Belief Creates The Reality Of Disease

“The density of your bodies dulls positive emotions and traps negative emotions.  When negative emotions are trapped for a while, dis-ease occurs.  Even though you have myriad diagnoses, trapped energy is the root cause of all your illnesses.

Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven – A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward, P.150

“The most light-filled foods are fruits and vegetables, and if the cost is affordable, eat organically grown produce; choose meat from animals certified to be free of additives and seafood naturally grown or properly cultivated. If costs are prohibitive, please do not have negative thoughts about what you are eating instead! In diet, as in all other issues, positive thoughts are powerful and so is the light in gratitude—feel thankful for your food, ask that it serve your highest good, and believe that it is!

Illness across the board isn’t going to disappear until the population has absorbed enough light to believe that it can be disease-free—belief creates the reality.”

“And pray.  Never underestimate the power of prayer!  Remembering that prayer is your every thought and feeling, thinking and feeling positively about staying healthy is your best fortification against disease.”, August 12, 2014, May 23, 2006

You Are Creators Using Your Belief System

In Chapter 13 of Delores Cannon’s book, Convoluted Universe – Bk 1, Delores had a quantum healing hypnosis session with a client named Beverly. During her deep sessions, she could go to the dimensions between her Earthly life and her spiritual life state of awareness. Beverly gave Delores the information about how to use and manipulate the Universe’s energy forces.

“Beverly:  Our belief system is what makes us have a preference for one thing over another, whether it’s rain, let’s say, or sunshine.  They’re all manifestations, all the rain and all the sunshine.  If we didn’t have a belief system, one would be just as good to us as the other; in fact, they are.

It’s our belief system that says sunshine is preferable to rain.  When we have an awareness that everything is as good as everything else, we won’t even try to focus on getting what we want.  We have it all.

… this big energy Source (hand motions) doesn’t care what it sends out because all of it’s just as good as anything else.  We, over here on Earth, with our belief systems, decide that one’s better than the other.  So how do we train ourselves to only pick the good?

Delores:  Or what we want.

Beverly: Or what we want, yes, out of what’s being shot out, so to speak.  And so we will go through this process of learning how to do that.  And at that point, we will realize that all of that was not necessary because all of it is what we want anyhow.  If we realize that, we wouldn’t have to learn how to get what we want.

All of it is just energy with no good, no bad, no hurt, no feel good, no right, no wrong, no anything.  But mainly because of our belief system, we want to separate it into parts that are right and wrong, and good and bad.  And as a result, we want to choose just what we want out of that.  When we reach a level where we understand that all of that was unnecessary — there was no right, no wrong, no good, no bad, no hurt, no feel good — then we won’t need to have even learned how to get what we want.

There is, in this big energy Source, Its Consciousness, (which It spreads into us as the energy), a flow going back and forth.  If we tune into an even stronger frequency, a higher level of consciousness, that would help direct this, (we could manifest what we want) rather than trying to take all the power for ourselves and direct it erroneously.  You, yourselves are god creators. Perhaps not on a level that you ascribe to the all-encompassing God.  However, it is important here to note that you, yourselves are indeed creators.”

Convoluted Universe – Bk 1, Delores Cannon, pgs. 435 – 441.

Take The Time To Listen

“The solution of mental problems is more important to us than physical, although this does not seem true to the average individual lost in the twisted paths of materialism.  Free the mind and the battle is almost won.  Mental anguish is far greater than physical, for the mind can conquer physical pain, but it is necessary for the spiritual forces to aid the suffering mind.

Let us look within ourselves and know that we are workers together with God.  We should analyze ourselves to find out just where the flesh is weak, where we are most likely to fail, and then seek a constant reinforcement of spirit that will make us hold on with unwavering faith to our Ideal.

‘When the day is dark and the way is obscure and we can still hold on, there is evidence that there is faith.  When the sea of life is rough and we have the courage to step out boldly on the very center of our being that is saying, ‘Peace, be still,’ (Mark 4:39) for ‘I am with thee and will not leave thee.’ (Mark 15:34)

We have heard it.  We can hear it always if we will only take the time to listen.’ ”

Search For God – Bk 1, Association for Research and Enlightenment, pgs. 46-7.