The Power Of Your Thoughts

“You are the source of all that happens to you. You decide what will happen to you. You are the sum total of all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, expectations, intentions, goals, memories, knowledge, ability, skills, and energies. Your ability to control and regulate your life, your capacity to face adversity, your willingness to learn from failures, your interest in forging healthy relationships, your integrity, personality, balance, character, and attitude are shaped by them. They make possible what you desire in your life, how you relate to your world and experience the joys and sufferings of life.

Truly speaking, we are all great survivors. We survive against great odds. We can adapt to circumstances and survive in difficult environments. People have been doing it for ages. We may not be able to change the course of the planets, but we can change the course of our lives. With positive thoughts and aspirations, we can bring light into our hearts and minds and change our destinies. Your thoughts manifest your desires. Since they are not always under your control, you should know how to attune them to your goals and aspirations. You have to learn how to think positively and keep your mind focused on your goals. In this regard, the following suggestions are helpful …

  • Pay attention to what you think mostly. Avoid frivolous thoughts.
  • Believe in your ability to manifest your thoughts.
  • Clearly know what you want and focus on it.
  • Dispute your negative thoughts using positive ones.
  • Think deeply until you have weighed all the options.
  • Be realistic, but know you can create magic with your thoughts and actions.
  • Do not let others control your life. Empower yourself.
  • Cultivate relationships with people who are successful and positive.
  • Stay focused on your strengths and positive outcomes.
  • Avoid people who are by nature negative and critical.
  • Organize and prioritize your resources and tasks.
  • Frequently visualize your goals to remember them.
  • Use positive affirmations to reinforce your thoughts and beliefs.
  • Keep an open mind to see new possibilities and alternatives.
  • Improve your vocabulary and communication.
  • Practice meditation and mindfulness techniques to remove negative energy from your mind and body.

Some people work less and accomplish more. There are some who toil day and night, but remain unhappy and unfulfilled. Some, despite their great riches, do not experience prosperity. Driven by insecurity, they live like poor people.

For some, life is a rewarding experience. The mere sight of a flower or a sky fills them with joy and wonder. When you interact with some, you feel energized, peaceful and spiritually uplifted, but when you meet some, you feel disturbed and depressed, as if something has been taken away from you or drained out.

These differences exist because of the differences in thinking and perceptions. It is for us to decide what we want to do with our lives and in which direction we intend to go. It is up to us to decide whether to take control of our minds and thoughts or let them control us.”, Jayaram V

The Choices We Make In Life

“The choices we make in life determine the direction of our future. Sometimes, the choice is easy: to continue on the same path we’ve always followed, or to embark on something new. Sometimes it’s harder. The path may not be clear, and it may not even be something we’d originally considered.

Hardship along the way is not a bad thing. It has the power to create wisdom and compassion. If you choose so.

Every day you have the choice to live in fear, or to step into the light.

To embrace the unknown, or to run away from it. To trust that there is something greater than yourself, or to doubt that such a thing exists. The choice is yours.

When you embrace the unknown, instead of running away from it, your life will begin to change. You’ll start to trust yourself more, your intuition will become stronger, and you’ll start to draw closer to that place where you feel connected with everything around you.

Experiencing anything profoundly will mean ‘sacrificing’ something for it—perhaps your time, perhaps some other aspect of your life and maybe in the end it’s just your ego. But that sacrifice is necessary to begin experiencing things on a deeper level than you have before. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing things—or avoiding them—but focusing on how to deepen your experience is how you’ll wake up in line with all that is.

Keep your mind and heart open to possibilities. Listen to your intuition. Turn off the noise. Don’t immediately reply. Just let it sink in. Meditate on new concepts. How does it feel? Go with what feels best. That will always be the right path for you.”

Be Accountable

“We know hurt people, hurt people; as they are reactive to their unhealed pain. This can be consciously or unconsciously done.  Good people can still hurt others as they are reacting to their triggers to grow.

Being responsible for our feelings and thoughts goes further than just reactions and words – we must be responsible for our own energy we project onto others.

Really think about this and when we are ready to LOVE humanity and be of service… that is when we will truly feel part of the community and honestly be in high vibrational balance.

Love Yourself and Love Others – doing anything else is a distraction.

Now That You Have Awakened – Apply Metaphysical Perspectives, Conversations With Heaven On Earth.

Stop Negative Judgement

“My children, perhaps understanding your concept of judgment will assist in determining if a negative judgment for self or others plays a role in your current experiences. Perhaps negative judgment can be termed as a negative quality because you may be unable to understand another person’s values, beliefs, opinions, actions, cultural practices, religious practice, or other practice outside of your own experiences.

Acceptance of other people’s actions, unless there is harm or negative emotions and negative actions involved, is a vital aspect to stopping focus on negative judgment and changing to positive.

We, the Divine, suggest if at any moment you feel uncomfortable with someone’s values, beliefs, opinions, actions, cultural practices or religious practice, ask yourself ‘Is this my own judgment or am I experiencing judgment from someone else?’ Once you have determined where the feeling of judgment resides, ASK us the Divine to shift your energy to accept what is in your control and fits in your standards of your world experiences, and let go of projecting negatives outside of self.

Accepting your own beliefs and opinions in a positive light allows others to accept you as you are. Projecting your positive vibration attracts positive vibration without changing yours or others’ beliefs. Please never accept another’s belief if there is harm or punishment involved. Positive judgment may be used to discern what is in your highest best interest without negative emotions or negative actions involved.

My children, trust in your own Spiritual Truth of Self and Divine Love to shift what you focus on around you.

We, the Divine, acknowledge judgment as either a positive or negative tool for understanding self and others.

ASK us to assist you to stay positive as you learn and grow on your own journey. Acceptance of Self changes the basic instinct to judge others who may be different from you.

And So it Is,

Archangel Raguel

Take Positive Steps Forward

“We acknowledge it is easier to manage our day-to-day activities and create our desired future when things are going our way. But life has a way of throwing us curveballs. We have all at one time or another experienced life’s little disappointments, unexpected issues, as well as short and long-term stresses. At times life seems to be going in a completely wrong direction and we need to take measures to turn this around and follow a path that is more in line with our soul’s calling.

Most of us would like to have a greater element of control in our everyday lives. Yet if everything was completely within our control, we would lose something very special, that magic moment and the possibility of serendipity.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”—Serenity Prayer, Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

As noted in this prayer, there are some things in life that one cannot control. Know what these are and accept them (serenity). Recognize that these may be a part of your plan, lessons, or experiences on Earth even if you cannot understand the reasons why (wisdom). And then, turn your focus toward that which you can control and take positive steps forward (courage).”