Category: Religious Messages
The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene – An Easter Message
“As the first witness to the Resurrection, Mary Magdalene was considered by the apostle John to be the founder of Christianity. In most theological studies she has been depicted as a reformed prostitute, the redeemed sinner who exemplifies Christ’s mercy.
The Gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene repeats many of the New Testament words of Jesus. Here is Christ’s Easter Message which, in part, is also found in the New Testament books of Luke and John during the first appearances of Jesus after his resurrection!
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene – Page 8 – Christ said, ‘Attachment to matter gives rise to passion against nature. Thus trouble arises in the whole body; this is why I tell you: ‘Be in harmony …’ If you are out of balance, take inspiration from manifestations of your true nature. Those who have ears, let them hear.’
After saying this, the Blessed One greeted them all, saying: ‘Peace be with you — may my Peace arise and be fulfilled within you! Be vigilant, and allow no one to mislead you by saying: ‘Here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’
For it is within you that the Son of Man dwells. Go to him, for those who seek him, find him. Walk forth, and announce the gospel of the Kingdom.’ ”
The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene, Jean-Yves Leloup
John 14:27 – “Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful.”
Luke 24:36 – “Now while they were telling these things, Jesus Himself suddenly stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be to you.”
The Gospel Of Mary Magdalene
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene was rejected by the Roman Catholic Church and was not included in the King James Bible’s canonical Gospels in 325 AD. However, this alternative text, found in an ancient Egyptian jar in 1945, has become known as one of the valuable Gnostic Gospels. Gnostic comes from the Greek word gnosis, which means “inner knowing,” “self-acquaintance,” or “self-knowledge.” A group called Gnostics believed that Christ’s teachings could be found by searching within their own hearts and inner Being.
The Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene shows us the deepest, most mysterious side of Christianity. This gnostic gospel begins with Page 7 since Pages 1 – 6 are missing.
It begins, “What is matter? Will it last forever? The Teacher Yeshua answered, ‘All that is born, all that is created, all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other. All that is composed shall be decomposed; everything returns to its roots; matter returns to the origins of matter. Those who have ears, let them hear.’
Peter said to him: ‘Since you have become the interpreter of the elements and the events of the world, tell us: What is the sin of the world?’
The Teacher Yeshua answered: ‘There is no sin. It is you who make sin exist, when you act according to the habits of your corrupted nature; this is where sin lies.
This is why the Good has come into your midst. It acts together with the elements of your nature so as to reunite it with its roots.’
Then he continued: ‘This is why you become sick, and why you die: it is the result of your actions; what you do takes you further away. Those who have ears, let them hear.”
The Commentary summarizes the statement about sin this way… ” ‘There is no sin, only sinners.’ Matter, the world, the body, are not sinful in and of themselves– yet it is possible to make bad use of them, and we are all more or less sinners to the degree that we do not know how to adjust or harmonize ourselves with the Real or the Good. (…the Being that is at the heart of all the impermanent, transitory phenomena of the world.)
Evil and sin arise from the blamer in ourselves. Instead of blaming evil on society and our parents, we must take all responsibility for what happens. The Teacher prefers us with our eyes open, away from this judgment. You are the result of your actions and attitudes, and it is only through them that you can be transformed and hope for a better life.”
This passage “invites us to live a life of glory, a life of love and consciousness, just as He did. This reunion with our roots is not a mere event in time, but an ever-renewed relation with the Source producing us in every instant. It is our ignorance that creates our distance from it, as ‘the result of your actions; what you do takes you further away.’ and this distance involves all sorts of sickness and suffering.
By an ever-new act of knowledge that is both beyond the known, beyond the mind and memories of which we are composed and by turning our consciousness from our externalized, objectified being toward our inner Being, we act from the deepest heart of our lack, from the intimate space of our desire of desires. This is the space where we receive the inspiration of the Teacher and His teaching.”
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Jean-Yves Leloup, p. 44-56.
Grow In Awareness
“Here are the guidelines for your preparation in awareness and wisdom:
Do not be frightened! Fear is the opposite of love. You may think that hatred is the opposite of love, but hatred is a by-product of fear. There is nothing to fear. Fear is detrimental to your understanding and to your thinking positive, enlightening thoughts. Following your positive thoughts with positive actions is of utmost importance for fulfilling the mission you chose for your lifetime at hand.
Do not shirk responsibilities intuitively known. These responsibilities are to family, to friends, to strangers, and to yourself in accomplishing the plans your soul has in mind to follow.
If you will meditate even for a short time to clear your mind of superfluous and disruptive thoughts,
you will receive confidence in your proceedings. Your conscious connection is with God directly when you so listen and heed.
Allow the love of the Christed Light to permeate your being. This is yours for only the asking. ASK! Open your thoughts as simply as ‘God, be with me,’ and God is!”
Earth’s Golden Age – A Matthew Book, Suzanne Ward, p. 42-43.
Father John Foley’s Song, “Peace Prayer”
Given the current global situation, let’s come together and unite in prayer while Ukraine and other countries are facing war. In oneness there is strength. We can pray for peace, understanding, and unity. Let’s raise our vibrations as we send blessings to those who are experiencing war and suffering in any way.
If You Ask
Darkness Cannot Withstand The Light.
“I need more and more beacons of Light in this darkened world, the more Light there is, the less darkness.
Every time you step into those higher realms you help to lift and bring more Light into this darkened world. So you see how vitally important are those times of absolute stillness when these cosmic forces can work in and through you.
It really does help when you realize what is happening and become aware of this tremendous power. Then you can make yourself available so you can be used more and more in this way. You realize every time you become still and allow these powers to flow through you, you are being used to help a very sick world. You are helping to benefit the whole, not just yourself.
If only more souls would realize this and do something about it and awaken out of their slumbers and rise up taking that glorious Light which is within them out into the world and so change the whole landscape by dispersing the darkness, for darkness cannot withstand the Light.
Every time your vibrations are raised, you help to raise the vibrations of the world.
Do your part now and do it with a heart filled with joy and thanksgiving and be everlastingly grateful that you know what you can do about it and DO It.
The more you are aware of the forces of Light, the more Light you create. Therefore Think Light, See Light, Be Light.“
Eileen Caddy, Findhorn Foundation,
Matthew 5:14-16 – “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Pray By Turning Within
“When friends or loved ones ask me to keep them in prayer, I feel a sense of honor and respect for this sacred activity. Regardless of their specific prayer needs, I affirm that God is the answer. God is always the answer.
I pray by turning within to my awareness of God and releasing my attention on the outer world. I affirm all beings are perfect expressions of the Divine Spirit. Envisioning myself as a living vessel for the love of God, I let this love flow through me and surround those who come to me for prayer. I pray they know perfect love, perfect life, and perfect peace.
When I hold others in this consciousness, the words I speak hold truth and power.”
“I pray that … He may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through His Spirit.” —Ephesians 3:16
Then, When Hope Seemed Gone
“Then — when hope seemed gone — the herald angels sang.
The star appeared, that made the wonderment to the shepherds, that caused the awe and concernment to all of those about the Inn …
All were in awe as the brightness of His star appeared and shone, as the music of the spheres brought that joyful choir,
ALL felt
the vibrations
and saw a great light…”
Edgar Cayce Reading (5749-15),