Bashar’s Blue Light Technique – Create Better Health

“The ‘Blue Light Technique,’ a method of realigning the electromagnetic field of our body and brain to have better health and a more rarified and ethereal experience.”  Bashar says, “This technique can center you out of disease.”



Delores Cannon Explains That The New Earth Began With 3 Waves of Souls – 10 Minutes

“The first wave of ‘way-shower’ people on Earth are just living like everyone else but are having a hard time adjusting. The second wave of people are here to generate positive energy just by BEing. (A lot of those two groups don’t want to be married or have children.) The third wave are the children who are the hope of the world who are here to make a difference.”, Delores Cannon was a hypnotist whose clients under her ‘Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique’ brought forth very interesting information!  She explains more below…