Full Faith Response

“When you seek God and He answers you, it’s of utmost importance that you believe Him (Mark 11:23-24) and act in accordance with how He responds to you (Jeremiah 7:23).  If you react to His instruction with unbelief, not really expecting the Father to come through, you’re simply demonstrating to Him that you’re not ready for His full blessing.

So how do you keep your faith strong until the Lord acts on your behalf?  Fix your focus on Him — His character, ability, and love — rather than on your circumstances.  And as you keep your eyes on God, He will do immeasurably more than you can imagine.

Pray, ‘Lord, strengthen my faith, so I can follow wherever You lead without doubting, amen.’ ”

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting.” James 1: 5-6

Jesus Always – Embracing Joy In His Presence, Sarah Young, 01/27/2023.

The Divine Self

“You think you are the name that you were born with.  You think that what you are is your body or the occupation you have taken.  You think how you serve is what you do for the benefit of others.  While there is truth to all of these ideas, there are other ways of comprehending their meaning of them.

The Divine Self as who, the I Am Self, the one who knows who it is, is the one in the reclamation of the being that you are.  It is not other than you. It is the truth of you.

Your small self has done the best he or she can.  The small self’s capacity will do the best it can.  But the aspect of you that is coming into being, the expressed True Self, the triumphant self, withstands all things because it cannot be conquered by anything other.  The Divine, as you, knows no fear, not even fear of death because the Divine, as you, knows itself in eternity.

Now, you have chosen to incarnate to have this life you are living now, and your expression of it may be the perfect expression for this lifetime. You will address your challenges and the old pain.

Yet, there is no battle to fight. This does not mean you turn a blind eye to injustice.  It means you bring the light to where the darkness has been, and if you are called to action, you will act.  Self-righteousness is always the small self. The True Self does not judge, because she comprehends the unique ability of each individual to learn through his or her creations.  She is not the arbiter of justice. She does not seek to punish or defile.  She has come in love, and in love is a great power. the song she sings or expresses as can indeed topple walls, reclaim all things, and make all things new.

When you stop confirming the old, the old is no longer present.  That which has been held in darkness is now brought to the light to be seen and resurrected. “Behold, I make all things new,” is indeed the witnessing of the Divine Self upon what God has created.”

Resurrection, Paul Selig, p. 20 – 22.

Revelations 21: 4 -5, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things, have passed away. 5 And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” Then He said, “Write this down, for these words are faithful and true.”

One Of Jesus’ Parables – Deepak Chopra

“Jesus told thirty-nine parables, and these are easier to connect with the soul, largely because he delivered the morals himself.  The first one is in the fifth book of Matthew:

You are the light for all the world.  A town that stands on a hill cannot be hidden.  When a lamp is lit, it isn’t put under a bushel basket but on the stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.  And you, like the lamp, must shed light among all men, so that when they see the good you do, they may give praise to your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5: 14-16.

On the surface, this parable is so simple that it hardly needs to be interpreted.  The phrase ‘don’t hide your light under a bushel basket’ means that virtue should be seen so it can have a good effect.  But the word light has a deeper meaning spiritually, in the sense of awakened awareness, and therefore this is also a parable about the soul.

Jesus is saying that like a lamp hidden under a basket, the body hides the soul.  He tells the disciples not to let this happen but to allow the soul’s awareness to manifest itself.  In other words, live from the soul level if you expect other people to believe that you are connected to God, for when they see that you are, they will believe it of themselves as well.

How To Know God – The Soul’s Journey Into The Mystery Of Mysteries, Deepak Chopra, p. 284-285.

Wait For The Right Time

“There is a right time for everything. Always wait for that time and the seeds of truth will fall on fertile and prepared ground and will take root, flower, and flourish.
A closed rigid mind can never grow and much will be missed in this life. Ridicule nothing you hear, keep a very open mind and see the most amazing things develop.

You are moving into new realms, therefore you must expect unusual and unexpected things. There are no fixed forms and patterns, nothing to go on or grasp with the human mind. You are walking in the ways of the Spirit and therefore will be able to understand what is happening with the Spirit. My ways are far stranger than fiction.

Let one thing follow the next with a great sense of peace and rightness so all stress and strain disappear into nothingness and everything gets done at the right time without any effort. Life should be effortless because all is guided and directed by Me. When you feel a sense of strain you may be sure you are straying away, so come back quickly and find that perfect peace and security when you know you are doing My will and walking in My footsteps.”


You Are Eternal

As humans — we love you so much — you have ‘a screwy perspective’ of this continuum of life. Most humans believe that you come into these bodies and you live for a little while and you get it right or you don’t and then you leave, when really what is happening is you are eternal. You never really leave.

And even when you are no longer focused in your physical bodies, you are still consciousness and you are still focused on what’s going on here on Earth. There is a collective consciousness that is so interested, so eager about everything that you all are about.

And that Source Energy is what Man wants to call God. You all have direct access to that.

Abraham-Hicks, Excerpted from the book Co-Creating at Its Best – A Conversation Between Master Teachers