Category: Heart Opening Videos
Examine Your Thoughts – Joe Dispenza’s Powerful Video
“Being in the unknown seems scary. Close your eyes and rehearse what you want to happen. Teach your body what the future will feel like. Don’t wait for something outside of you to change. Your environment, your friends, the outer world doesn’t have to create your life. Create and cause an effect! Disconnect, feed your body with no attention on the present moment and instead listen to music. Free yourself from your usual emotions. Switch it around and visualize your wonderful future!”
“Narcissist, Sociopath, or Psychopath?” Video Explanation
Law Of Attraction – Gregg Braden
What goes on within us, affects what happens outside of us! What we see is being influenced by the feelings of our human heart. We alter our physical reality through our emotions. The thought is the image of the quantum possibility that brings that particle of matter into the reality of our lives. This is about how the power of quantum mechanics creates miracles for us!
How To Cleanse Negative Energies In Your Home Video
The Native American way of cleansing negative energy in your home is done by burning sage and aromatic herbs.
“The Four Factors Of Consciousness” – Matt Kahn
If you’re an awake being, you are interested in your partner’s passion.
“How To Never Get Angry Or Bothered By People” Sadhguru Video
“The difference between Heaven and Hell is that you are doing it willingly or unwillingly. Doing something willingly makes a world of joy. So you take on attitudes. This is good, this is bad.
For instance, there are no good people. There are no bad people. Most people are somewhere in between. The moment we think we are good, we are entitled to destroy the bad. Anybody who is not like you must be bad. The basis of goodness is decided by you. If you want to work with ideal people, I haven’t found any.
If someone can make you happy or unhappy, you are enslaved by them. If someone decides what happens within you, this is the ultimate slavery. What happens within you is your own making. If you are bothered by people, you will always feel miserable. Instead think, ‘How I am is my choice.’ ”
“The Awakened Way” Video By Suzanne Giesemann
“Suzanne Giesemann is a Messenger of Hope and teacher of The Awakened Way℠ – A Path to Knowing Who You Are and Why You’re Here. Join Suzanne on this path to living consciously, in awareness and in celebration of who and what you are.”