Category: Spiritual Writings
Your Happy Emotions Make Magic
“Know this: your state of joy is your best ammunition with which to respond to anything that occurs to you that you do not like. In the 3D state, ‘Don’t get mad, get even’ might be the response. Now that we are waking up in 5D we can say, ‘Don’t get mad, be happy.’
Sincere, true happiness is empowering. Don’t take your inexperience for failure to be happy. Be happy in spite of any difficulty. You will attract more happiness. The veils are thinning, and you are becoming more powerful daily. Use this to your advantage.
What kinds of emotions hold you back?
- Resentment – the energy of blame.
- Fear – the energy of incongruence.
- Whining – the energy of self-validation.
- Self-righteousness – the energy of bitterness and claiming, ‘This is how it is.’
- Denial – the energy of separateness (as contrasted to oneness.)
Your emotions can only react once, but your mind can rerun that emotion, causing any pain and suffering to be felt over and over. It’s like picking at a wound that is trying to heal. Honor your suffering and move on. Then move your pain through your heart, flooding it with unconditional love for yourself and others.
Your job is not to eliminate the mind but to integrate the emotions and the intellect and move all of it through your heart. This truly is the threefold flame of love, wisdom, and power.
Why not use your happy emotions to make magic?”
Waking Up In 5D – A Practical Guide to Multidimensional Transformation, Maureen J. St. Germain, pgs. 99 – 100.
Manifest Your Desires
Like Thoughts Attract Like Thoughts
“Each and every one of us is an electromagnetic sending and receiving station.
Every moment in life we are emanating myriads of frequencies while at the same time we are being hit, on a moment-to-moment basis, by countless impressions from the world around us.
Which of these impressions we tune into is up to us.
We magnetically attract such thought waves from the mental atmosphere around us which correspond in character with the kind and nature of the prevailing thoughts in our own mind. In other words: When it comes to our thoughts, like attracts like. If we spend all day in (and thus radiate) fear and worry, we will magnetically attract into our electromagnetic sphere more and more things to fear and worry about. That’s why, ‘When it rains, it pours.’ Yet, if we spend all day in joy and love, that’s what we radiate and that’s what we’ll attract.
And this is why, if we want to be joyous and happy, the best thing we can do is just to be joyous, happy, and grateful, no matter what may be going on around us. Even if a ‘million things’ seem to go wrong (due to our ‘old thinking’), just focus on the ones that go right and be joyously grateful for them (in this way starting your nucleus of ‘new thinking’).
It is all about generating the frequencies of joy and gratitude.
It is all about getting into alignment with that which we want. And one way by which we accomplish this is to find something, however small, to be grateful for. The moment we feel gratitude in our hearts, we radiate gratitude.
By perpetually focusing on things to be grateful for, by perpetually radiating joy and gratitude, unhappy things will soon begin to give us a wide berth. Why? Because waves of happiness literally repel and reject waves of unhappiness, and vice versa. This is the law.
The way out of unhappy circumstances, relationships, and problems is to raise the frequencies of our thinking, feeling, speaking, and acting life.”
Your Guardian Angel
A Channeled Message from Suzanne Ward’s Deceased Son, Matthew
“MATTHEW: The angel assigned to each individual is known as that person’s guardian angel, or gatekeeper. Every person, regardless of his belief or disbelief in angels’ existence, has a guardian angel as his primary, constant, unseen, silent protector, helper, and guide.
SUZANNE: Aren’t angels also called spirit guides?
MATTHEW: Sometimes, but not correctly. They aren’t the same. Spirit guides are the spontaneous and temporary helpers who provide specialized advice or assistance. They are discarnate souls who have had many lifetimes in human bodies and can comprehend mortal needs, temptations, and problems more easily than the higher angels, who have never known the limitations of the physical condition.
For instance, if you are baffled by a complicated appliance, a guide with electronic knowledge is reached energetically by a little ‘Help!’ call that arises in your psyche and is transmitted to the ethers for an energy match. Obviously, that’s not in the same league as a life-threatening situation to which your guardian angel would respond, but the ‘Oh, now I see’ help still is welcome.
You also have far more help than you realize. There is no separation of the soul from any of the assisting forces — angels, spirit guides, beloved ones in this realm light, beings in other realms, and God.
Whatever help you require, even without consciously asking, or that which you earnestly request for yourself or someone you love, that need is registered in the same divine communication system open to all. Whether silent or verbalized, and regardless of to whom directed, your urgent cries for help reach God. Instantaneously the auxiliary lines of energy waves are directed appropriately for the circumstances and immediate help is provided.
The help may not always be recognized, though. Perhaps you. may pray fervently for the recovery of a beloved friend yet she dies. Your plea for her recovery wasn’t ignored, it was preempted by her pre-birth agreement. The response to your prayer could be more emotional strength and solace than if you hadn’t prayed.”
Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven – A Firsthand Description of the Afterlife, A Matthew Book with Suzanne Ward, pgs. 93 – 95.
Who Are Your Spirit Guides?
A Channeled Reading About ‘What Jesus Will Be Doing On Christmas Day!’
Al Miner had a chance hypnosis session in 1973 twenty-nine years following a near-death experience (NDE) he had in 1944 as a young boy. The hypnosis session triggered his reconnection to the other side. And so began his tenure as the trance channel for the Lama Sing readings. The Lama Sing name represents a group from the infinite side and is the name of the channel or spokesperson for this group.
Al’s channelings were fostered by some in Edgar Cayce’s Association For Research And Enlightenment in the early days. There, in Virginia Beach, Al deepened his understanding of the channeling phenomenon and decided to continue his work.
For forty-five years Al dedicated his life to this work, focusing nearly entirely on the topic of Consciousness from 2005 on. His wife, Susan Miner, led these sessions and created the Lama Sing Library of Consciousness. Al completed his work and life in this incarnation at his death on July 27, 2018.
Click Below to hear Al Miner explain Lama Sing’s Christmas Message!