Category: Heart Opening Videos
Being In The Flow – Teal Swan
Byron Katie – Enlightenment Is Within You
We make up the past and the future… when it is illusion. There is a way to end suffering. It is to question our thoughts and what we believe. Suffering is over when we realize that we can’t change people or what happened but consider that maybe we colored all of it with our judgemental conclusions. If we start to question our conclusions, we free ourselves of suffering. Bryon Katie says, “I would suffer if I believed what I was thinking.”
How To Call On Angels & Spirit Guides – Abraham
“The non-physical is interacting with you in various ways.”
Self-Realization Fellowship Meditation
The Self-Realization Fellowship was established by Paramahansa Yogananda, who wrote “Autobiography of a Yogi.”
What You Think, You Become – Wayne Dyer’s Video
“To feel close to God, you must have a purpose of “being the Tao.” You constantly give love, include everyone and desire to return to the Source. Your habits match your desires. Most importantly, every thought you have must be of a positive energy.”
Signs Of Spiritual Awakening Video
“Feeling disconnected and lonely are 2 common– yet hardly discussed– signs of spiritual awakening. In this video, you’ll learn WHY you feel disconnected and what you can do to keep yourself centered and at peace while going through disconnection.”
Great Video On How To Deal With Twin Flame Disappointments
This is a video explaining the dynamic of a twin flame cycle and how to get off it. To learn more about me, book a session, or to view energy reports and other info, please visit my website at To continue to get up to date reports, videos, and information, please consider subscribing to my youtube channel and/or follow me: FB page:
Consciousness Is Everything – Matt Kahn
Adyashanti (Primordial Peace)- Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” Video
Adyashanti was a Zen Buddhist who came to realize that his spiritualism could not be identified as a specific faith. He explains that “Falling Into Grace,” the title of his recent book, explains the “preparing of the soil” for that moment of fulfillment to happen. That mysterious soul connection depends on the depth of our longing and our identity, our intimate sense of self. His understanding of Jesus’ revolutionary mission says, “Jesus spoke out against abuses of power and walked amongst the poorest of people, healing them and changing lives.”