Category: Spiritual Writings
So Long As We Resist
“So long as we resist a situation, it will stay with us. If we run away from it, it will run after us. Why? Because the ‘situation’ is a frequency in our aura, and our aura is our self-created atmosphere. We cannot run away from our aura, however, we can change it in an instant by changing our thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, words, and actions.
The inharmonious situation outpictures some inharmony within ourselves. Therefore, the only way to heal an inharmonious situation is to go within and correct our thoughts, feelings, words, and beliefs around the situation.
Life is a mirror. The people in our life mirror ourselves. If we want the outer world to change, we have to turn within. The work is ever within ourselves. If we look at the bathroom mirror in the morning and we don’t like what we see, it will not occur to us to change the reflection by trying to change the mirror, will it?
The only way to change the reflection in the mirror is to change ourselves. The same holds true for our entire life. Life is a mirror.
Jesus advised us to ‘agree with thine adversary quickly.’ Agreeing with our adversary means to look at the situation as good in that it indicates that our inner life has gotten out of harmony
and that we need to turn within to correct the disharmony. The proper way to ‘outwardly’ respond to an undesirable situation is to remain undisturbed by it. When we emotionally respond to an unwanted situation, we feed it and keep it alive. When we remain undisturbed by it, it naturally fades away for lack of attention and energy.
Never fight an undesirable situation. Always remember: Man’s work is ever within himself.”
Real Happiness Is An Inside Job
“Most of us are operating on mistaken ideas about what gives us happiness — and these errors are sometimes costly. Think about how you normally spend your days — shopping, TV watching, drinking alcohol, eating junk food, computer games — and then think about whether that’s making you happy. Now think about the cost to your health and long-term happiness.
Real happiness comes from what’s happening inwardly.
- Being delighted by movement, music, and connecting with others
- Caring for yourself or others
- Having fun, playing, smiling
- Being fully in the present moment
- Being grateful, being appreciative
- Loving
- Feeling connected to others, yourself, or the world around you
- Expressing your full self
Again, this isn’t a complete list. The idea is to show you the inward activities that can happen with any outward activity, that lead to greater happiness.
There are lots of other inward activities that don’t often lead to greater happiness: judgment, complaining, needing more and more, hating, seeing the faults, hiding yourself, or shutting yourself off from the world. Not that these are bad things — they’re human, and we all do them, and they’re a part of the beautiful experience of living. But you might notice that when you’re doing them, they don’t fulfill you as much as other inward activities.
From that, you might consciously practice the inward activities that lead to greater fulfillment, meaning love. How would you like to practice?”, Leo Babauta
There Is Nothing Outside Of Yourself
The Golden Key – 8 Min. Video
“The Golden Key by Emmet Fox Prayer will enable you, sooner or later, to get yourself, or anyone else, out of any difficulty on the face of the earth. It is the Golden Key to harmony and happiness. To those who have no acquaintance with the mightiest power in existence, this may appear to be a rash claim, but it needs only a fair trial to prove that, without a shadow of doubt, it is a just one.”
Willing To Set You Free
Guidance Has Always Been There
Very few of you are taking full advantage of the amount of assistance that is available to you on a daily basis.
Do not be afraid to ask for our help! No request is too small or too silly. It is our greatest joy to serve and assist you, but as you are sovereign beings we do require your permission to help. You are part of a team – there is no need to carry the load alone. We are just waiting for the nod from you to launch ourselves into action on your behalf.
So simply ask! Ask to be shown the way, ask for unseen solutions to be shown, ask for greater ease and comfort, and be open to the magic, for that is how you move into receiving the love, support, and guidance that has always been there for you.
~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young,
Blessings Coming Your Way
Consciousness Guided Meditation – 10 Minutes
A powerful 10-minute guided meditation that will bring you out of your own head, allowing you to really experience a deeper consciousness to All That Is.