to create them. By fighting against our enemies, we enable enemies that we want to fight against. By believing that we must be subject to all of these difficulties, we limit ourselves to experiencing them.

We have absolute control over what we experience. It is all a reflection of our own consciousness. Nothing exists outside of our own Being. Once we recognize who we are in our true Being, we can command every situation in our experience.

Quantum physicists have proved that everything in our experience is a complex field of electromagnetic wave patterns and fluctuations that respond to our awareness. These wave patterns are conscious and have their own life force. When we give them our attention, they respond immediately by becoming situations that we perceive, feel and experience. The quantum field contains every possible experience in patterns of energy waves that we attract by our vibratory frequency, our personal energy signature. This is the energy that we align with in our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

With our thoughts and imagination, we create the forms of our experiences. With our emotions, we create the content that we feel. It all arises for us out of the quantum field instantaneously in every moment. If we react to pain and suffering with feelings of pain and suffering, we continue to create situations that elicit those emotions.

If we want to change our experiences, we have the free will to focus on higher-vibratory emotions, such as compassion and kindness. This kind of energetic radiance results in a higher-quality experience arising for us.

We can raise the quality of our human experience by raising the focus of our thoughts and emotions in our interactions with one another. We must choose the focus of our attention. By raising the frequency of our personal energy signature, we open ourselves to inspiring, loving, and joyful interactions with one another, and we attract others living in the same spectrum of energy.”

“Choosing Our Destiny,” Kenneth Schmitt, linkedin.com

The Benefits Of Optimism

“Numerous studies have explored the link between optimism and positive outcomes. The results paint a compelling picture of the benefits of maintaining a positive outlook. Below, we take a closer look at these benefits.

Improved Physical & Mental Health – Optimists tend to have stronger immune systems and lower risks of cardiovascular disease. They’re also more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like regular exercise and balanced diets.  Optimism is further associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety. It also correlates with higher levels of life satisfaction and overall well-being.

Better Stress Management – Optimists typically cope better with stress. They’re more likely to use problem-solving strategies and seek social support when faced with challenges. And this can spill over into so much more! They will seek out help when they need it. They will also potentially learn boundaries for themselves to cope better in the future or avoid similar stressful problems.

Increased Longevity – Several long-term studies have found that            optimistic individuals tend to live longer than their pessimistic counterparts. And this just might go hand-in-hand with how optimistic people tend to also maintain better and more satisfying relationships.  An infamous Harvard study about happiness outlined that relationships played a key role in this, potentially contributing to longer lives.

Career Success – Optimistic individuals are also potentially more likely to persist in the face of career obstacles. This resilience often leads to greater professional achievements over time.

For instance, optimists are more likely to see problems as challenges to be overcome rather than insurmountable obstacles. This perspective often leads to more creative and effective problem-solving!

Optimism is a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges and maximizing our potential. With patience and practice, anyone can learn to approach life with a more positive perspective. 

All in all… in a world that often seems filled with negativity, choosing optimism is a radical act of self-care and empowerment. It’s an investment in your future that can pay dividends in every area of your life.

So why not start today? Your brighter, more optimistic future is waiting!”


Hope And Optimism

“Hope is confidence in God … not wishful thinking.  To have hope is to trust in God to meet our needs … even in the midst of difficult times.  When we do go through tough times our confidence in God can get a little rattled, as the Old Testament figure Job experienced.  In the midst of his pain and heartache he cried out, ‘Where then is my hope?  Who can see any hope for me?’ (Job 17:15)

Ultimately, hope comes from God.  The Scriptures say, ‘May the God of hope fill you all with joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’  (Romans 15:13)  Hope is an essential element of the Christian’s life.  In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul included hope as one of the top three qualities of a person’s life: ‘And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love.’ (1 Cor. 13:13)

Can a person be filled with hope without being filled with optimism?  According to the encyclopedia, optimism is ‘to anticipate the best possible outcome.’  Can we demonstrate hope in God without anticipating the best possible outcomes of the situations we face?

I believe we can.  In fact, I think hope is best exemplified when it is demonstrated in the face of negative circumstances.  There are many times when hope and optimism go hand in hand.  David had both when he faced Goliath. He had confidence in God and he expected the best possible outcomes … Goliath’s defeat and an Israelite victory over the Philistines.  And yet, there are many examples of people who had hope in God but did not anticipate the best possible outcomes.

Simon Peter is a good example.  He and the disciples had been fishing all night and had caught nothing.  They had worked so hard and yet still had nothing to show for their labors.  And then Jesus tells them to cast out the net one more time.  Simon did not expect to catch any fish.  He was pessimistic.  But, he had confidence in Jesus, so he cast the net.  Though the circumstances did not look promising, his hope in God made up for his lack of optimism.

The point is this: hope and optimism are not the same thing.  You can still be hopeful even if you are not optimistic.  You can still be a dispenser of hope even if you think you are going to face hard times ahead because you know that God will meet your needs.

Hope doesn’t mean that the best possible situations will always occur, but it does mean that in some way God will bring something good or useful out of the situation.  As we look into the future, we many not always be filled with optimism, but we must always be filled with hope … God is still in control!”

www.healthandwellnessfl.com, By Paster Timothy L. Neptune