Category: Spiritual Writings
Naturally Feel Your Inner Strength And Integrity
“Your attitude will give you a great day or a hard day by how you perceive the challenges. Are you going to feel defeated and overwhelmed? Or are you going to feel like you’re mastering it and seeing that this is merely just living out life as you need to explore and experience everything that you have asked for and be able to make the most out of it?
You are in complete control of your reactions.
Be observant of your knee-jerk reactions that have been created in the past and notice that you are simply repeating a cycle of your reactions emotionally. Be accountable for the way you choose to act, and instead of reacting, think about how you feel when you know things are merely playing out for the experiences.
If you’ve already mastered drama, if you’ve already mastered self-sabotage, then maybe you want to have a different experience and take control of things that way. When you realize the power of your mind, when you see that you can manifest a lot of abundance and a lot of insight, support, and protection, and when you realize that you can master your life that way, you will stop focusing on the lower emotions. You’ll stop feeding into the lack mentality. You will stop manifesting drama, isolation, and feelings of aloneness.
Take a moment to look at your behaviors and your reactions. ‘Are these old patterns that are no longer serving you?’ ‘Are these old belief systems that are not serving you?’
When you love yourself and know that you don’t have insecurities, you’re not people-pleasing anymore and you know who you are, you do not buy into someone else’s projection of your lack. You feel your empowerment in your accountability for something. You know you have done your good inner work. You hold a belief system that you are a loving human being and so naturally you feel your inner strength and integrity.”
Mastering Old Earth – Why You Survived When So Many Others Did Not,
You As A Soul
You as a soul agreed to come into form and wear a body for a while.
Such creative opportunities this experience affords you!
And you knew that this body would limit your awareness of your true Being. And you knew that there would be fellow souls, perhaps a bit less limited than even your soul nature, who would always be around to help you.
And so, it is a bit like an actor on a stage who agrees to wear a blindfold. There are others within the play who play the role of helpers, taking you by the arm and guiding you while you are a bit limited in vision. All the while you are acting, you know that once you step off the stage the blindfold will come off. Such comfort there is in knowing this.
Such assurance here and now that you agreed to this for the opportunities, knowing assistance is close at hand. You are so very loved.
When You Do Things From Your Soul
Giving What You Have Received
“No one can give what he has not received. ²To give a thing requires first you have it in your own possession. ³Here the laws of Heaven and the world agree. ⁴But here they also separate. ⁵The world believes that to possess a thing, it must be kept. ⁶Salvation teaches otherwise. ⁷To give is how to recognize you have received. ⁸It is the proof that what you have is yours.
You understand that you are healed when you give healing. ²You accept forgiveness as accomplished in yourself when you forgive. ³You recognize your brother as yourself, and thus do you perceive that you are whole. ⁴There is no miracle you cannot give, for all are given you. ⁵Receive them now by opening the storehouse of your mind where they are laid, and giving them away.
This is the Holy Spirit’s single gift; the treasure house to which you can appeal with perfect certainty for all the things that can contribute to your happiness. ²All are laid here already. ³All can be received but for the asking. ⁴Here the door is never locked, and no one is denied his least request or his most urgent need. ⁵There is no sickness not already healed, no lack unsatisfied, no need unmet within this golden treasury of Christ.
Behold the store of miracles set out for you to give.
²Are you not worth the gift, when God appointed it be given you?
³Judge not God’s Son, but follow in the way He has established. ⁴Christ has dreamed the dream of a forgiven world. ⁵It is His gift, whereby a sweet transition can be made from death to life; from hopelessness to hope. ⁶Let us an instant dream with Him. ⁷His dream awakens us to truth. ⁸His vision gives the means for a return to our unlost and everlasting sanctity in God.”
A Course In Miracles, (ACIM, W-159.1:1–2:5, (ACIM, W-159.6:1-5) (ACIM, W-159.10:1-8), Foundation For Inner Peace,
Dreams Do Come True
“Manifestation is not about what we create, it’s about what we open ourselves up to experience.
Every desire that arises from within you is connected to a possibility that is available to you now. What you want, wants you too.
Conscious Creation is about learning to work with the Universe, through Alchemy of the Light, to change your perceptions. When you do, you will shift your attention, and align with your inner creator, and your inspirations will emerge.
It looks and feels like magic, but dreams do come true!”
Decide What You Want
Our Greatest Glory
A Happy Outcome To All Things Is Sure.
“God’s promises make no exceptions. And He guarantees that only joy can be the final outcome found for everything. Yet it is up to us when this is reached; how long we let an alien will appear to be opposing His. And while we think this will is real, we will not find the end He has appointed as the outcome of all problems we perceive, all trials we see, and every situation that we meet.
Yet is the ending certain. For God’s Will is done in Earth and Heaven. We will seek and we will find according to His Will, which guarantees that our will is done.
Help us not interfere, and so delay the happy endings You have promised us for every problem that we can perceive; for every trial we think we still must meet.”
A Course In Miracles, Lesson 292, (ACIM, W-292.1:1–2:2)