An Interview with Amma, the Hugging Saint


Mata Amritanandamayi was born in a remote coastal village in Kerala, South India in 1953.  Spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, known throughout the world simply as “Amma”, has served the world-community for decades, imparting wisdom, strength and inspiration. Through her extraordinary acts of love, inner strength and self-sacrifice, Amma has endeared herself to millions and inspired thousands to follow in her path of selfless service.

Kryon on How to Handle These Times

“You are so concerned with the Earth and what’s happening, that you walk around depressed!  Your depression is not helping anyone. God is joyful!  The things that you worry about will be faster settled if you spread the word of joy!  Don’t watch the news any more…  You have a bright future.”

Schumann Resonance Humanity Awakening May 2017

“Dimensions are based on vibration. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the reality or experience within that dimension. Anything living on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet (or higher) or it cannot exist in that reality. As the frequency of the Earth changes, everything on her surface is affected by this increase in frequency.”

About Sandra Walter

Sandra Walter is a Wayshower, Ascension Guide and Gatekeeper in Service to the New Light. As an Interdimensional Liaison, Sandra provides messages, articles, and videos focused on the Shift, and the deeply transformational Ascension Path online training class. Sandra lives in Mount Shasta, California.