Category: Spiritual Writings
A Life In Service To Source
“Everyone has their unique expression of the love that they are to offer to humanity, to the galaxy, and to the universe. You don’t have to do anything that anyone else does, and how you express is supposed to be different. It is supposed to be uniquely yours.
And therefore, when you get inspired and you go within, when you find the spark of Divinity within you and then you express it, you can rest assured that others will respond to it. And maybe it won’t be everyone, but that’s okay. The ones who are meant to receive it will. The ones who are meant to experience your book, your movie, your work of art, and your music, will find it and it will find them.
And you will inspire others to then love something that is outside of them or appears to be anyway so that they can then access the love they truly are and express it in their own unique ways. This is the ripple effect. This is how we are all connected, and this is the tapestry of life on Earth and throughout the universe that we are all weaving ourselves into moment by moment, inspiration by inspiration, and creation by creation.
Don’t worry about what you are supposed to do or what you are supposed to create, but instead continue to look for that which inspires love within you, and then don’t get attached to it. But instead, relish the feeling that you have inside of you that represents the Source of all of us and that wants to continuously be expressed by you and through you. And that is how you live a life in service to Source.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”
Nothing Is Insignificant
I Asked For Strength
What Is Most Important?
“What appears to be most important is our application of the fruits of the Spirit in our interactions with others.
In other words, acting with love, kindness, gentleness, and patience. According to Cayce, attunement and application are at the heart of spiritual growth. Attunement is the process of awakening to our spiritual nature and our true relationship with God.
The most frequently recommended tools for achieving this attunement are the regular practice of prayer and meditation. Cayce believed that prayer was talking to God, while meditation was listening to God. Both prayer and meditation are invaluable at reestablishing a conscious awareness of our spiritual source while inviting God’s will to work through us so that we may be a ‘channel of blessings’ to others.
Then, just being kind, just being patient, just showing love for thy fellow man; that is the manner in which an individual works at becoming aware of the consciousness or the Christ Spirit.
— Edgar Cayce Reading 272-9″
Your Specific Soul Purpose
“According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living on the earth is here for a specific soul purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill.
While for some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day. Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.
To discover clues to your own life’s purpose, ask yourself these questions: What makes my heart sing? When in my life do I feel a sense of wonder? In what ways do I feel called to be of service to others? When do I feel closest to God?
The Cayce readings suggest that we are closest to living our soul’s purpose when we feel joyful, when we are in awe of the wonder of life around us, when we are being of service to others, and when we are deeply aware of our connection to God.
In your contemplative or meditation time, ask your higher self, ‘What is my soul’s purpose? Why am I here in the earth at this time?’
Then become aware of the answers that will come to you through that ‘still, small voice’ from within, or through synchronous events, or even through your dreams. Your soul is communicating with you all the time, and its greatest desire is for you to fulfill your purpose for this life experience.”
The Purpose Of Life
Be Curious
Like Candies in a Jar – Suzanne Giesemann
Blessed are the children
For wrong-thinking they have not.
They don’t spend their moments
Criticizing every thought.
It’s only as they grow and age
That they do learn to think.
And with each false belief they learn
The further they do sink.
Different cultures, different norms exist
Yet inside all are one.
So why so many differences
When the day is done …
You are a product of your thoughts.
Beliefs they shape your actions.
And it’s these same beliefs and thoughts
That divide you into factions.
Culture is a good thing.
It provides you with a root.
But when others you look down upon
The culture becomes moot.
For all is one, at heart the same.
When group norms you do remove. It’s easier to learn to love
When you’ve nothing left to prove.
“My country’s best”, “Your ways are wrong.”
These thoughts they do divide.
They separate and obfuscate
The essence that’s inside.
There’s nothing wrong with thinking
Your group it is the best
Except that it does separate
Your group from all the rest.
Appreciate your differences
They make you who you are.
But you are all like candies
Fit inside a giant jar.
Each is slightly different in appearance
Called by a different name.
Each one a different color
Yet inside all are the same.
Appreciate the differences.
But love your neighbor too.
For at the very heart of him. He is the same as you.
Just Like Children
“Yogananda: ‘You see? We must seek God with longing, with devotion. And how can we long for something that isn’t deeply meaningful to us?’
‘People,’ he added, ‘hold God at a distance when they regard Him with too much awe. They go to church as a solemn duty, and wear long faces as if attending a funeral. The truth is, finding God is the funeral of all sorrows!
Before our Heavenly Father we should be like little children. He likes that. He has enough awesome responsibilities in running this universe!
He owns everything. He knows everything. He is all-powerful. The only thing lacking to Him is our love. That is what God wants from us: our love; our trust in Him; our joy in His infinite joy.
He doesn’t need from us carefully contrived theological definitions. And He doesn’t want prayers that are chiseled to perfection lest they give offense to His imperial ears. He wants us to love Him in all simplicity, just like children.’ ”
The Essence Of Self-Realization, Paramhansa Yogananda, Recorded and compiled by Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters), pgs. 43 – 44.