Category: Religious Messages
In The Silence
Harmony And Peace Once Again
“Be still and in the stillness feel your consciousness expand, feel yourself rise far above all earthly contacts into the realms of the Spirit.
Each time you become still you will find you are able to do this. Practice it more and more often. Cease driving yourself and take time to be alone with Me.
During the day go away into your sanctuary. Absorb the peace and stillness and become One with Me, and then go forth renewed in spirit and filled with My divine Love.
Never be too busy to do this.
This renewing of the spirit is far more important than any job that has to be done because when you are right inside, you will be right outside and will be able to do everything in the right spirit.
Whenever you are feeling impatient or irritable, go away by yourself and find that inner peace and stillness and all will become harmony and peace once again..”
I Will Strengthen You
When God Created Us
“When God created us, He did so in a holistic fashion. The Bible describes us as soul, body, and spirit. You cannot dissect a human being and separate the three. Everything is interconnected. That is where the word holistic comes from; it relates to the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. We cannot separate the effects of our living and thinking from our physical well-being.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:20–22 (TLB): ‘Listen, son of mine, to what I say. Listen carefully. Keep these thoughts ever in mind; let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they will mean real life for you and radiant health.’ There is a mind-body connection.
Many medical experts agree that our thoughts have an amazing impact on our health. Herbert Benson, MD, says that ‘negative thinking leads to stress, which affects our bodies’ natural healing capacity.’
Everywhere in the Bible, we find Jesus talking about hope and faith. We cannot have faith without hope. Our beliefs are like filters on a camera, changing how we see the world. Our biology—our physical being—adapts to those beliefs.
What we think affects our physical bodies. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. Hope is like a refuge that protects us from the adversary. It is the anchor of the soul. When our thoughts change, our bodies change. Our positive and negative beliefs impact every area of our lives.
Worry is simply a bad thing played out in our imagination. Our fear goes up, our stress level goes up, and our high blood pressure goes up. That is the mind-body connection.
We can shift from worry and fear of dying to trust and hope for living. This gives our bodies a chance to promote healing. Stress goes out and the peace of God comes in.”
A Natural Body And A Spiritual Body
Find Joy In Me
Find Joy in Me, for I am your Strength, It is vital to keep your Joy alive, especially when you’re in the throes of adversity. Whenever you are struggling with difficulties, you need to guard your thoughts and spoken words carefully. If you focus too much on all the things that are wrong, you will become increasingly discouraged – and your strength will be sapped. As soon as you realize what is happening, stop this hurtful process immediately. Turn to Me, asking Me to help you with all your struggles.
Take time to praise Me: Speak or sing words of worship. Read scriptures that help you rejoice in Me.
Remember that your problems are temporary but I am eternal — and so is your relationship with Me. As you find Joy in Me, delighting in My unfailing Love for you, your strength will increase. This is the Joy of the Lord, which is yours for all time and throughout eternity!
Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength,” NEHEMIAH 8:10
Jesus Always – Embracing Joy In His Presence, Sarah Young, 12-04-2023.
Every Situation In Life
All Around You
“When you have felt lost and desperate, yearning for a sign from Me, you were surrounded by exquisite signs of beauty, growth, and color, and you recognized them not as being Mine. True, My form is familiar to you, you have seen it every day. I built your world out of My own Spirit and filled it with My all-pervading Presence so you would know indisputably that in Me you live and have your being.
In a thousand different places, you keep searching for Me, finding tidbits of information about Me everywhere you look. All the while, I am so close to you that I have been overlooked, you have taken Me for granted until you no longer recognize Me. As you reach outward hoping to find Me, I hide in your mind, your heart, your soul, I hide in the consciousness within you.
For I am the well of living waters, your reservoir of life force, and if you will learn to draw from My resources, eagerly and deliberately, these resources will increase and multiply until your entire being is transformed into a vessel unceasingly running over with holy radiance.
My presence as your inner consciousness is just as infinite as My unending presence in the cosmos all around you.”
The Door Of Everything, Ruby Nelson, p. 10 – 11.