Love Guides Us

“Picture a Lion…fiercely standing in his power. Calm. Sovereign. Nothing can take him out of balance. Nothing can take his power away.

He is the embodiment of beauty. Of strength.Of truth! Of power!
He doesn’t apologize when he needs to roar… or kill in order to protect his sovereignty!
Nothing can stop his voice from roaring!
And nothing can stop his heart from loving!
There is a huge disclosure taking place… inside/out. And everything is aligning with love.
The game truly is over as we are stepping on the next level of spiritual maturity.
And what once you thought it was, is no more.
Your heart has opened and you can detect whatever is not authentic… or is manipulative…
But this time you’re not in fear of it !
You don’t try to paint it or put it under the rug.
You KNOW it!
And you stay strongly in your knowingness.
And everything that is less than love and respect ….is not allowed in your reality. And you don’t fear to cut it out.
Anything that is standing between your peace… must either align with it… or leave. Freedom!
You are now ready to create your New reality that is based on your new frequency. Which is love and sovereignty. You are allowing the abundance to flow freely and you are materializing the abundance into form.
That is the power and beauty of this great shift in consciousness in 2022.
We are in the middle of the greatest shift in human history.
And I thank you all from my heart for being here… for clearing the old and shifting this World into magical oasis of Love… where the abundance can freely flow and where love is that that is guiding us ALL.”

What Is Fear?

“Fear is, first of all, a thought, which in turn influences human conscousness. Therefore, it is possible to eliminate it by another, fearless thought.  If the thought of fear enters the human aura, its energy essence attempts to stay there as long as possible.  And this means vibrating and receiving sustenance through causing anxiety about anything — just so as to maintain perpetual motion within itself.

That is why fear has many faces and why its guises are so diverse and deceptive.  Just one tiny hint of fear begins to pull in other fear-vibrating hints from space.  In this way, the originating thought flows from one form into another, turning man into its slave.

Each black flash of fear only serves to reinforce the darkness.

Fear paralyzes man’s will and saps his strength, thereby attracting exactly those things that he is afraid of. A human heart in a state of fear loses its radiations and envelops itself in an ashen-grey mist, which extinguishes the fires within.

Alertness and caution are not fear, but the exact opposite: the protecting of one’s self from the influence of the fear-thoughts.”

The Book Of Secret Wisdom, The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution, Translated from the Senzar by Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D., p. 99.

Eckhart Tolle – Align With What Is

“When challenges arise in your life, what happens inside of you?

For many of us, the larger the ‘problem,’ the more we resist, contract, and react unconsciously.

On the other hand, in any given moment we have the

chance to remain open to life, align with what is, and experience the natural sense of peace and aliveness called,

‘the joy of being.’

When we resist the present moment, we close the door to happiness.  But when we align with what is, we access the source of lasting peace and contentment.”

Eckhart Tolle