Category: Spiritual Writings
The Birth Of Quantum Physics
“The birth of quantum physics brought science and spirituality into alignment. It was the realization by physicists that photons have consciousness, and not just limited consciousness, but awareness of the entire cosmos. It was proved by experiments with photons, electrons, protons, and countless other sub-atomic particles or waves.
In the photon experiment, the photon demonstrated that it was aware of the entire experiment and knew when to adjust its expression between being an observable particle of light or an unobserved wave that can only be known by the trail that it leaves behind. This implies that every sub-atomic entity knows the quantum state of the entire universe. The quantum world is entirely sentient. Each of its parts is aware of the whole.
The only way for photons to know when they’re being observed is if they are conscious beings. In the quantum world, each of the parts is aware of the whole. A single photon is aware of the quantum state of the entire universe instantaneously always. It has this quality because it is part of the universal consciousness, in which we are also participants.
By participating in the empirical world, a world based on experience, observation, and evidence, we experience material proof of our creative ability. If we are perceptive and aware of the interaction of our thoughts, intentions, beliefs, and emotions, we know we are creating our personal energy signature. Our experiences are all a result of our self-created personal energy signature, which develops from our focus of attention.
Once we realize this, we can create a world of light and love in our personal consciousness, which also flows into the consciousness of humanity and the entire cosmos. We’re beginning to realize who we really are!
The entire cosmos is conscious, and we interact with it in myriad ways that alter the appearance and experience in our own consciousness.”, Kenneth Schmitt
The Only Way – Albert Camus
Happy Thanksgiving
For The Welfare Of All
“You have traversed epoch after epoch, gaining experience and creating growth – only to be present today in this change, taking your place and shaping your irreplaceable role.
You are here because you have made it a point for eons to be HERE on this earth now. The deep meaning of your existence is now revealed, and you become aware of how important, significant, and indispensable your work is now.
What I am talking about is that your upliftment is in full swing. Your return to GOD, who I AM, is and can be thwarted by nothing and by nobody!
It happens now! here and today we become one! Man and God are united – in your heart and for the welfare of all life.”, He Who Loves God, JAHN J KASSL.
When Someone Sends Me
Choose To Love Yourself
“Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are sad.
Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are angry.
Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you feel jealous, insecure, or afraid.
While these vibrations will not allow the ideal things you desire to flow into your life, love will.
Choosing in a moment of lower vibration to give yourself a hug and say to yourself something sweet, ‘It’s ok to be human. It’s ok to be sad. It’s ok to be upset. It’s ok to be afraid. It’s ok to be jealous… and so forth’ will always move your vibration up a little higher. Love is the way out of a lower vibration, dear ones. Start by loving yourselves.
Of course you don’t want to abide in these difficult vibrations. You don’t want to feed the fire of anger with thoughts when you can focus elsewhere. You don’t want to drive yourself deeper into sadness by focusing on all that is not there or not working in your life. You don’t want to feed the fires of jealousy by focusing on who or what you are jealous of. But you do want to love yourself through these moments, days, weeks, or years because when you can truly offer yourself love and compassion, you are already starting to rise above these painful vibrations.
Think of a little child. If that child were fearful, angry, or sad, would you reprimand them for their feelings, or—beautiful, loving beings that you are—wouldn’t you rather hug them, hold them, soothe them, and love them, until the tougher emotions pass through? Like a storm that must rage until its energy is released, there are times when you cannot easily find a higher vibration, so you must let yourself storm, rain, or stew while simply choosing to love yourself through it.
You are made of this Love, dear ones. You are One with it. You feel good when in a flow of love and bad when you are not. You are not right or wrong, good or bad. You are simply aligned with love or not, and your life experience shifts based on the degree of alignment.
So when you feel unloving or unloved, turn inward and choose to love yourself, for any love is the One love, and all Love will always return you to your truest, deepest self.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”
Love Starts Within
Live In Such A Way
Think Lightly Of Yourself And Deeply Of The World
When you think of yourself too much, you amplify your ego and your insecurities.
Happy people are the ones who focus on helping others. There’s a beautiful Chinese Proverb which describes this perfectly:
“If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”
In other words: Be humble, don’t take yourself too seriously, and focus on helping others., A Book of Five Rings: The Classic Guide to Strategy