
“I choose to view my world and myself from a higher perspective.”

“The view from an airplane or skyscraper provides an entirely different aspect of the ground below.  Where the hustle and bustle of people and vehicles moving back and forth is apparent to those in the midst of it, from a higher perspective the busyness of individuals melts into a patchwork of landscape.

Anytime I feel confused or overwhelmed, I may find myself using tunnel vision, seeing only the challenges right in front of me.  But as I turn my thoughts to God, I find myself viewing my world from a higher divine perspective.  I rise above the seeming chaos and trust in the order that I may not be able to see at that time.

I have faith that the wisdom of God is guiding me to a beneficial outcome.  My higher perspective gives me peace to know that all is well.”

“The Lord your God is indeed God in heaven above and on earth below.” — Joshua 2:11.



“A popular quote by Martin Luther King Jr. states, ‘Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.’  This serves as a poignant reminder to remain courageous in every moment by drawing upon the spiritual quality of faith.

I can create a morning ritual where the first thing I do is turn within to the presence of God and relax.  My faith is activated when I remember that God will see me through.  Quietly, I affirm to myself, ‘My way is made clear’ and any sense of concern washes away.

Aligned with spiritual principles, I begin my day in faith.  No matter what the need is, I draw upon the spiritual quality of faith and my way is made clear.

‘If you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you.’ – Mark 11:23”


How My Life Became Blessed

“Grace is the love of God soothing me as I am going through a challenge.  From this sacred love, I can and do draw on unlimited strength and understanding.

God loves and blesses me in ways far greater than I could ever hope to receive or even imagine. If I make a choice that isn’t in my best interest, God’s grace protects me from experiencing the worst possible outcome.

I am grateful for the ease of God’s grace.  There are no feats I must accomplish or levels of wisdom I must attain to gain it.  Grace is showered upon me simply because I am God’s child.  Grace smooths the way to new opportunities and reveals a path to overcome challenges.”

“And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up.” — Acts 20:32,


Inner Peace

“Anytime you feel anxious or worried, you can turn to the words of Jesus for inspiration: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?” (Matthew 6:25)

God is the source of the air I breathe, the food that nourishes my body, and the spirit that comforts my soul.  I breathe in this truth.  I exhale, releasing any thoughts of scarcity or lack.  I feel a return to that deep, abiding inner peace that permeates my being.

With God as my constant source, I am infused with peace, strength, joy and gratitude.

Affirm Your Oneness With All Of Life

“At the hub of a wheel, there is oneness.  It is only on its outer edges that there is separation.  In the eye of a hurricane, there is stillness.  Away from that center, there is wind.  I find a similar kind of stillness and connectedness in my heart, the quiet hub of my own being.

I move into this inner space where I find the silence that my soul is craving.  In this sacred center, I am connected with all of life.  In this stillness, I am one with my Creator.

I am aligned with a greater wholeness, not set apart or separate.  When I want to feel connected– with others, with an answer– I affirm my oneness with all of life.  By turning within, I find my answer.”

“And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.– John 17:3, Daily Word,


Angel Message from Ann Albers

“My dear friends, we love you so very much,

In the midst of the darkness, many centuries ago, there came a great light. A humble child was born in a manger embodied a love so pure and surrendered to a light so bright that it forever changed and elevated the vibration of humanity.

Each of you remembers this light. Each of you longs for this light. Each one of you is birthed from this light, and each of you celebrates this light when you find it birthed within your own lives.

You feel this light in every kind word and ever thoughtful gesture. You see this light in the eyes of every baby who looks upon the world with wonder. You feel this light in your own hearts when you extend compassion to a fellow human being. You channel this light when you feel the currents of love and appreciation running through you, and every time you share a loving word or gesture with one another.

This light lives in you. You, are the manger in which the light is born over and over again. You are the lamps that never extinguish. You are spirit of the season and your light is present all year long.

So as you embark on your holiday season, be the lights of the world. When you shop for presents, shop with love. When you make a gift, hold it to your heart and fill it with love. When you bake, bake with love. When you share with a charity, do so with love. When you leave your milk and cookies for Santa, know that you are leaving an offering of love for the spirit of love and generosity itself. When you can sit for a moment, ask to be filed with heavenly peace, and to feel find the presence of the silent night within your own quietly beating heart.

We wish you a season filled with peace, joy, wonder, and most of all, the beautiful light birthed within you, shining forth into a world in need.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels”