“You are sacred. Your life does matter. And you are a powerful creator.”
“You are sacred. Your life does matter. And you are a powerful creator.”
Alternative Healer and Researcher, Dr. Masaru Emoto conducted an experiment where he put rice in three glass beakers and covered them with water. Every day for a month, he said “Thank you” to the first one. He said, “You’re an idiot” to the second one. And the third one, he completely ignored.
After one month, the rice that had been thanked began to ferment, giving off a strong, pleasant aroma. The rice in the second beaker turned black. The rice that was ignored, began to rot.
“Dr. Emoto thinks that this experiment provides an important lesson, especially with regard to how we treat children. We should take care of them, give them attention, and converse with them. Indifference does the greatest harm.”
Here’s a very healing meditation exercise for all of your body and soul.
From “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch.
A class in non-religious mindfulness meditation. During this session Thubten explains how to develop a daily mindfulness practice as well as how to integrate it into your daily life, both at work and at home. Thubten will explain two or three simple techniques and there will a short guided meditation with time for questions and answers. There will be an emphasis on gentleness and compassion both for oneself and others, and advice on how to deal with thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness helps to reduce stress, increase mental clarity and focus, as well as to balance our emotions and improve relationships with others.
When you are “in your vortex” there is alignment with what you want. First, line up with what you want. Tune yourself to it. Relationships have ups and downs but if you care about how you feel, you must see your partner through the eyes of Source. The person is irrelevant. The best relationship to have is when you say to another, “My happiness is not dependent on anything you do.”
“Osho, a contemporary mystic has spoken on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human mind is put under the microscope as never before, analyzed down to the smallest detail.”