Category: Religious Messages
Your Life Path
Do Not Be Discouraged
Present Help In Trouble
The Church Is Within Yourself
Think on This …
“. . . the church is within yourself and not in any pope nor preacher, nor in any building but in self! For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God, and the Christ becomes a personal companion in mind and in body; dependent upon the personality and individuality of the entity as it makes practical application of the tenets and truths that are expressed.”
Edgar Cayce Reading 5125-1, The Association of Research and Enlightenment
Trust In The Lord
His Spirit In Your Inner Being
The Purpose Of Fear
“Fear is the killer. We remind you that your power ends where your fear begins. If you fear something, it is as if you put a sign up over your head and say, ‘Welcome. I am waiting for you.’
The purpose of fear is to save your life, to catapult you into the now in order to take action. Often it serves to direct you away from that which is dangerous and toward the very essence of your vital being.
However, when you hold onto fear as a lifestyle, and when you broadcast fear of life, you shut down your body and kill your vital life force. This creates stress, ill health, and aging.
Your thoughts create your reality. Part of the initiation of consciousness is to move through toxicity, and your physical body needs to go through more preparation and purification of what would be called intent and courage.
When you dwell in fear, you dispel all. You dispel your own power. So, in order to meet something that is very unfamiliar to your logical mind, you must maintain clarity of intent and a tremendous sense of courage, safety, and nonchalance.
Everything that keeps you from achieving something is simply an idea.
People say, ‘Why do bad, negative, lower vibrational plans have to be in motion?’ Because people wait for them. People don’t sit around waiting for something exciting and good to happen to them. They sit around rocking in their chairs, smoking cigarettes, wondering when a car is going to come through the living room. Why? Because they watch television. Your main imprinting comes through this mind-control machine, which imprints you basically with fear. Chronic fear is going to be the killer. It will draw to you those things that you dread and that you are certain are going to happen to you. Of all the possibilities in the world, why do you choose what you do?
We know why you are here on Earth and that you were not sent here to flounder alone. The forces that work with you have a capacity to influence and affect your reality that is beyond your comprehension, even though you are not aware of the existence of these forces.
Make a commitment to have your heart open, and see that it stays open and that you use the heart energy of the Mother Goddess and Father God. Open your heart to have God’s Faith energy move through you.”
The Pleiadians , Channeled by Barbara Marciniak