Spiritual Consciousness – Chopra

Deepak Chopra explains the last of seven steps of a soul’s alchemy as the voice of Merlin, the personification of our wisest self.  Merlin teaches his student, King Arthur, about the soul’s many transformations.  New miraculous qualities unfold in the final three stages called spiritual consciousness.

” ‘Yes,’ said Merlin. ‘Each of you begins with love, goes through struggle, passion, and suffering, only to end in love again.’  Merlin’s voice grew softer as the circle of light around them faded almost to nothing.  ‘You mortals long for miracles, I say, and as privileged children of the universe, you will be denied nothing.  Spirit is the state of the miraculous, which will unfold to you in three stages:’

‘First, you will experience miracles in the state called cosmic consciousness.  Every material event will have a spiritual cause.  Every local happening will also be taking place on the stage of the universe.  Your slightest wish will cause cosmic forces to bring about its fulfillment.  As wonderful as that sounds, it is not such an advanced state, for long before you reach cosmic consciousness you will be used to having your desires spontaneously come true.

Second, you will perform miracles in the state called divine consciousness.  This is the state of pure creativity, in which you fuse with God’s power, whereby He makes worlds and all that happens in those worlds.  This power comes from nothing God does — it is just His light of awareness.  Like a rich, golden glow, you will see the divine awareness shining through everything your eyes behold.  The world becomes illuminated from within, and there is no doubt that matter is simply spirit made manifest. In divine consciousness, you will see yourself as the creator, not the created, the giver of life, not the receiver.

Third, you will become the miracle, in the state known as unity consciousness.  Now any distinction between creator and created has vanished.  The spirit within you totally merges with the spirit in everything else.  Your return to innocence is all-enveloping, because like the baby who touches the wall or the crib and feels only himself, you will see every action as spirit pouring into spirit.  You will live in complete knowingness and trust.  And although you will seem to reside still in a body, it will be only a grain of Being on the shores of the infinite ocean of Being that is yourself.’ ”

The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want, Deepak Chopra, pgs. 166 – 167.

“Deepak Chopra is an Indian-American author and alternative medicine advocate. A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine.” Wikipedia

Keep Standing Tall

Let’s celebrate your incredible journey and resilience. 🌟

Think of all the times you fell and got back up. Each stumble taught you valuable lessons and turned pain into strength. Imagine the future version of yourself you haven’t met yet, and cherish all the versions of you that brought you to this point.

Consider your survival, the challenges that tried to break you, yet you stood firm. Recall the moments of doubt and how you transformed them into stepping stones, emerging from chaos holding nothing but peace.

You are a testament to unbreakable beauty, strength, and courage. Every version of you has contributed to this moment. Let’s honor how far you’ve come and the strength you continue to show.

Keep standing tall! 💪✨

Pensacola Conscious Connexions

Be Easy About It

Be easy about it. Don’t rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans that you are making; and in all that you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it.

Let your desire for pleasure—your desire for feeling good—be your only guiding Light.

As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source.

And, under those conditions, only good can come to you; and only good can come from you.

Abraham Hicks, Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98

High Frequency Ripples

“Welcome. We are here to serve and assist you.

By bringing yourselves into a state of being, you are doing far more than attracting into your life that which you want to experience. By elevating your frequency consciously, you set up a chain of events that does not only involve you and does not only involve this incarnation of who you are now.

By putting yourself in a higher frequency state, you send the awareness of that frequency back to your Oversoul and that energy is available to all other incarnations. By bringing yourself into a higher frequency state, you allow other aspects of yourself to experience that frequency state.

You are creators of experience, but the experiences are not limited by time and space. They are as infinite as your Oversoul, as far-reaching as the corners of your universe. They are not limited to one dimension, to one incarnation, and certainly not to one manifestation.

So if you need to be rewarded for holding a higher frequency state, and you do not see any results in front of you in the near or immediate future, that is alright. The impact is felt by every single one of your incarnations. And for a moment in time, you get to know yourselves as more than beings in bodies, living out a single story. You’re connecting with that which is eternal and infinite. You are setting a new standard.

But there is so much more that is happening. The essence of what you are feeling in those moments puts a vibrational carrier wave into effect that ripples out beyond your world, beyond your solar system, beyond even your galaxy. You are sending out a signal that says, ‘We are ready. We are inviting higher-frequency beings to come play with us.’

We are Michael. We are infinite. We are Love.”

Channeling Archangel Michael: The Seven Signs Of Humanity’s Ascension, Daniel Scranton, p. 5.


You Are Being Transformed

“You are being transformed into the real you much like the caterpillar who must totally dissolve in a cocoon before re-emerging as the butterfly.

Many have unexpectedly found themselves leveled to square one with everything old and familiar gone and an inner void that is physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually traumatic. If this is or has been your experience know that this phase of your ascension process was necessary but is temporary–do not resist but rather discover the lessons of the experience while never forgetting that your higher Self brings you what you need only when you are ready.

Allow the process. Do not focus on continuous attempts to heal, change, or correct the outer things that have been part of your journey but rather seek to find the lessons they bring and trust that all is proceeding according to a Divine plan. Live each now moment from your highest sense of rightness, without yearning for the past or anticipating some imagined future.

Remember that in spite of any experiences or situations you may find yourself in you can never be separated from your true self/SELF — God, Divine Consciousness individualized.

We are the Arcturian Group”
