The Christ Consciousness Frequency

“Let’s look at some things to be mindful of and practices that can assist you in creating an atmosphere of allowing shifting into this empowering and light-filled Christ Consciousness vibrational frequency:

*Awareness leads to potential and is everything when it comes to possibility. Know that there is a consciousness, a frequency that transcends the thinking mind. It is already within you, waiting to be realized and directly experienced.

*Communicate your desire to know and understand to Source Energy. If you’re ready for a shift in consciousness, speak it, be decisive in mind, body and spirit to welcome the realization of the Self.  

*Let go of when or how. Once you’ve made the request, release wanting it to happen and allow. Practice the art of surrender. This level of awakening is an act of grace, when you are ready the inner teacher will present itself.  

*Read books on self-help, spirituality. It could be a paragraph, a sentence even that could potentially spark an awakening. There is great potential in the written word.

*Become acquainted with meditation. Don’t let it be daunting; meditation is simply focus. If you’ve never tried it before, just try a few minutes of being still and silent, in other words, focus on nothing but being there in the moment. You could even just spend a few minutes focusing on the coming and going of your breaths, keep it simple.  

*Recognize the now, the present moment as your center of power. The past and future often offer confusion and suffering. The here and now offers potential and clarity because it is the doorway to the Christ frequency.”

Higher Mind And Ego Mind

“In your ordinary culture, you think of the ego as that brash and loud part of you that shows off and is very happy to talk about itself.  You may say that someone who is arrogant or self-aggrandizing has a big ego, but in this text, we use the term ‘ego mind’ in a different way.

In your society, you think your brain creates your thoughts, your ideas, and your personality.  As a secular society, you are repeatedly taught that thoughts arise from electrical circuits within the brain.

This is not the case.  You are indeed walking around in a giant receiver of information and ideas that come through the body from the nonphysical.  You literally are receiving information.

All your thoughts and ideas are not contained within the structure of the brain as you have been taught; they have been translated by the brain, the information comes through in the form of concepts actually being transmitted by the universal mind.

The ego mind is what you might consider a lower-vibration transmitting station.  It contains all the negative and fearful low-vibration thoughts that have ever been thought.  It is as if you are tuning into a dark and negative radio station that only talks about hateful things.

The higher mind — the universal mind, the mind of God, if you will — the consciousness that we reside in, is another station you can tune into.  In that station, you can tune into inspiring ideas; motivations to do good works, peaceful, contemplative music; and other wonderful things that enliven your life and bring you information that is required for sound decision-making and all sorts of wonderful and delicious gifts.

The higher mind is the collection of thoughts that are high and loving in nature and are nonjudgmental, compassionate, creative, and appreciative of yourself and others.

These concepts are contained within the transmissions of higher mind, but if you do not understand you are the focusing device and do not know you are the one in control of what you receive, you have difficulty tapping into this higher mind because of the culture in which you live and particularly because of your culture’s focus on the body.  As we have said, when you believe in the body — when you love or lust after the body and believe that it will bring you that which you need — then you are in the ego mind, the lower mind that is associated with all of these other thoughts and negativities, and you will not be able to reach the higher mind.

The higher mind — the spiritual realms, the divine realms, or the realms of miracles — is not physical and is not associated with the physical material world.  Look at your thoughts to see whether you can discern which part of the mind they are coming from.  Are they coming from the ego mind or the higher mind?

Spirit Of The Western Way – Wake Up To Your Power, Tina Louise Spalding, pgs.  16 – 19.

Beautiful Documentary Video On Frequency Healing

Alternative, preventative methods are shown using naturopathic therapies that raise our frequency.  One new healing chamber uses sound and light healing frequencies called, ‘The Harmonic Egg.’  Another new therapy heals with the kinetic energy of a ‘Bee Hut.’ Heart tissue can be regenerated by using specific acoustics.

Our frequency determines our health.  Consider that the structure of water is affected by our intention and our bodies are 60% water. Our body is affected by our emotions, words, and thoughts that carry energy vibrations.




“Ask In The Name Of Jesus”

“The Bible says, ‘Ask in the name of Jesus Christ.’ ⁵Is this merely an appeal to magic? ⁶A name does not heal, nor does an invocation call forth any special power. ⁷What does it mean to call on Jesus Christ? ⁸What does calling on his name confer? ⁹Why is the appeal to him part of healing? (ACIM, M-23.1:4-9)

We have repeatedly said that one who has perfectly accepted the Atonement for himself can heal the world. (ACIM, M-23.2:1)

What does this mean for you? ²It means that in remembering Jesus you are remembering God. ³The whole relationship of the Son to the Father lies in Him. ⁴His part in the Sonship is also yours, and His completed learning guarantees your own success. (ACIM, M-23.3:1-4)

⁵Remembering the name of Jesus Christ is to give thanks for all the gifts that God has given you. ⁶And gratitude to God becomes the way in which He is remembered, for love cannot be far behind a grateful heart and thankful mind.” (ACIM, M-23.4:5-6)

Self-Realization: Beyond The Matrix

“Self-inquiry, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, is questioning the foundation of our perceived reality. By asking, ‘Who am I?’ we peel back the layers of the egoic self, revealing the matrix for what it is: an illusion. This simple yet profound question disrupts the ego’s narrative, exposing the emptiness at the core of our conditioned identity.

Through consistent self-inquiry, we see the patterns of thought and belief that create our personal matrix. We notice how the ego clings to ideas of self-worth, success, failure, and separation, crafting a world that aligns with these beliefs. We realize these thoughts are not who we are as we delve deeper. They are transient, arising and falling within the vastness of consciousness.

Self-realization is recognizing that our true nature is not the egoic self but the pure awareness in which all experiences arise. It’s the understanding that the matrix we’ve been trying to escape is an illusion we’ve been creating all along. In self-realization, the walls of the egoic matrix crumble, revealing the infinite, unbounded nature of our true self.

The matrix loses its grip when we no longer identify with the ego. The thoughts and emotions that once seemed so natural are merely passing phenomena. The illusion of separation dissolves, and we experience life from a place of unity and wholeness. This is the ultimate liberation—not from an external force but from the internal structures that have kept us in bondage.

The journey of self-realization and self-inquiry reveals that the matrix we are trying to escape is none other than the limited ego self. By turning our attention inward, questioning the very foundation of our identity, and recognizing our true nature, we can transcend the illusion and experience the boundless freedom that lies beyond the matrix. The path to liberation is not about escaping the world but understanding that the world we’ve been trying to escape is a creation of our own mind. In this realization, we find true freedom to be who we truly are.

Through the lens of self-realization and self-inquiry, we can begin to understand that this egoic matrix is the illusionary world that binds us, and our true liberation lies in seeing through it.

How Your Vibration Changes

“When your environment and your body begin vibrating at a lower or unnatural frequency it can cause illness throughout your body, mind, and spirit.  In fact, illness often manifests on an energetic level first and then moves to the physical level.  It is believed that when your body is in harmony it vibrates at around 62-68Hz and anything lower than this can contribute to a weakened immune system.

There are many factors that can lower your vibration including:

  • Negative thoughts or being surrounded by negative people
  • Watching violent or horror movies and watching TV in general
  • Electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers, etc.
  • Radiation from microwaves, wi-fi connections, etc.
  • Stress, anger, and anxiety
  • Poor diet, GMO foods, and processed foods
  • Exposure to household cleaning chemicals and pesticides
  • Smoking, alcohol, and drugs

Famous physicist, Nikola Tesla also researched

 energetic frequencies and claimed that if we could eliminate certain frequencies that interfered with our bodies then we could lower the chances of disease.

Just like certain frequencies bring about disease there are other frequencies that stimulate healing and regeneration.

The 6 main tones are:

396 Hz – liberates guilt and fear to help you achieve your goals
417 Hz – helps to deal with change and removes old patterns and habits
528 Hz – love and DNA repair, believed to bring about miracles
741 Hz – helps to solve problems and express yourself, also a powerful cleanser
852 Hz – awakens, allows you to see the truth, develops intuition
936 Hz – reconnects you to oneness and light

Another powerful healing frequency is 432 Hz and this is believed to help induce a mediative state, stimulate the heart chakra and bring harmony to the body.

Studies have found that listening to music at a

432 Hz frequency can help stimulate calmness and happiness. These frequencies are known as the Solfeggio scale, which is believed to have been used in ancient sacred music and Gregorian chants. Each Solfeggio tone is designed to balance the energy of your body in order to keep it in perfect harmony.

Just by listening to these frequencies either through music, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs or tuning forks you can begin to stimulate healing.”
