The Healing Power Of Doing Good

“One way by which we may co-ordinate, align, and integrate our instruments with the fire of Spirit and heal the cleavages inside of us, is by doing good. When we do good, when we radiate ‘goodness,’ when we think thoughts of kindness and generosity, we release the goodness that‘s inside of us and thus heal ourselves – and the world – from the inside out. Let me explain how that works.

We all have had the experience that when we help someone who is in need, it makes us feel good.  But why does it feel so good to help? When we help with a pure heart and with no motivation for expecting anything in return, when we give just for the sake of giving, as we help just for the sake of helping, we become a channel through which the energy of goodness can flow.  The energy of goodness flows through us and gradually washes away all the hindrances and blocks in our system that we have accumulated over time, and which manifest in our daily lives as mental, emotional, and physical problems.

Being a channel for helping others, helps to make us whole because we release an aspect of our potential that‘s dormant inside of us.  Just as the oak tree sleeps inside the acorn, our fully awakened Soul and Spirit is already within us.  So,  whatever we need is already inside of us and just not expressed outwardly. When we bring it into our outer life by calling it forth and expressing it, we learn more inner virtue. When we decide to be a channel for kindness, we call forth the energy of kindness from our Divine core, and we release it within us.

When we become a channel for healing others, we cannot but heal ourselves in the process, as well, because the energy has to flow through us. That‘s why anytime you don‘t feel good or feel down and you help someone, you feel better.  When we serve without expecting anything in return, we learn to serve selflessly. As we learn to serve selflessly, we learn to become spiritually group-conscious and we develop the fuller characteristics of our awakened Soul.”



The Presence Of Peace

There will always be changes. Some of them are small and some are unexpected and unexpectedly big, such as the passing of a loved one. You can prepare for such changes in the awareness that change is part of the natural flow of life, but until it happens you may not be aware of how off-balance you can become. What is the solution?

Find now the part of you that never changes. It is not so much a part as a state … a state of being. You find it not when you are mindful, but when you are mind-less. Dissolve into this state moment by moment as you sit silently for one minute at a time. Watch the thoughts and experience simply being changeless as you watch the mind from your most natural mindless state. And then, when life changes, take breaks to simply be … the presence of Peace.

You are so very loved.

Suzannne Giesemann – newhome

Do Your Best Not To Get Frustrated

“Do your best not to get frustrated with yourselves as you find yourselves not quite where you would like to be with a particular gift or ability. Most people no matter where they are on their path do feel that they should be further along than they are. Now, if more of you can accept where you are in terms of how much you’ve been able to access and share, you will then find that you relax into the next up-leveling of whatever it is you are doing.

And so, if you are just frustrated about how many people know about you and your work, you need to let that go. If you are frustrated about how many people are signing up to do readings or healings with you, you need to process that and let it go. You need to give yourselves permission to be where you are and give everyone else that same permission because those of you who are accessing those spiritual gifts and abilities are taking those very important next steps towards the evolution of consciousness that all of humanity requires.

That is our assessment of where you are right now as a human collective, and we know that you will get to where you are going, but we just want to help you get there without having to beat yourselves up along the way. You don’t have to crack the whip on yourselves, and it doesn’t serve you to be hard on anyone else because of where they are on their journey either.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Kent Keith’s “Paradoxical Commandments”

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish

ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you           vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.”

Kent M. Keith, The Paradoxical Commandments were written by Kent M. Keith when he was 19, a sophomore at Harvard College.

He wrote them as part of a book for student leaders entitled “The Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council,” published by Harvard Student Agencies in 1968.

Divine Life Purpose


“How can I know my Divine life purpose and soul mission?

I’m lost.”

Deepak Chopra’s Response:  

Start by recognizing that you are living your purpose even if you don’t understand or know what it is.

Your life purpose is always about coming into a conscious recognition of the unlimited and ever-present of your true self.

So purpose is primarily about your being, not your actions.

When your career, beliefs, and behavior arise from your inner being, then those things can change even while your life purpose remains unchanged.

If you focus on consciously living in the present moment using your unique talents to be of service to others, then you will automatically be following your soul mission.                                         Love,                                                      Deepak