Bentinho Massaro – A Spiritual Teacher for the Next Generation – Video

“Bentinho Massaro grew up in Holland with a profound enlightenment experience at age 14. Since then, Bentinho has been riding the waves of an intensely awakened life. He started teaching at age 18 and today, at 28, he is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher and empowerment speaker who holds frequent retreats in major US and European cities.

Even as a child, he had a sense of the unlimited possibilities within human consciousness. As a teenager, frustrated with the ‘unconscious’ behavior of society, he made a commitment to search for the ‘ultimate answer’ and to discover the actual workings of life that would liberate humanity from conflict and suffering.  He began a relentless quest, exploring all kinds of teachers, philosophies, and methods, including studies in India.  He realized that all the spiritual ‘authorities’ were no more enlightened than himself and made a radical decision: to seek only within his own being, following his own resonance and trusting his intuition without hesitation. There he discovered that the ‘ultimate answer’ was to be found in the presence of Existence itself—in all its infinite potential.”