Anything that is no longer serving us is moving away. We are studying the balance of our giving and receiving. Our boundaries are being re-evaluated.
Category: Heart Opening Videos
Buddhist Meditation Music For Positive Energy
“The Power Of Self- Responsibility” – Matt Kahn
Relationships Are Your Mirror – Teal Swan
“The Metaphysics Of Money” Video – Deepak Chopra
These seven laws are explained in depth!
1. The Source of abundance is infinite. 2. Whatever you want to receive, start by giving. 3. Money is the exchange of values. 4. Wealth is the state of spontaneous creativity and consciousness. 5. Intention and attention in the field of infinite possibilities. 6. The key to abundance is letting go. 7. The purpose of wealth is to create joy and expand happiness for us and everybody else.
(At 21 min., he tells how to create an intentional group for manifesting for the good of all.)
“Om So Hum Mantra” Choir Meditation
“A Divine Gift” Guided Meditation
Gregg Braden – “The 7 Essene Mirrors” Video
“From the perspective of the ancient Essenes, every human on the earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether they are conscious of it or not, every human will experience in the presence of others’ mirrors of themselves in that moment. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate the evolution of emotion and understanding.”
Below is a summary of Braden’s two hour talk.
The first mirror is our mirror presence in the moment and what we reflect to others. The second mirror tells us what we judge in the moment and what pushes our buttons. The third mirror is what we’ve lost, given away or had taken away. We may feel an electric charge to a person and we lose a piece of ourselves. He says this third one leads to addiction and compulsion (to money, power, sex, etc.) as we may give away what we hold most dear over time. Next is the 4th mirror of “most forgotten love.” The fifth mirror is of “mother and father” where our parents show us our perception of ourselves. The mirror of your quest into darkness called “the dark night of the soul” is the sixth mirror. The seventh is the mirror “of self perception.”
There are many deep thoughts in this video about gender, polarity, what happens with early abuse, and why we are compelled to be with certain people. He spends a lot of time on each one of life’s challenges that are our mirrors. Very insightful!
The Dalia Lama on “Dealing With Negative Emotions”
October Energy Update – Lee Harris
You might be going through a major rebirth this month!