The Most Important Elements In Prayer

“Never pray with the attitude of a beggar.  You are God’s child.  As His child, you have a right to the treasure from His storehouse of infinity.

Pray with utter confidence that He is listening.  For indeed, so He will, if you pray to Him with love.  Pray from your heart, with deep intensity.

Demand of Him lovingly; never beg.  By demand  I don’t mean you should try to force your will on Him, as though anticipating His reluctance to accede to your wishes.  I mean, pray with the firm conviction that He wants to give you everything you need, and that He will give it.

Jesus put it this way: ‘Pray believing.’

Utter faith, and love: these are the most important elements in prayer.”

The Essence Of Self-Realization – The Wisdom Of Paramhansa Yogananda, Recorded and compiled by his disciple, Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters), p. 158.

In Solitude, We Long For God

“In solitude, we long for God.

In stillness, we wait for God.

And in silence, we listen for God.

You may never hear the audible voice of God. I never have. But I hear God. He speaks to me in his first language, Silence. This language can only be heard in silence. If you sit with God long enough, in deep solitude, deep stillness, and deep silence, he will find you.  Solitude is spending time alone with God, not with yourself.

The discipline of stillness can help you develop an awareness of God’s presence and action in your life. Psalm 46:10 says: ‘Be still and know that I am God!’

Until you are still, you may never know. It begins with external stillness, but it goes much deeper than that.  The Hebrew word for ‘be still’ means to sink down or relax.

As we sink down deep into God and the Gospel, our hearts become rich soil for the word of the kingdom.  Read Matthew 13: 18 which is a parable about God’s word being planted as a seed in the hearts of people.

Solitude is an interior posture of longing for God. Stillness is an interior posture of waiting for God. And silence is an interior posture of listening for God. You can use this simple prayer to transition from reading the Scriptures, and prayer to contemplative prayer:

Yahweh, I open to you.
In solitude, longing for you.
In stillness, waiting for you.
In silence, listening for you, Yahweh.”, “Silence, Solitude, and Stillness,” Edward Keith Pousson


Become A Light Unto The Earth

“Practice finding the feeling of love so you can connect with it more and more frequently. Think of it as a skill you are developing.

As you find that feeling of love, your vibration is instantly raised. Immediately, you are in a flow towards all you desire. In the feeling of love, you can hear or perceive us more easily. You have more joy. You feel more confident. You trust life more.

The more you connect to love, in any way you choose to do it—through sleep, meditation, appreciation, doing things for yourself or others, prayer, walking, cooking, creating, serving, and being—the more you will feel your best, most powerful, most abundant, care-for, beloved self. 

Don’t wait for others to give you this gift of love. Claim it for yourself often, and then when others shine that light upon you, it will simply amplify the love you have already found, flowed, and inspired from within. Love is here for you now and always. It is yours for the tuning, the taking, and the sharing.

As you feel the feeling of love—no matter whether giving or receiving—you become less susceptible to external energies and more susceptible to the adoring guidance of the Divine and your angels.

In this vibration, you become a light unto the earth.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”


The Truth Shall Set You Free

The Truth shall set you free. And you ask: where can you find that Truth? I tell you, deep within. Where can you find wisdom and understanding?

Again I say, within. You need not go anywhere to find these spiritual qualities, you don’t have to do anything special to acquire them; they are right there within each one of you. All you have to do is to seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened, ask and it shall be given.

When you are ready to receive, the Truth is there waiting for you, so expand your consciousness and accept it.

When eventually you do claim them, then a light begins to shine forth from you into this darkened world, a light which has been burning very low becomes brighter and brighter for all to see until you become a beacon of light, drawing other lights to you, forming an ever-increasing Light band wherever you go – for Light attracts Light and all darkness disappears into nothingness where there is Light.

Reflect My Light, My Love, and My understanding and so be a real help to your fellow humans.

When the light of Truth is shed on a situation, all fears and frustrations disappear.

~ guidance received by Eileen Caddy,

First Universal Law – I And God Are One And The Same

This is the First Law Of The Universe … that of the Law Of Divine Oneness.

“Do not ever think that you and God are separate. Think always, ‘God is with me; He is inside me; He is around me. All there is, Is God. I myself am God. I am the Infinite, the Eternal. I am not two; I am one, only one. There is no one else besides me. I and God are one and the same.’

To realize this Unity, the first step is to develop Self-confidence. It comes when you realize that God is not outside of you.

The first step in realization is to always think of God.
Then after some years, you will realize that you are one with God.

The Self is you. It is everything. It is God. That is who you really are.  You are God. You are not the ego. You are God!

Think always, ‘I and God are one and the same.’ ”  ~ Sathya Sai Baba

God’s Perfect Order

“God’s perfect order is unfolding through me and every circumstance of my life.  With ease and grace, Divine Order manifests by blessing me, lifting me, and bringing forth good.  God moves through my body to harmonize, to heal, and to strengthen me.  God moves through my heart to uplift, to cleanse, and to purify me.  God moves through my life to prosper, to satisfy, and to bless me.  God moves through my thoughts to collect them in spiritual order and strength, revealing my true purpose and clarifying my vision.  The perfection of God directs my every thought and activity, and all is well.

I am now free from fear, anxiety, worry, dread, or suspense.

I have faith in God and I trust in God to protect me, to provide for me, and to bring all of my affairs into divine order.

I look past any troubling outer appearances or circumstances and affirm a higher good unfolding in my life.  through the power of the indwelling Christ, divine order is now established in my mind and body and in every aspect of my life.”

Empowering Prayers For Everyday Life, Unity Inspirational Publications, pgs. 24-5.

Revealed In Us Later

Did you know?
An oyster that has not been wounded in any way does not produce pearls?
A pearl is a healed wound.
Pearls are a product of pain, the result of a foreign or unwanted substance entering the oyster, such as a parasite or a grain of sand.
The inside of an oyster shell is a shiny substance called ‘nacre.’
When a grain of sand enters, the nacre
cells go to work & cover the grain of sand with layers & more layers to protect the defenseless body of the oyster.
As a result, a beautiful pearl is formed!
The more pearls, the more valuable…
God never allows pain without a purpose.

What if your greatest ministry to others comes out of your greatest hurt?
The hard things we may be going through now are really nothing in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us later. (Romans 8:17-18)”