Pleiadian Meditation on December 25, 2016 from Barbara Marciniak

A few short comments here with the full audio below:

Journey with this audio channeling, having a descriptive meditation, to an energizing forest refuge. Gradually, you are lead into the realms of expanded consciousness and the solar system’s movement through space that is adjusting human consciousness. Barbara Marciniak’s channeling of this safe, loving Pleiadian energy meditation is called, “Enhancing Cosmic Consciousness.”

We are moving into the Age of Aquarius with a dimensional shift.  (More like the Atlantian times.)  The Pleiadians interbred with us in the past and it has changed our genetics, our DNA.  Earth has been considered a genetic laboratory.  You are part of this Pleiadian family of Light.


Osho’s Meditation Techniques

14519879_10155124419592069_8963247314756207039_nOsho continues to inspire millions of people worldwide in their individual search for joy, fulfillment, depth, and silence. All his talks address the question of how we can live each moment of our daily lives in awareness, relaxation and totality.   In The Book of Secrets we are invited to experience and experiment with the games and situations that everyday life brings through the tools of our senses. The 4000 year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra is a compendium of highly condensed, telegraphic instructions for 112 different awareness techniques that bring us into the present moment. Osho describes each technique in detail, and explains how we can discover which is the best one for us and how to integrate it into our daily lives.

osho-book-the-book-of-secrets-_international_-large“These techniques, if followed, suddenly turn your mind. It comes to the present. And when the mind comes to the present it stops, it is no more. You cannot be a mind in the present, that is impossible.”   Osho

 An excerpt (1 of 4) from a video “Stress Free Living-Meditation For Busy Women” is below.   This video presents strategies to avoid and reduce stress, and meditative methods to unwind, based on ‘The Book of Secrets’, by Osho.   —