Expect A Miracle

Expect a miracle. Expect miracle upon miracle to come about, and do not limit in any way. The more open you are, the better, for then there is nothing in the way to stop the flow of My laws, for miracles are simply My laws in action. Flow with those laws, and anything can happen! See the perfection of My plan unfold.

There is no sense of rush or hurry. When something unfolds, it can unfold at great speed, but it does so with a great sense of peace and serenity, perfect timing and precision. Be afraid of nothing, for there is nothing to fear when your faith and trust are in Me.

I AM within you, so see the perfection of My plan come about within you and without. It all starts from within and works its way without; therefore let nothing in you hinder its progress. Let it all come, and behold the new heaven and new earth.

~ guidance received by Eileen Caddy, findhorn.org,

Seth – What We Should Concentrate Upon

Lynda M. Dahl did a search of Seth’s original 11 books, looking for the words, “concentrate upon” and came up with the following list:  

CONCENTRATE UPON those thoughts or feelings that give you the results that you want.

A great many unsatisfactory conditions result because individuals become frightened at various periods in their lives, doubt themselves, and begin to CONCENTRATE UPON “negative ” aspects.

Above all, do not CONCENTRATE UPON past unfavorable events, or imagined future ones.

CONCENTRATE UPON the fact that the point of power IS now.

You must CONCENTRATE UPON the attribute – not, for example, upon the fact that you have not used it well thus far.

Do not CONCENTRATE UPON any lacks, just upon your desire.

To continually reinforce negative aspects, CONCENTRATE UPON them to the exclusion of conflicting data, and so bring them into experience through natural hypnosis.

If you CONCENTRATE UPON a personal illness, you will find any improvements insignificant because of the great focus of your attention upon the negative aspects.

The main point is not to CONCENTRATE UPON the liabilities but to pursue those abilities that you have, for the great energies of your personality will be directed in those avenues.

Your love can get lost if you CONCENTRATE UPON those variations that are less than idyllic.

You get what you CONCENTRATE UPON.  Your mental images bring about their own fulfillment.

But do not CONCENTRATE UPON your problems, nor let them close your eyes to the joys and freedoms that you have.

It is a good idea for now not to CONCENTRATE UPON that leg, or what it must do… eventually… in order for walking to take place.  It might help if now and then he imagines his walking taking place as easily and naturally as his thoughts come and go.

(Seth is the nonphysical spiritual teacher who spoke thru the author Jane Roberts.  Seth presented the furthest reaches of human potential, the eternal validity of the soul, and the concept that we create our own reality according to our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.  Seth taught to access and use the tremendous source of power and wisdom within you.)


Your Beliefs Form Reality

“Your beliefs form reality. Your individual beliefs and your joint beliefs. Now the intensity of a belief is extremely important…

And, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe…IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU WILL BEGIN TO DETERIORATE AT 22, then so you shall.

And, if you believe that you are poor, and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you. Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.

It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control whether those events are psychological events or physical ones, in your terms.

As I have told you, there is little difference if you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your early infancy or by past lives over which equally you feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, and your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.”

Seth- The Nature of Personal Reality, Jane Roberts


Resolve Your Emotion

“David Viscott has reduced emotional complexity to a single cycle that gets repeated countless times in everyone’s life.  This cycle begins in the present, where only pain and pleasure are felt, and ends up with complex feelings centered exclusively in the past, such as guilt and depression. The cycle of emotions is as follows:

  • Pain in the present is experienced as hurt.
  • Pain in the past is remembered as anger.
  • Pain in the future is perceived as anxiety.
  • Unexpressed anger, redirected against yourself and held within, is called guilt.
  • The depletion of energy that occurs when anger is redirected inward creates depression.

What this cycle tells us is that stored hurt is responsible for a wide range of psychological distress.  Buried hurt disguises itself as anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression.  The only way to deal with these layers of pain is to find out what hurts as the pain occurs, deal with it, and move on.

Living in the present means being honest enough to avoid the easy emotion, which is anger, and expose the hurt, which is harder to confront.  When hurt is not resolved in the present, the vicious buildup of anger, anxiety, guilt, and depression can only grow worse.

The steps of how to feel in the present:

  • Realize that hurt is the most basic negative feeling.  You cannot be in the present without the willingness to feel hurt.
  • Be with your sensations.  Resist the impulse either to deny what you feel or to turn it into anger.
  • Say what you feel to the person who caused the hurt.
  • Resolve your emotion and move on.

Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – The Quantum Alternative To Growing Old, Deepak Chopra M.D., pgs. 186 – 187.

So Long As We Resist

“So long as we resist a situation, it will stay with us. If we run away from it, it will run after us. Why? Because the ‘situation’ is a frequency in our aura, and our aura is our self-created atmosphere. We cannot run away from our aura, however, we can change it in an instant by changing our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, words, and actions.

The inharmonious situation outpictures some inharmony within ourselves. Therefore, the only way to heal an inharmonious situation is to go within and correct our thoughts, feelings, words, and beliefs around the situation.

Life is a mirror. The people in our life mirror ourselves. If we want the outer world to change, we have to turn within. The work is ever within ourselves. If we look at the bathroom mirror in the morning and we don’t like what we see, it will not occur to us to change the reflection by trying to change the mirror, will it?

The only way to change the reflection in the mirror is to change ourselves. The same holds true for our entire life. Life is a mirror.

Jesus advised us to ‘agree with thine adversary quickly.’ Agreeing with our adversary means to look at the situation as good in that it indicates that our inner life has gotten out of harmony

and that we need to turn within to correct the disharmony. The proper way to ‘outwardly’ respond to an undesirable situation is to remain undisturbed by it. When we emotionally respond to an unwanted situation, we feed it and keep it alive. When we remain undisturbed by it, it naturally fades away for lack of attention and energy.

Never fight an undesirable situation. Always remember: Man’s work is ever within himself.”

Home New

Real Happiness Is An Inside Job

“Most of us are operating on mistaken ideas about what gives us happiness — and these errors are sometimes costly.  Think about how you normally spend your days — shopping, TV watching, drinking alcohol, eating junk food, computer games — and then think about whether that’s making you happy. Now think about the cost to your health and long-term happiness.

Real happiness comes from what’s happening inwardly.

  • Being delighted by movement, music, and connecting with others
  • Caring for yourself or others
  • Having fun, playing, smiling
  • Being fully in the present moment
  • Being grateful, being appreciative
  • Loving
  • Feeling connected to others, yourself, or the world around you
  • Expressing your full self

Again, this isn’t a complete list. The idea is to show you the inward activities that can happen with any outward activity, that lead to greater happiness.

There are lots of other inward activities that don’t often lead to greater happiness: judgment, complaining, needing more and more, hating, seeing the faults, hiding yourself, or shutting yourself off from the world. Not that these are bad things — they’re human, and we all do them, and they’re a part of the beautiful experience of living. But you might notice that when you’re doing them, they don’t fulfill you as much as other inward activities.

From that, you might consciously practice the inward activities that lead to greater fulfillment, meaning love. How would you like to practice?”

https://zenhabits.net, Leo Babauta