As You Advance Into The New

“Leave all the old behind as you advance into the new.

Cast all the old away to make room for the new.

Open your eyes and behold nature all around you:

a tree has to rid itself of all its old dead leaves before the new growth can spring forth in its full glossiness.

The seed must break through its old skin before it can grow and flourish; it has to leave all the old behind to wither and die away.

When a baby chick hatches out of its shell, it does not cling onto the old shell but leaves it behind forever and is transformed in a new life; so with each one of you.

Leave all the old behind as you advance into the new.

Never look back or hanker for anything of the old even if at the time it seemed very good.

There are far more wonderful things in the New so never be afraid or reluctant to leave all the old behind.”

Eileen Caddy,