Category: Heart Opening Videos
Suzanne Giesemann’s Year End Channeling
Suzanne Giesemann channels her group of guides, “Sanaya”. They share wisdom regarding the ego and awakening. At 24:30 min., she explains awakening to the truth and the consciousness that you are pure love and light.
Kryon Teaches Exactly How to Instruct Your Cells to Heal
Matt Kahn’s Newest Video “Awakening True Happiness”
Christmas Meditation
Gregg Braden on Prayer
When your thought and emotion become one, you will move the mountain!
“Manifest Now By Accelerating Your Vibrations” Abraham Video
You come into a situation and you respond where you are. Sometimes the situation is not pleasing. A condition must be reconciled. What matters most is what you do next. Get rid of doubt before you do anything. You must care about the way you feel and do something about it. What IS doesn’t matter. You must come to feel unconditional love about the situation… just as the Source within you holds an unconditional point of view. You have the ability to close that gap and have what you want!
Abraham Hicks Appreciation RAMPAGE
Dr. Bruce Lipton – Genes Don’t Control Life – The Environment Controls the Cells
Bruce is a cellular biologist who is the author of “The Biology Of Belief” and “Spontaneous Evolution”. He talks about his life, his work, and how he sees the predicament of the human race.
“As you change your response to the environment, you control your genes! You create your life! Your mind’s perception of the World controls your environment. Science reveals that we are running our lives on these subconscious programs (or habits) most of the time! Dr. Lipton developed the principles of a new science, Epigenetics, where you live your life in a more conscious way rather than being controlled by habitual, negative thoughts. Your mind, being happy and harmonious, produces great health. However, you have to work at being aware of your thoughts!”
Deepak Chopra – The Secret of Healing Meditation