“A mustard seed is about a millimeter in size. Jesus described it as the smallest of all seeds. When sown, it becomes a plant as large as some trees in about three to five years. Its faith, then is the pattern of the mature plant which is encoded genetically into the seed.
Our bodies’ faith is the pattern of the mature person which is encoded genetically in the sperm and egg. We take the functioning of our bodies for granted. We do not know how to make our hearts beat. We have no conscious awareness of how to breathe. The billions of chemical reactions and responses that create our continued life and health are almost entirely unknown to our conscious minds. And yet, here we are, living our lives in perfect faith that our hearts and lungs and all the rest of our amazingly intricate body systems are working.
It is logical, then, to trust that the non-physical parts of us–our minds, emotions, energy bodies and spirits–are also functioning well. These characteristics, too, are implicit in the seed that grew to be each of us. Our intellects and our wills are good and useful parts of our natures. Our soul essences, contained within our energy bodies, are excellent as the rest of our design. “Living the Law of One” by Carla L. Rueckert, p. 275.
“Doreen Virtue holds three university degrees in Counseling Psychology. She was clairvoyant as a child, and had many profound spiritual experiences as she was growing up.
Doreen was raised by a Christian spiritual healer mother and a self-employed writer father. She is still a Christian and loves the Lord with all of her heart.
Doreen worked as a psychotherapist specializing in healing eating disorders, until her life was saved by divine intervention on July 15, 1995 during an armed carjacking. After this experience, Doreen focused solely upon researching and teaching about divine intervention. Doreen is the author of over 50 books and 25 oracle card decks, on the topics of angels, fairies, healthful living, vegan eating, and spirituality, published in 38 languages globally. Doreen traveled worldwide giving workshops for the past 25 years. She now creates online workshops, and spends her time with her family, animals, and practicing yoga. Doreen has appeared on television and radio worldwide, including Oprah, CNN, Richard & Judy, Coast to Coast AM, and The View.” http://www.angeltherapy.com
The Apostle Paul embodied one more time after his lifetime in Jesus’ period―as the great mystic and miracle-worker known as Saint Hilarion. Today the ascended master Hilarion guides and inspires scientists, healers, musicians and those dedicated to truth. http://www.therainbowscribe.com/totalenergyclearing.htm
Who Are the Ascended Masters?
The ascended masters are our elder brothers and sisters on the spiritual path. Having balanced their karma and fulfilled their unique mission, they have graduated from Earth’s schoolroom and ascended back to God in the ritual known as the ascension.
These masters are a part of a vast brotherhood of spiritual beings and angelic hosts who work with mankind for the betterment of life on Earth. The Great White Brotherhood is spoken of in chapter seven of the Book of Revelation as the great multitude of saints “clothed with white robes” who stand before the throne of God. (White refers not to race but to the white light that is seen in the aura of the saints.)
These enlightened teachers have emerged from all races and nationalities, from all walks of life and all religions. Many are familiar to us, having walked among us throughout the ages. Others are ancient beings of light, unrecorded in human history, whose names long ago have become secondary to the flames they bear. Whatever their origin in the vastness of our Father’s universe, they all share a common light– a light they desire to share with mankind who are seeking the Truth they bear.
Among these saints are Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Saint Germain, Moses, Melchizedek, Mother Mary, Saint Francis, Kuan Yin– and unnumbered and unnamed loving hearts, servants of humanity who have returned to the heart of God.
This Brotherhood works with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walks of life to assist humanity in their forward evolution.
Hilarion is a master of healing and truth–he serves on the fifth of the seven rays of God. When we come into the knowledge of the ascended masters, we come into an awareness of defining the path back to the Source, and we find that it can be walked over seven rays of the Christ consciousness that emerge from the white light. The seven color rays are the natural division of the pure white light emanating from the heart of God. The subdivisions of the wholeness of Christ are the blue, yellow, pink, white, green, purple and gold, and the seventh, violet rays.
Master Hilarion is the healer. This is the green ray of the doctors, scientists, healers, musicians, mathematicians and those consecrated to Truth in all its forms. Hilarion works with all of these, and he can assist us in drawing down the abundance that we need to fulfill our mission in life. He also assists us in developing truth or clarity in spiritual vision.
From “Hilarion The Healer: Spiritual Teachings From…” by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
For over a year, Morgan Freeman has been traveling the world in search of God. And not just to find a man in white–or in his case, a man in white who changes light bulbs—but to illuminate the different ways people think about and worship God all over the world.
We spoke to Freeman at the beginning of his quest. Now his series, Story of God, continues the search in its second season–first in Minnesota, and then in London and Thailand. National Geographic caught up with Freeman to find out what he’s learned.
You’ve now been looking for God and spirituality for a year. What have you found? Well I’ve found that God is pretty universal wherever we go. It’s like–how do I say this–lots of us have different approaches to the same idea. There is heaven and hell. There is God. And there is a way to realize them. That’s universal. You find commonality in that sense everywhere.
You’re more than a reporter. How does your celebrity affect your quest? That’s hard to say. In a few locations, I’ve been aware that the interviewee was a bit, you know, charged up by the idea that it was me. But after a few minutes of talking, that went away. And it gets us into more places and gets more people to say yes to us. Most people are just happy and honored that we care about their religion enough to look outside the mainstream of religions.
Gregg Braden says, “Feel as if your prayer has already been answered!” Verse 106 in the lost Gospel of Thomas says, “When you make the two (thought and emotion) as one, you will say to the mountain, “move away” and the mountain will move away!” Marry thought and emotion. Use your voice and the power of your heart when you pray! Gregg Braden reveals the two sentences about prayer that were taken out of the Bible!