Category: Religious Messages
Jiva And Atman Are The Hindu Soul Parts
“In Indian Hinduism, the soul has two parts. One is called Jiva, which corresponds to the individual soul making its long journey through many lifetimes until it reaches the full realization of God. When a child is taught that being good means your soul will go to heaven, it is Jiva that we are talking about.
Jiva is involved in action. It is affected by our good and bad acts; it rules our conscience. and all the seeds of karma are planted inside it. The kind of person you turn out to be is rooted in Jiva, and the kind of life that you make for yourself will change Jiva day by day.
The second half of the soul, called Atman, does not accompany us on any journey. It is pure spirit, made of the same essence as God. Atman cannot change in any way. It never reaches God because it never left in the first place.
No matter how good or bad your life, your Atman remains constant; in fact, the worst criminal and the holiest saint have the same quality of soul when it is this aspect that is in question. There is no good approximation for Atman in the West (the Western continent that includes the U.S.), and many people might wonder why the soul has to be divided in this way. the distinction between them is absolutely necessary (in the Eastern world), for otherwise the path back to God would break down. The soul must be half-human and half-divine in order to give us a way to retain our identity in finding God.
You need Jiva to remember who you are personally. You need Atman to remember yourself as pure spirit.
You need Jiva to have a reason to act, think, wish, and dream. You need Atman for the peace beyond all action.
You need Jiva to journey through time and space. You need Atman to live in the timeless.
You need Jiva to preserve personality and identity. You need Atman to become universal, beyond identity.”
How To Know God – The Soul’s Journey Into The Mystery Of Mysteries, Deepak Chopra, p. 275 -276.
“The 5 Secret Levels Of Your Soul” Video – Jewish Learning Institute
So We Have Come To Know
You Are The Image And Likeness Of Your God
“I stand at the Door of your consciousness, knocking. If you will only turn toward Me, emptying yourself out to receive my Spirit, I will pour so much Light into the reservoir of your heart that it will run over with goodness and mercy all the days of your eternal life.
By the power of this Light your subconscious reservoir of feeling can be lifted up to its original purity, thereby exalting your reactions, causing you to put on the living crown of life, to receive the face and the fashion of a new person, to open the Door in consciousness which has been closed to you. When this happens the old order of life will pass away, and the sub-created web which seemed as invincible as enclosing bars of iron will melt and dissolve before you. This renovation does not depend on time or place but solely on your acceptance and application of the truth that you are really created to the image and likeness of your God.”
The Door Of Everything, Ruby Nelson, p. 21.
Accept Every Seeming Setback
Accept every seeming setback as a challenge, never as a defeat. Realize these are obstacles to be overcome and that with My help you will overcome every one of them and arise triumphant. You become stronger spiritually, your faith becomes unshakable as you face each obstacle fearlessly, knowing that all is very, very well.
Declare that all is very, very well even in the very teeth of the enemy and it will be so, for by doing this you raise your very consciousness out of the darkness into the glorious light and you are able to view the whole situation from an entirely different level of consciousness where there is no room for darkness, doubts or fears.
Draw from the source of all creation, from Me, the Lord your God, and all wisdom, all power, all knowledge, all understanding, all love is yours. Accept this wondrous truth, realize, it, absorb it, and allow it to become part of you. As you do so your whole being will begin to glow with light and all darkness will melt away into nothingness, for darkness cannot withstand the light.
How to Connect to Jesus Christ/Yeshua ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are focusing on what is most appropriate for humankind to know about, so that we can guide you in the right direction, a direction which is not predetermined, not set in stone. Therefore, there is always hope for humanity, no matter how things might look out there in the world, a world that is a projection of your consciousness, as everything else is. Remember that when you think about changing the world and how hard it will be. Remember that it is easy to change your perspective, your point of view. It is easy to shift your focus, and that is what is most appropriate for you to be working on at this time.
There is always good that you can focus upon, and there is always light and love within every single person and every single situation. It is when you abandon hope that you can only see the darkness around the light. Your vision becomes foggy and your mind becomes cluttered with facts and historical events. It’s time to toss all of that aside for all of you so that you can be very present and so that you can let go of the heaviness that does not need you to focus upon it. Stay light and stay in the light, and then harness the power of the light. The power of the light is not in its ability to defeat the dark; the power of the light is in its ability to illuminate what everyone needs to see in order that it can be healed.
You are there to heal, to shift, and to operate as the light in a world that needed you, a world that beckoned you forth from the very comfortable nonphysical realm in which you were previously dwelling. You came forth to be the light, just like the one called Jesus Christ. The light that shone within him is also within you and everyone else, and that was another part of the teachings of Jesus, and it is the one that everyone needs to be focused upon in order to heal, in order to become the vision that he held for all of you.
You have so much strength and power within you when you shine that light, and you connect yourself to Jesus, or as many of you refer to him as, Yeshua. And that light is what will carry you into the fifth dimension, because it will alter you from the inside, melting away anything that obscures it and shining a light on whatever your fellow humans need to see or recognize. This is the way, and it is the way that Yeshua taught all of you. The time is now to implement those teachings and bring about the great changes that will result in the shift in consciousness there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
The Submerged Mind
“Like an iceberg on the sea, nine-tenths of which is out of sight, I live within you in the form of mind with nine-tenths of me being submerged beneath your awareness. The expanse of an iceberg underwater is just as real as the tip extending above the surface. And the expanse of mind submerged below your conscious awareness is just as real as the surface mind with which you do your thinking.
The submerged mind is like a sunken treasure chest, chock-full of wonders, waiting for you to discover it and draw it to the surface. For the most part, it lies neglected and untouched even though I have stored within it all My powers, all My wisdom, all the truth in the cosmos, the record of existence, the force that quickens and perfects, the peace that passes understanding, the love that conquers all.
This submerged mind is your center of divine wisdom, an area of mind that does not think in the normal sense of the word — it knows. The nature of it is pure and holy, it has never been touched by limited or negative belief; it is a living part of Me. When you have learned to elevate this submerged mind and integrate it with your surface consciousness, your entire being will take on its holy nature and you will come to find that, as Jesus taught, it is indeed not robbery to be equal with God.
Your submerged mind extends into the central area of feeling, the heart. I live also in your heart as a reservoir of love that is immeasurable. Your hopes and dreams and high aspirations rise up from this reservoir of feeling; they are the echoes of My still, small voice, bursting through to your surface mind like notes of music springing out of the silence, forever urging you onward toward the more prolific expression of your hidden skills and talents.”
The Door Of Everything, Ruby Nelson, p. 12 -13.