
“Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind.”  — Plato

“The mind has the power to shape our reality. By changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can transform our perception of the world around us.

Plato believed that our conscious mind, which is responsible for our everyday awareness and critical thinking, plays a crucial role in evaluating and understanding
our experiences.
The subconscious mind, on the other hand, stores our automatic behaviors, habits, and early learnings. It is also the source of our imagination and emotions.
The superconscious mind holds our creativity and personal Akashic records, and we can access it through dreams, meditation, and self-hypnosis.
Lastly, the collective unconscious is a reservoir of energy from all life forms, and it is from this collective pool that we sometimes receive ideas or insights seemingly out of nowhere. This concept explains how multiple individuals can independently come up with the same idea without any logical connection. Together, these different levels of the mind contribute to the creation and transformation of our reality.
CM – Conscious Mind – The conscious mind is the focus of our everyday awareness which is the part of the mind you are using as you read this guide. It is known as the ‘critical sensor’ that evaluates problems and situations as and when they arise.
SM – Subconscious Mind – The subconscious mind is where your automatic behavior and ingrained habits are stored once they have filtered through the conscious mind and been accepted. This is also where most of your early learnings and childhood memories lie and is the seat of the imagination and emotions; it can overlap to the SC area.
SC – Superconscious Mind – The superconscious is where your creativity and personal Akashic records are stored and this deeper part of your mind can be accessed through dreams, meditation and self-hypnosis.
CUc– Collective Unconscious – The collective unconscious is where the energy from all life forms exists and this is the part we tap into when an idea comes to us out of the blue and we later discover someone else has come up with the same idea at the same time without any connection to ourselves or other logical explanation.”

The Mystics’ Journey – Conscious Community A.R.E. Lecture

A mystic is one who has achieved spiritual maturity and union with the Divine. Some mystics gave instructions to their seekers on how they too could reach this high level of spiritual growth. Evagrius Ponticus, Teresa of Avila, Krishnamurti, and Edgar Cayce have all provided the modern seeker with a road map for the journey of enlightenment. When you compare and contrast their directions, you gain a powerful, non-denominational approach to spiritual maturity and, ultimately, oneness with the Divine. Join Cindy Griffith and hop on the highway to spiritual maturity!

Levels of Vibrational Frequency

“Everything in the universe emits energy (prana, chi), and this energy vibrates at different frequencies. The concept of vibrational frequency is based on the understanding that everything, including thoughts, emotions, and physical objects, has a unique vibratory pattern.

Vibrational frequencies can be high or low, and they have a direct impact on our well-being and the experiences we attract into our lives. When we operate at a higher vibrational frequency, we align ourselves with positive energy, abundance, and a sense of purpose. Conversely, a lower vibrational frequency can lead to feelings of negativity, lack, and stagnation.

Vibrational frequencies can be categorized into different levels, each corresponding to a different state of being. These levels are not hierarchical but rather represent different aspects of our existence.

1. Low Vibrational Frequency: This level is associated with fear, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions. When operating at this level, we may feel stuck, disconnected, and unable to move forward in our lives. It is important to recognize when we are in a low vibrational state and take steps to raise our frequency.

2. Mid Vibrational Frequency: This level signifies a state of neutrality or acceptance. It is characterized by feelings of contentment, peace, and gratitude. When operating at this level, we are open to possibilities and able to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and optimism.

3. High Vibrational Frequency: This level represents a state of love, joy, and connection. When operating at this frequency, we experience a deep sense of fulfillment and alignment with our true soul purpose. It is at this level that we can manifest our desires and attract positive experiences into our lives.

Understanding and consciously raising our vibrational frequency is a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual evolution. It allows us to shift our energy toward higher vibrations, attract favorable circumstances, and manifest our desires.

Our True Nature

“Our true nature is pure awareness. We are the awareness of being a conscious, complex, high-level focus of a unique expression of heart-centered energy. We are a self-conscious present awareness within a consciousness that includes everyone who has awareness. We naturally participate in this unity consciousness, but we can, and usually do, subconsciously set boundaries for our awareness.

By overcoming whatever fears remain in you, yes, you will return to that state of unity. It works the other way as well; by continuing to experience the unified state of consciousness in meditation, the fear will dissolve.  The Upanishads declare that fear is born of duality. By moving beyond duality we remove fear. That experience of unity is our true nature, so our destiny is really just to come back to our true self.

Our entire paradigm is changing as we continue to be engulfed by high-frequency plasma gamma-ray photons from the center of our galaxy and beyond.  This higher resonance expands our consciousness dramatically into an awareness of the quantum plasma space that we live within.

We feel this environment as that of unconditional love—the Presence of our Creator. Our conscious awareness recognizes itself as being within the awareness of our Creator, who has endowed us with eternal, infinitely powerful creator ability. We’ve always had this ability, but we’ve denied it and haven’t believed it’s true. So we have not recognized our true nature.”


Shedding Old Skins

“So many are going through major growth transitions right now. Broken dreams, broken hearts, broken contracts, wake-up calls, identity crises, etc. It seems to be a time for major shifting.  It is a time for many to shed old skins that fit too tightly.

With these powerful and growthful junctures in life, we are called to stretch our comfort levels, to develop courage, will-power, faith, and trust in what wants to be birthed in our lives…
Labor pains are no fun but a soon-to-be mother looks forward to her baby coming and accepts the pain that she has to go through for that miracle to occur.
If we thought of our own re-birthing in the same way, we’d shift from self- induced suffering to expectancy, our willingness would strengthen our courage and ignite understanding so we’d be more likely to take right action…And though it’s never easy, we’d also be more able to accept the loss of attachments and cooperate with the changes that want to take us to the next level.
It’s a paradigm shift that is ready to happen.
So when things get tough, consider taking a deep breath, and instead of reacting from fear and projections, sit with it, question the motives of change, ask it what it has come to reveal to you, to teach you…
If you are willing to look at yourself and your life objectively, you will know what needs to go, what needs to open, and what needs to be birthed….
Once you do this, you can meet the storm as an ally, not a curse and you will be able to see the role you played in calling it in…
The lightening will then have a direction, it will burn up the dead wood instead of extinguishing your life force….
But always allow yourself to feel and grieve the pain of loss, allow your heart to be torn open, it’s a necessary and important ingredient in the alchemy…
But keep moving through it so that you can claim the beautiful distillation of heart and soul that is waiting for you at the other side.
This is how your power finds you.”
~Caroline de Lisser

The Gift Of Remembering

As you read these words, remember that you are the physical expression of the universe in motion. When you realize you need nothing, your soul frees itself from the weight of lack and limitation, unfolding into the true essence of your being. Your energy shifts, your consciousness expands, and you align with the vibration of abundance and infinite possibility.
In this space, attraction becomes effortless, and manifestation blossoms like a flower in full bloom. You remember that everything you ever needed was within you, waiting for you to be uncovered. Your true nature is revealed, and you awaken to your power as a creator, capable of shaping your reality.

As you embrace this truth, your deepest aspirations begin to materialize with grace and precision. You realize that you are the source of your own magic and that your heart’s desires are waiting to be manifested.
You are all that you need, and nothing needs to happen outside of you.
All you have to do is remain present, trust in the divine, and watch your dreams unfold with effortless ease. May our collective remembrance illuminate the world. And so it is.
Love and Light. ♥️
~ Abiu Feliz