How To Become Who We Want To Become

“When we’re exposed to an external stimulus that triggers a stress response, we have a reaction … and it’s often a habitual, automatic reaction tied to our old stories and our old self. We’ve forgotten ourselves – and who we want to become. We’ve gone unconscious.

When this happens, we’re filled with doubt – because our habitual reactions pull us out of the present moment and back into the emotions of our past.

All of a sudden, our belief in our new future is shaken – and we lose our belief in our ability to create meaningful, lasting change.

Once we’ve caught ourselves in a reaction, we’ve achieved something important: we’ve become aware of what we’re doing. With kindness and love, we can remind ourselves of what we already know – but had allowed ourselves to forget.

It’s about staying conscious – and not going unconscious the moment we arise. It becomes about remembering ourselves.

When we realize we’ve defaulted to an old emotion, one that’s correlated with everything known in our environment, we can name that emotion – doubt – and resolve to get back to our feelings of our future. To practice feeling those elevated emotions until our belief in that future is restored.

And so, like the many people who’ve achieved miraculous transformations, we go back to our meditations. We sit down with the intention of not getting up until we’re feeling the emotions of our new future.”, Dr. Dispenza explains his walking meditation – Click Here –

Tune Into Higher Vibrations Meditation

Allow the music to gently carry you home to your natural state of love, joy, and inner peace. Feel the rising energy of love heal your body, mind, and soul.


I am breathing love into every cell of my body.

I am breathing alignment into my body.

I am breathing love into my heart.

I am surrendering to what is.

I flow with the natural movement of life.

I trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be at this time.

I am guided and I am safe.

I trust this universe.

I trust my soul.

I trust my body.

I trust my heart.

I am awakening to my own wholeness and love.

I am whole and I am loved.


“Mindfulness is a state of being that’s achieved through meditation.

Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment and not letting your mind wander away from it. It allows you to be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them.
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing on the present moment while calmly attaining a full understanding of the situation rather than being emotionally reactive.
The practice of mindfulness has been shown to help people deal with stress, cultivate compassion for others, increase self-awareness, and make better decisions. With mindfulness, you can be fully aware of your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations.
It’s also been linked to improved memory, concentration, creativity, problem-solving, and even physical health.
Through mindfulness meditation, you can conquer your mind and improve your relationship with yourself.
When you’re mindful, you can identify your true self, which is the Master—once this higher self comes into existence, this master alone opens all doors to blissful living. The Master version of you will give you love, peace, happiness, and prosperity!”
The Galactic Federation Powered By Aurora Ray | Las Margaritas, 41 | 07840 Ibiza,

Meditation – Adyashanti’s Point Of View

“Real meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control. This is meditation.
Anything else is actually a form of concentration. Meditation and concentration are two different things.
Concentration is a discipline; concentration is a way in which we are actually directing or guiding or controlling our experience.
Meditation is letting go of control, letting go of guiding our experience in any way whatsoever. The foundation of True Meditation is that we are letting go of
And so, when you sit down to meditate, connect with your senses— connect with how you feel, what you hear, what you sense, what you smell. Your senses actually anchor you in the moment. When your mind wanders, anchor yourself in your senses. Start to listen. What are the sounds outside? Start to feel.
How do you feel in your body? Enter into the felt sense, the kinesthetic sense of your being.
Connect not only with what you feel in your body, but also with what you sense in the room. Start to smell. As you are sitting, what does it smell like?
Through your senses, open to the whole world within and around you.

This grounds you in a deeper reality than your mind, and it also helps focus you in a place other than your mind.
Once you get the feel of it, you will be able to tune into it more and more often during your daily life. 
Eventually, in the state of liberation, meditation will simply become your natural condition.”
~ Adyashanti
Adyashanti is an American spiritual teacher and author from the San Francisco Bay Area who offers talks, online study courses, and retreats in the United States and abroad.