Roots of Empathy Program: Introduction

Introducing Roots of Empathy, an award-winning charitable organization that brings empathy-based (and evidence-based) programming to children. Roots of Empathy is internationally acclaimed and has shown dramatic effect in increasing positive social behavior and decreasing aggression and bullying. The organization’s mission is to create a caring, peaceful and civil society through the development of empathy in children and adults. For more information, see

Are we raising the empathy levels in children?  If we reduce aggression in children, we are helping them become more empathetic.

Simple Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh

One way to release the body’s tensions and bring simple mindfulness is to pay attention to our breathing. Doing this is an easy but great help for the body!  Then you are present in the here and now.  Think, “Breathing in, I smile to my in-breath.  Breathing out, I smile to my out-breath.”  Like a mother embracing her child tenderly, you become more aware of yourself.”