Choose To Be Blissful

“The essential religion is taking the whole responsibility for whatsoever you are. And immediately an insight arises: ‘If I am responsible for my suffering, then it is simple, I can drop it. It is my choice.  I will not choose it anymore.’
A Sufi mystic who had always remained happy was asked… For seventy years people had watched him, he had never been found sad.   
One day they asked him, ‘What is the secret of your happiness?’ He said, ‘There is no secret. Every morning when I wake up, I meditate for five minutes and I say to myself, ‘Listen, now there are two possibilities: you can be miserable, or you can be blissful. Choose.’ And I always choose to be blissful.
All alternatives are open. Choose to be blissful. And then there are people who can be blissful even when they are imprisoned, and there are people who remain miserable even when they are living in marble palaces. It all depends on you.”

A Path Of Divine Protection

Choose love over fear. When the world crumbles around you, resist the chaos. Instead, focus on what you love, and in this act, you will find divine protection and peace. This protection is not an illusion—it is a reality shaped by your elevated vibration. Like finding calm in a secure building during a storm, you will feel peace in your own space, untouched by the turmoil.

Miraculously, while everything else may be falling apart, you will remain shielded, wrapped in a field of light.                                                                         
The fear around you is dense and pervasive, but it doesn’t have to become yours. The chaos and destruction are here to be seen, not absorbed. You’re invited to witness and acknowledge it while remaining untouched. This is where your true power lies—in choosing where you focus, aligning with higher frequencies even as the world trembles.
When you choose love over fear, you align with a higher vibration, creating a sanctuary of calm amidst the storm. This isn’t just spiritual rhetoric; it’s a real shift in reality. Those who hold this higher vibration forge their own path through the chaos—a life unbound by the limits of the old matrix.
                                                                  As the events of 2024 unfold, remember: your focus shapes your reality. This shift demands resilience and clarity, a commitment to choosing light amidst darkness. Each choice to dwell in peace builds the future timeline that will emerge from the ashes of the old.
                                                           Prepare for what’s ahead. The challenges will be immense, but so will the triumph. This is your purpose—to navigate this transformation with strength and to shape the new dawn with each conscious choice. You are here for this moment, woven into a cosmic tapestry of love, resilience, and ascension.                                                                                                 
Stand strong, focus on love, and embrace the power within to shape the coming age. The dawn of a new reality is here, and you are one of its creators.”
Michael and the Pleiadians,

You Have More Help

You have more help than you know from the higher realms.

We could make the analogy of a computer that has more capabilities than you are currently utilizing, for you simply do not know what you do not know.

How to remedy this? Shift your focus often from your human story to the story of the Universal web. See yourself as part of a network far more vast than your World Wide Web. Know that it is infinitely capable and here for you to ask for assistance and guidance.

But rather than asking with a sense of need, begin with gratitude and affirmations. “Thank you for guiding me to my greatest and highest good.”

And then, allow those who do have the bigger picture to nudge you in the direction that is best.

You are so very loved.

The Divine Spark Is Within

The divine spark is within each individual, but it needs to be drawn out and fanned into a flame in many souls.

Wake up from your slumbers,

recognize the divinity within you,  nurture it, and allow it to grow and flourish. A seed has to be planted in the soil before it can grow. It has within it all its potential, but that potential remains dormant until given the right conditions in which to grow and develop.

You have within you the kingdom of heaven, but unless you wake up to the fact and start searching for it, you will not find it, and there it will remain. There are many souls in this life who will not wake up to this fact, and they are like seeds stored away in packets. You must want to break your bonds to be free.

As soon as the desire is there, you will receive help in every way possible. But the desire in you must be there first.

~ guidance received by Eileen Caddy,,

How To Work On Yourself

“I know, I know. We have a million reasons to be unhappy. i.e., Those jerks in the office are so darn negative! My children fight all the time, and my cats keep clawing up the furniture! We have a million things that upset us. But in reality, it is us who are upset about things that were never resolved in our past.

These unhealed memories send out a magnetic signal that attracts us to more events to feel the same about, in hopes of finally healing the issue and resolving the energy of the past.

These buried emotions zap the world around us and create events of the same frequency and emotional charge so that we can heal what has remained unhealed inside of us.

Here is how I work on myself.

  1. I think about the thing that is upsetting me.

  2. I ask myself, ‘How does this make me feel?’ and write a list of the emotions that come to mind. (For example, ‘I feel neglected,unimportant, shunned, stood up, and abandoned.’)

  3. I honor the way I feel. ‘Yes, it’s true I feel neglected, I feel unimportant, I feel shunned, stood up, and abandoned!’

  4. I now dump all those emotions in the Full Court of Atonement and correct them.  I say to myself …

‘I, _____, place each and every level of my consciousness that feels _____ into a Full Court of Atonement for the purpose of analyzing my timeline and resolving any and all reasons I feel this way at their points of origin. I ask for amenable dissolution of this energy now.’

Then, when I read the list of emotions again, it usually feels much lighter. If not, I do it again and find out what else I am feeling. I ask myself, ‘How do I feel about it now?’  If I feel hurt, lost, lonely, forgotten, I honor it.  ‘Yes, it’s true, I feel hurt. I feel lost. I feel lonely. I feel forgotten.’ Then I put them through the Court of Atonement again.”, spiritual healing, amyjoellisnews.